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The DNA molecule.. Which molecule allows heredity information to be passed from generation to generation?

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1 Which molecule allows heredity information to be passed from generation to generation?

2 The DNA molecule.

3 Name the four nitrogen bases found in DNA. (page 171)
DNA in Genetics Name the four nitrogen bases found in DNA. (page 171)

4 Nitrogen Bases Adenine Thymine Guanine Cytosine

5 Guanine & Cytosine always pair up together
Adenine & Thymine always pair up together Guanine & Cytosine always pair up together

6 Genes are found on chromosomes.
The instructions for traits are found on genes, which are sections of DNA!

7 Genetic errors caused by changes in chromosomes
Mutation: A change in the sequence of a gene on a chromosome.

8 Types of mutations page 175

9 Hereditary Mutations! In order for the mutation to be passed from parents to offspring, it must be found in the reproductive cells. Females: egg (23 total) Males: sperm (23 total)

10 Desirable/favorable trait. Death Genetic Disorders
Results of mutations No effect at all. Desirable/favorable trait. Death Genetic Disorders Mutations produce variations within a species! Mutated Bacteria

11 Mutations can sometimes cause genetic disorders such as Down Syndrome
Mutations can sometimes cause genetic disorders such as Down Syndrome. The individual inherited an extra chromosome on pair # 21.

12 How has technology contributed to the discover in genetics/DNA?
The development of advanced microscopes. We are currently discovering more about DNA because of our advancement in technology.

13 How are your chances for a mutation increased?
Exposure to harmful toxins in the atmosphere including: cigarette smoke, radiation and other toxic chemicals.

14 Pedigree Chart

15 Communicable and noncommunicable diseases
Distinguish between communicable (infectious) and noncommunicable (noninfectious) diseases. Give an example of each. Page

16 NonCommunicable Diseases
Are noninfectious disease, such as: 1. Genetic Disorders (Inherited from Parents) 2. Poor Diet/Lifestyle 3. Environmental Conditions All are caused from mutations in the DNA strand.

17 NonCommunicable Diseases
Cancer is a noncommunicable disease that is treated with surgery, radiation and chemotherapy. Other noncommunicable diseases are: diabetes, heart disease, sickle cell anemia, asthma, hemophilia, cystic fibrosis, and etc.

18 Treatment for Noncommunicable diseases
Prescription medications Healthy eating habits Exercise Vitamins to improve nutrition

19 Communicable (infectious) Disease
Infectious diseases are caused by: Bacteria Viruses Fungus Parasites Any living organisms that cause disease are known as Pathogens.

20 Communicable (infectious)
Bacteria – transmitted by contaminated food, objects, air or ect. Treated with antibiotics, the strength of your white blood cells (immune system), and pasteurization (heating foods). Examples: strep throat, salmonella, E-coli, and etc.

21 Communicable (infectious) Disease
Virus – transmitted through air, cuts, animals. No cure for any viruses! Treated with vaccines, white blood cells (immune system), proper hygiene. Examples: Common Cold, Flu, AIDS, Rabies, Chicken Pox,

22 Vaccination A weaken or dead pathogen placed in the body, usually by injection or mouth. Your body will automatically build up the necessary antibodies needed to fight out the infection. Has to be given before you are infected with pathogen for it to be successful! Example: Flu Shot

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