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Happy Monday! Please do the following:

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Presentation on theme: "Happy Monday! Please do the following:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Happy Monday! Please do the following:
Take your best guess at the meaning of the following words…remember prefixes? Devoid Dichotomy Epitaph

2 Happy Monday! Please do the following:
Take your best guess at the meaning of the following words…remember prefixes? Devoid: lacking; entirely without Dichotomy: division into two parts Epitaph: writing on a tombstone

3 30-15-10 List Meaning: Prefix Meaning De Opposite, away, from
Dis, Dif, Di Apart, not Epi Upon, on top Equi Equal Ex, E Out, From, Forth Examples: Eject Exhale Exit Prefix: Ex, E Class Examples: Visual/Memory Clue

4 Meaning: Meaning: Examples: Disperse Different Examples: Detract Defer Demerit Prefix: De Prefix: Dis, Dif, Di Class Examples: Class Examples: Visual/Memory Clue Visual/Memory Clue

5 Meaning: Meaning: Examples: Equality Equitable Examples: Epicenter Prefix: Epi Prefix: Equi Class Examples: Class Examples: Visual/Memory Clue Visual/Memory Clue

6 Odysseus’ Position Paper
Odysseus is a Greek figure who helped win the Trojan War and then fought his way back to his hometown of Ithaca. Some people believe that Odysseus is a hero. Others believe that Odysseus’ character has too many flaws to be considered heroic. In your opinion, is Odysseus a hero? In your essay, take a position on this question. You may write about either one of the two points or view given, or you may present a different point of view on the question. Use specific reasons and examples to support your position. Rough Draft Check: 10 = Intro + Body 5 = Intro 3 = Started 0 = D’oh!

7 Odysseus’ Position Paper
Introduction A. Restate Prompt B. Acknowledge both sides C. Position statement (3rd person, please!) Counter Argument Body paragraph + Brave A. State why Odysseus is NOT a hero; prove wrong B. Definition of Bravery C. Example of bravery (story summary AND direct citation from text) D. Same as “C” + transition to brawn Body paragraph = Brawn A. Definition of brawn B. Example of brawn (story summary AND direct citation from text) C. Same as “B” + transition to brains Body paragraph = Brains A. Definition of brains B. Example of brains (story summary AND direct citation from text) C. Same as “B” + transition to end Conclusion A. Restate position statement B. Final thought (come full circle, broad statement…)

8 Define the following terms & give an example:
Stereotypes Define the following terms & give an example: Stereotype Bias Prejudice Discrimination

9 The Band Geek

10 The Jock/Jockette

11 The Gangsta’

12 The Emo Kid

13 The Class Clown

14 The Prep

15 The Partier

16 The Teacher’s Pet

17 Mean Girls

18 The Bookworm

19 The Slacker

20 The Blonde

21 The Bully

22 The Over Achiever

23 The Know-it-all

24 Step to the line… You identified with one of the stereotypes
You have been hurt by being stereotyped You’ve stereotyped someone else You’ve witnessed someone being hurtfully stereotyped…and did nothing about it You’ve witnessed someone being hurtfully stereotyped and did something about it If you believe that stereotyping is wrong

25 Stereotyping List 3 to 5 ideas, reactions, questions, etc. that this activity made you think about. What are the lasting effects of stereotyping people? How, in history, has stereotyping led to violence? In modern day?

26 BIG Q: Does the media perpetuate stereotypes or help debunk them?

27 Happy Tuesday! Please do the following on your BW sheet:
Realistic Fiction: literature that although untrue, could actually happen Q: Of the stories we have read so far this year, could any of them fall into the “Realistic Fiction” category? List those that could or tell why certain stories could not.

28 Stations 8 Stations, 10 minutes per station Groups of 4
Everyone must fill out their own sheet & turn in at the end of the activity. 80 possible points!!!!!

29 Happy Wednesday! Please do the following on your BE sheet:
Match the meanings! Diffident A) fair Extrude B) lacking confidence Equitable C) to force out

30 Stations Continued… 8 Stations, 10 minutes per station Groups of 4
Everyone must fill out their own sheet & turn in at the end of the activity. 80 possible points!!!!!

31 Happy Thursday! Please complete on your BW sheet:
“Free Association” Write down ONE word or phrase that you associate with FOUR of the following words: GANG MONEY RICH GREASER BROTHER FRIEND SELF-DEFENCE VIOLENCE TEENAGER CHURCH

32 The Outsiders: Chapter 1
Directions: Draw the “Key” on your chapter hand-out Read through Chapter 1 of The Outsiders As you read, you must keep track of the items on the list…ANNOTATE the text! Chapter 1 “KEY” = Mention of “eyes” Highlight or Circle = Ponyboy’s personality Underline = Characters & their descriptions Box-in = Mention of the setting

33 Exit! Have you ever felt like an “Outsider”? That is, like you didn’t belong? Please respond to this question in paragraph form, using examples either from your own life or from literature, TV, movies, etc.

34 Look over your 30-15-10 List…Get ready for the quiz!
Happy Friday! Look over your List…Get ready for the quiz!

35 The Outsiders Chapters 2
Characters Motifs (eyes/sunrise, sunset) Rivalry (G vs. S) “Outsider”/PB Personality

36 The Outsiders Chapters 3
Characters Motifs (eyes/sunrise, sunset) Rivalry (G vs. S) “Outsider”/PB Personality

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