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In-Class Review Chapters 14-16.

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1 In-Class Review Chapters 14-16

2 Chapter 14- North American Tribes
Focus on knowing the names of the Native American Tribes in North America Hopewell Mississippian Iroquois Plains Indians Anasazi


4 Chapter 14- Meso- and South America
Mesoamerica South America Toltec Brought metalworking to Mesoamerica Aztec Capital: Tenochtitlan Most important commodity: blood Floating islands used for agriculture (chinampas) Nazca Known for massive shapes called Nazca lines Inca Capital: Cusco Used quipu (knotted cords) for record keeping Road network improved communication

5 Chapter 15- Renaissance Niccolo Machiavelli Famous work: The Prince
Theories: leader’s main goal is staying in power Morality and ethics not related to politics “It is better to be feared than loved, but never hated Split into two sections: Political Cultural/Artistic Major Italian city-states Venice Milan Florence Papal States Kingdom of Naples (only hereditary monarchy)

6 What would be the effect of more books being available to people?
Chapter 15- Renaissance Humanism most important concept to know Father of humanism: Petrarch Dante Alighieri – Divine Comedy Written in vernacular (why?) Humanist education based on creating “well-rounded citizens” More printed works coming from printing press What would be the effect of more books being available to people?

7 Chapter 15- Renaissance Know major art techniques, mediums, and artists Techniques Perspective Medium Fresco Artists Michelangelo Leonardo da Vinci Be sure to go back and review definitions and famous works (flashcards help)

8 Chapter 16- Reformation in Europe
Biggest issues with Church: Priests unqualified Church too greedy Biggest problem: selling indulgences Most vocal critic was Martin Luther Arguments against the church published as the 95 Theses Led to Luther’s arrest (Diet of Worms) Edict of Worms: Luther excommunicated and sentenced to death Escaped and published Bible in German Teachings became known as Lutheransim

9 Chapter 16- Reformation in Europe
Lutheranism Salvation = faith alone Rejected most sacraments No priests (pastors could marry) Pope not recognized as leader Other Protestants formed own beliefs John Calvin- Calvinism Predestination- God already knows who will be saved and who will be damned English Calvinists called Puritans

10 Chapter 16- Reformation in Europe
England was unique Religious reform because of political reasons King Henry VIII Wanted annulment from wife; could not because of Catholic beliefs Broke away from the Church Act of Supremacy (1524)- King made head of the new Anglican Church Allowed him to confiscate church lands and monasteries

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