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Java 6 Decompiler Joshua Cranmer.

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1 Java 6 Decompiler Joshua Cranmer

2 Why decompile? Source code may be lost but compiled code not Examples
Accidentally deleted source code (happened to me!)‏ Need to patch abandonware (happened to me!)‏ Security analysis (not happened to me)‏

3 Myths of decompilation
Decompilers are illegal Just as legal as BitTorrent If so, then why does IDA Pro exist? Decompilation is impossible Undecidable step is actually pre-disassembly (code v. data)‏ Decompilation is impractical Based on the notion that it merely undos the steps a compiler does

4 Steps of decompilation
Signature recovery Simple parser Newer features make this more difficult Stack analysis and variable recovery “simple” without optimization or arbitrary scoping Trivial decompilation Example: fadd -> + Control flow graph recovery Most difficult portion Direct translation impossible in some circumstances Post-decompilation transformation Changes legal syntax to sensible syntax

5 Signature Recovery Signatures are stored like (Ljava/lang/Object;I)V
Generics use a syntax like (TE;)V Proposed Java 7 features are crazier Enums, annotations, etc. use specific bits or binary JVM attributes (relatively simple)‏ Completed Q1

6 Stack Analysis Used to infer about variables and unroll some optimizations Uses Static Single Assignment (a “variable” can only be assigned once)‏ Variables are not presently unified, making ugliness Most work done in late Q1 and Q2

7 Control Flow Graph Reconstruction
Hardest part of decompiling Worked on during Q2, Q3, and Q4 Basic algorithm: create blocks and unify Only unifications currently supported are if-else blocks Couldn’t complete due to difficulty to get loops working

8 Example of CFG Reconstruction
Following is an if-else-block recovery A <block A> if <expression> { <block B> } else { <block C> } <block D> B C D

9 Post-decompilation Transformation
Not implemented Idea is to take certain recognizable blocks of code and refactor them into common expressions Examples: Object.class (before Java 5)‏ Inner class private accessors Bridge code String concatenation

10 Future work Code is a horrible internal mess
Probably switch to building off of other open-source projects Better type analysis and unification (especially generics)‏ Allow especially CFG recovery to be generified for other types of decompilation ??? Profit Send any and all questions to

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