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VoiceThread annotations

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1 VoiceThread annotations
This task card can be used for students to react to the text and make connections to the text from an article or story they have read. Reactions are your thoughts, opinions, and questions about the author’s choices for developing the story. Connections should connect the story to something in your life. Follow the directions below to complete the activity. Tap the VoiceThread app on ipad. Tap create in bottom left hand corner of the app. Tap the green button with a white cross to create a new voicethread. Tap the camera button on the screen. Take a picture of part of your story (about two paragraphs) Tap Use Photo. Tap Edit and type your name in the Subject line. Tap comment button in the middle of the screen. Tap the speech bubble with the plus sign at the bottom of the page. Tap the microphone bubble. Record yourself giving your reactions and connections to that part of the story. Circle or underline the line that you are discussing as you discuss it. Review your voicethread by clicking the play button at the bottom. When you are finished, click the blue save button. Tap the ABC bubble. Type the title of the story or article and explain what it could foreshadow about the story. This task uses: Common Core/NG Standard(s): Analyze the impact of the author's choices regarding how to develop and relate elements of a story or drama (e.g., where a story is set, how the action is ordered, how the characters are introduced and developed). TEACHER NOTES: Name: Jamie Rhoto Address: School: Amite High School Grade Level/Subject: 11th grade English Other Information: You will need to teach annotation before the students can do this.

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