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Technologies Related to Literacy/Critical Use of Media

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1 Technologies Related to Literacy/Critical Use of Media
Balanced Literacy Christine Kehl Saturday, February 3rd, 2012

2 Procedure Please read the text that has been handed out to you.
As you read: Circle any words/phrases/concepts that stand out to you and spark your interest Highlight ideas you could use in the classroom currently or ideas you could recommend to a teacher to use Underline anything you are unclear about or want to learn more about

3 Text Discussion Now that we have had a chance to read through the text, share your findings and notes with a partner. What are some ideas that stood out to you? Any questions you may have or ideas you are unclear about? What information is useful to you?

4 Why is teaching with technology important?
We live in a digital world. A more critical and creative thinking process is needed for business/industry. New Literacies: the new skills, strategies, and dispositions that are required to successfully identify important questions, locate information, engage in critical evaluation, synthesize information, and communicate on the Internet (Leu, Kinzer, et al., 2004)

5 Benefits to Learning Providing scaffolding and tools to enhance learning and help children solve problems Providing more opportunities for feedback, reflections, and revision Building global and local communities ( National Research Council)

6 Technologies Role in the Development of Literacy
Opening opportunities for students to read and write for real purposes Building a learning community Giving students opportunities to tell their own stories (Northwest Regional Educational Laboratory)

7 Examples of Technology
Internet On-line Encyclopedias Digital Cameras Interactive Whiteboards Tape/Video Recorders Digital Storytelling Software Publishing Software E-Readers Skype

8 E-Readers Adjusting print size will allow a student to read with ease.
A built in dictionary can help a struggling reader feel more secure with the content. Highlighting and bookmarking features can allow a student to refer back in the story, dig deeper, or keep track of ideas. Having multiple titles on one device can make an entire series available, rather than having to wait each time to check out the next book in the series. E-ink is easier on the eyes for long stretches of time, simulating paper rather than the eye strain that may occur with a backlit device. The novelty of reading books on an e-reader is a great motivator for students who may be reluctant to read for recreation.

9 Let’s take a look at technology in action.
Classroom and student blogs (password protected) Classroom discussion boards/teacher and student run Wikispaces Digital Storytelling/Flip Boks Photostory 3 actives/flipbook/ Interactive read-along stories mblebooks.asp

10 What forms of technology have you used in your classroom?

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