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How to score your test: 1. a a a a a. 1

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1 How to score your test: 1. a. 1 3. a. 5 5. a. 5 7. a. 5 9. a. 1
b. 3 b b b b. 3 c c c c c. 5 2. a a a a a. 5 b b b b b. 3 c c c c c. 1

2 Niccolo Machiavelli Imprisoned, tortured, and finally exonerated, Machiavelli looked to create a guide for future political leaders of Florence. The Prince and The Discourses 1513.

3 Identify positions that call for leadership
Spiritual leader Captain of an athletic team Teacher of a class of students Principal of a school Superintendents of a school district President of the Student Body General of an army President of a college CEO of a corporation

4 List skills that leaders should have
Decisiveness Fairness Ability to bring out the best in people Willingness to work as hard as the followers Strong speaking and public relations skills Honesty

5 List skills, traits, or powers that a leader needs to get ahead or get things done.
Control of followers’ grades, promotions, or financial situation Threatening personality Good connections with others in positions of leadership Powers of persuasion Trickery Competitiveness

6 Gift: Machiavelli wrote The Prince as a gift to the Medici family of Florence hoping to be reinstated into political office as a diplomat.

7 “Wishing, then, to present myself to Your Highness with some mark of my duty to you, I have been unable to find anything I possess that I hold so dear or esteem so highly as my knowledge of the actions of great men which has come to me through a long experience of present-day affairs and continual study of ancient times.”

8 Importance of Understanding History:
“note how they governed themselves in time of war, examine the reasons for their victories or defeats in order to imitate the former and avoid the latter, and above all conduct himself in accordance with the example of some great man of the past…”

9 Behavior of Leaders: “A man striving in every way to be good will meet his ruin among the great number who are not good. Hence it is necessary for a prince, if he wishes to remain in power, to learn how not to be good and to use his knowledge or refrain from using it as he may need…”

10 Question of how to behave:
“whether it is better to be loved than feared or feared than loved;” “it is much safer to be feared than to be loved, if one must choose”

11 Behavior of man: “men in general- are ungrateful, fickle, and deceitful, eager to avoid dangers, an avid for gain;”

12 Honesty: “hence a wise leader cannot and should not keep his word when keeping it is not to his advantage or when the reasons that made him give it (his word) are no longer valid.” “men are wicked and will not keep faith with you, you are not bound to keep faith with them…”

13 Appearance: “It is good to appear clement (merciful), trustworthy, humane, religious, and honest, and also to be so, but always with the mind so disposed that, when the occasion arises not to be so, you can become the opposite.” Necessary Evil --seem as a model of piety, loyalty, integrity, humanity, and religion.

14 Control of the Divine (God):
Free Will- “God controls half of our actions indeed but allows us the direction of the other half, or almost half.”

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