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Dept of IT-CAPE. Introduction Doing it yourselves-attractive Potential suppliers –flexible planning Dept of IT-CAPE.

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Presentation on theme: "Dept of IT-CAPE. Introduction Doing it yourselves-attractive Potential suppliers –flexible planning Dept of IT-CAPE."— Presentation transcript:

1 Dept of IT-CAPE

2 Introduction Doing it yourselves-attractive Potential suppliers –flexible planning Dept of IT-CAPE

3 Types of contract Completed software application Bespoke Off-the shelf Customized off-the shelf Payment calculation Fixed price contracts Time and material contracts Fixed price per delivered unit contracts Dept of IT-CAPE

4 Fixed price contracts Adv: Known customer expenditure Supplier motivation Disadv Higher prices to allow for contingency Difficulties in modifying Upward pressure on the cost changes Thread to system quality Dept of IT-CAPE

5 Time and material contracts Adv: Ease of changing requirements Lack of price pressure Disadv: Customer liability Lack of supplier Dept of IT-CAPE

6 Fixed price per unit delivered contracts Dept of IT-CAPE

7 Fixed price per unit delivered contracts Adv: Customer understanding Comparability Emerging functionality Supplier efficiency Life cycle change Disadv: Difficulties with s/w size measurement Changing Dept of IT-CAPE

8 Based on contractor selection Open tendering Restricted negotiated Dept of IT-CAPE

9 Stages in contract placement Requirement analysis OR Mandatory Desirable Dept of IT-CAPE

10 Sections in requirement document Dept of IT-CAPE

11 Evaluation plan Draw up plan acc to proposals Opposed to off the shelf application Mandatory requirements are identified Value for money Dept of IT-CAPE

12 Invitation to tender Needs requirement doc with supporting letter Memorandum of agreement(MOA) ISO12207 Dept of IT-CAPE

13 Evaluation of proposals Dept of IT-CAPE

14 Typical terms of a contract Definitions Forms of a agreement Goods and services to be supplied Services to be provided Ownership of the software Dept of IT-CAPE

15 Contn.. Environment Customer commitments Acceptance procedures Standards Project and quality management Timetable Price and payment method Miscellaneous legal requirements Dept of IT-CAPE

16 Contract management Decision points Incremental delivery Agents Dept of IT-CAPE

17 Acceptance Acceptance tests Internal test plans Pitfalls Very short warranty period Dept of IT-CAPE

18 Summary Dept of IT-CAPE

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