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The Queen Katherine School

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1 The Queen Katherine School
Feedback from Parents I just wanted to thank you for asking my daughter if she happy in her form, Thank you. She seems to have settled straight in to Queen Katherine and we are very pleased Year 7 Parent Thank you for inviting me to deliver the workshops. Your students were great and it was a pleasure.

2 The Queen Katherine School
Feedback from Parents We wanted to say a big thank you to you and the other members of staff who gave up their precious weekend time to make the Bronze D of E a success. Our son has really enjoyed it and learnt lots. I did D of E as a teenager and know what a great experience it is; many lifetime memories. Thanks again for making it all possible. Parent of Year 10 student I have been pleasantly surprised at how well our daughter has settled. I am so pleased we chose The Queen Katherine School. Parent of Year 7 student

3 The Queen Katherine School
Feedback from Parents We feel QKS recognises and develops the individual child regardless of ability. The school has a much more positive and creative atmosphere Year 7 Parent I chose QKS because of the atmosphere and facilities here. We like our induction days and the range of clubs on offer Year 7 Parent

4 The Queen Katherine School
Feedback from parents We were very impressed by the facilities and opportunities available to our daughter. Extremely pleased with our decision to send our daughter to QKS Parent of Year 7 student We chose QKS because of its reputation as a school that encourages its pupils to find their best and celebrate it. We knew our son would flourish. Parent of Year 7 student

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