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Origins of Islam.

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Presentation on theme: "Origins of Islam."— Presentation transcript:

1 Origins of Islam

2 Arabian Peninsula Birthplace of Islam =Arabia
Also called Southwest Asia (Intersection of Europe, Asia, Africa) Hot & dry

3 Physical Features Sand dunes- hills of sand shaped by wind (can reach 800 ft.) Oasis- a wet, fertile area in a desert Oases were key stops along a trade route

4 Nomadic Life Nomads –constantly on the move to find water & food for animals, live in tents NOT settled Nomads join tribes (groups)

5 Settled Life Settled people made their homes in oases
Settlements- small towns near oases & trade routes Towns became centers of trade

6 A New Religion Emerges Muhammad – founder of Islam
Born in 570 AD in Mecca, Saudi Arabia Lived as a merchant/trader Married a wealthy widow @ 25, Khadija Concerned about poor, he often prays/meditates in the hills

7 Muhammad Founds Islam 610AD, Muhammad was meditating when an angel spoke to him (known as 1st revelation) Muslims believes these messages from the angel are from God – form basis of Islam Islam = “submit to God”

8 Muslims Muslims- people who follow Islam
Muslims believe Muhammad was God’s messenger on Earth Muhammad’s messages were collected in the Qur’an Qur’an (Koran)- the holy book of Islam

9 Muhammad’s Teachings 613 AD, Muhammad begins to spread his messages
Taught that there was only one God- Allah Islam = monotheistic

10 Islam Spreads Mecca’s rulers planned to kill Muhammad
In 622, Muhammad moved to Medina became a spiritual and political leader Died in 632 AD

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