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The Hulk, Spiderman, Thor The Inhumans

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1 1922 2019 The Hulk, Spiderman, Thor The Inhumans
1962 The Inhumans Co-founds POW! Entertainment 1965 2001 Enters the US Army Superhero comics for Virgin Comics 1942 2008 Stan Lee is born Marries Joan Clayton Boocock Falcon Zodiac (book) Dec 22, 1922 1947 1969 2015 1922 1922 1936 1950 1964 1978 1992 2006 2019 1945 1963 1974 1998 Nov 12, 2018 Today Returns from military service Iron Man, X-Men The Inkport Award Founds Stan Lee Media Dies of pneumonia 1941 1961 1981 2012 1st superhero, The Destroyer The Fantastic Four Moves to LA for Marvel's film projects Lifetime Achievement Award 1939 1966 2006 Becomes assistant at Timely Comics Black Panther Hosts "Who Wants to Be a Superhero" Life events Superheroes he created

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