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Nate Brunelle Today: Turtles

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1 Nate Brunelle Today: Turtles
CS1110 Nate Brunelle Today: Turtles

2 Questions?

3 Python vs. PyCharm Python Language (English) PyCharm Microsoft Word

4 Components of Pseudo-Code
Sequence = Do the highest line first, then perform them in order from top to bottom Line = one “thing” to do Repetition = repeat something Fixed number of times : e.g. “repeat 3 times” Until something happens: e.g. “until hair is foamy” Conditions/Decisions = maybe do something Check something first If there is no more shampoo, then get more Named actions = two parts: definition, use Definition = how to do a thing Use = when to do the thing defined Variables = name for a value that can change while doing something

5 Bugs Syntax Semantic Logical Understandability
Statement does not “parse” Semantic Grammatically correct, but nonsense Logical Means something, but not what you meant Understandability I said it, it makes sense, and it means what I meant, but no one else can understand it

6 Dry code DRY Don’t Repeat Yourself

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