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How to Create Your FB Business Page

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Presentation on theme: "How to Create Your FB Business Page"— Presentation transcript:

1 How to Create Your FB Business Page

2 Log into your personal FB account
Log into your personal FB account. (If you don’t have one, you’ll need to sign up in order to create a FB business page.)

3 Create Your Page Select “Create Page” from the dropdown menu on the toolbar at the top of the page. Eventually your page will appear under the “Your Pages” section at the top of this dropdown.

4 You’re a Business/Brand
In this case, you’ll want to get started with a Business or Brand page. This page will function as an extension of your business, so you need to select the right type of page to show up in search results.

5 Name Your Page You’ll need to follow PWI’s naming conventions in order to not interfere with our official page and its search results. The naming convention for FB pages is “Your Name – PayneWest Insurance.”

6 Put a Face to a Name It’s best to use a professional photo as your profile picture. It’s easiest if you use the same photo for this page that you use for your LinkedIn page.

7 Add a Cover Photo Add a cover photo to display at the top of your page. Marketing has standard cover photos you can use. Other cover photo ideas: your office, you & your colleagues at a team event, etc.

8 Complete the rest of FB’s prompts

9 Who Are You? Write up a short description to let visitors know what you’re all about. Pro tip: Using the word “insurance” will help your search results, but don’t go overboard. FB and search engines look for keyword vomit and dock you for it.

10 Create Your Username You need to choose a username that’s different from your personal page. My personal page username so I need to choose something slightly different

11 Fine Tune Your Settings
Navigate to your page’s general settings by clicking “Settings” on the righthand side. Things to look at: page visibility, messages, profanity filter, visitor post restrictions, age restrictions…you get the idea.

12 Tweak Your Menus You can reorder your menu tabs in order of importance in the Edit Page section of the Settings. Tabs you’ll want to keep are Reviews, Posts, Photos, Videos, Events, and About.

13 Add a Contact Button What good is a FB page if no one can message you?
Click “Add a Button” on the right of your main page and select the “Contact You” dropdown. “Send Message” is usually the easiest route to go.

14 Wrapping Up Be sure to add some more photos to fill out your page. Photos of community projects, professional events, volunteer opportunities, or other action shots are best. Create a posting schedule and stick to it. You can’t post a few times and go dark for weeks. If you’re serious about doing Facebook, you need to be active. Check out “Facebook use & social media posts” at for examples of post ideas to get you started.

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