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Southwest Asia Jeopardy

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1 Southwest Asia Jeopardy

2 Monotheism Mania Let’s Get Physical Political Power Culture Clash Wild Card 100 100 100 100 100 200 200 200 200 200 300 300 300 300 300 400 400 400 400 400 500 500 500 500 500

3 Monotheistic religions in region in order of founding
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4 What are Judaism, Christianity and Islam?
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5 Holiest city in Islam Click here to check your answer

6 What is Mecca? Back to Jeopardy Board

7 3 divisions of Judaism Click here to check your answer

8 What are orthodox, conservative and reform?
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9 3 divisions for Christianity
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10 What are Catholic, Orthodox and Protestant?

11 List the 5 pillars of Islam
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12 What are profession of faith, prayer, charity, fasting and hajj/ pilgrimage?

13 Regional resource responsible for wealth and influence
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14 What is oil? Back to Jeopardy Board

15 World’s saltiest body of water
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16 What is the Dead Sea? Back to Jeopardy Board

17 Critical shortages of this resource could lead to regional conflict
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18 What is water? Back to Jeopardy Board

19 3 main climate types in Southwest Asia
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20 What are desert, highland and Mediterranean?
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21 Gulf for exporting oil, leads to Arabian Sea
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22 What is Persian Gulf? Back to Jeopardy Board

23 Government run by religion
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24 What is theocracy? Back to Jeopardy Board


26 Term for strict, conservative interpretation of beliefs
DAILY DOUBLE Term for strict, conservative interpretation of beliefs Check your answer

27 What is fundamentalism?
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28 Largest stateless nation, persecuted by Saddam
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29 Who are the Kurds? Back to Jeopardy Board

30 Government type of Saudi Arabia
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31 What is monarchy? Back to Jeopardy Board

32 2 government types found in Iran
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33 What are democracy and theocracy?
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34 Many refugees from this group are living in Lebanon and Jordan
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35 Who are the Palestinians?
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36 Conflict in which Israel tripled their territory
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37 What is the Six-Day War? Back to Jeopardy Board

38 2 main Palestinian territories lost in Six-Day War
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39 What are Gaza Strip and West Bank?
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40 Yasser Arafat was leader of this group
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41 What is the PLO? Back to Jeopardy Board


43 2 regional leaders killed by one of their own people for making peace
DAILY DOUBLE 2 regional leaders killed by one of their own people for making peace Click here to check your answer

44 Who are Sadat and Rabin? Back to Jeopardy Board

45 Responsible for planning and funding the September 11th attacks on the US
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46 Who is Osama bin Laden? Back to Jeopardy Board

47 Number for world’s largest producer of oil
3 2 4 1 5 Click here to check your answer

48 What is 3? Back to Jeopardy Board

49 Numbers of 2 countries with which the US is at war
3 2 4 1 5 Click here to check your answer

50 What are 2 and 5? Back to Jeopardy Board

51 Monopoly controlling a majority of the world’s oil
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52 What is OPEC? Back to Jeopardy Board

53 Cartoon making this point about terrorism
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54 What is hurts terrorists the most?
Why? Back to Jeopardy Board

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