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Presented by; Mrs. Barr Mrs. Batten

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1 Presented by; Mrs. Barr Mrs. Batten
Punnett square Presented by; Mrs. Barr Mrs. Batten

2 Tool used to predict or identify hereditary results
Punnett Square Tool used to predict or identify hereditary results

3 Alleles Each cell has 2 for each trait Can be the same– AA, aa called homozygous Can be different – Aa called heterozygous

4 Genotype Vs. Phenotype Genotype– the actual genes ---- RR, Rr. rr Phenotype – the way it looks---- Red, Red, white

5 How to make a punnett Square
Decide which letters to use to represent the trait Ie. Trait is flower color we will use the letter R Trait is height we could use the letter T Hair type we could use the letter W

6 How to make a punnett Square
2. Determine if the parent is heterozygous or homozygous for that trait Homozygous could be RR, or rr Heterozygous would be Rr

7 How to make a punnett Square
3. Know if they are dominant or recessive Capital letters represent dominant Lower case letters represent recessive

8 How to make a punnett Square
4. Draw the box

9 How to make a punnett Square
Fill in the letters for each parent R r R r

10 How to make a punnett Square
6. Fill in the grid R r R r RR Rr rr

11 Let’s Practice Tall is dominant (T) Mom is heterozygous Dad is heterozygous Lets draw the punnett square for them. TT Tt Tt tt

12 Ratios Genotypes: TT 25% Tt 50% tt 25% Phenotypes Tall 75% Short 25%

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