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To Kill a Mockingbird Chapters 26-31.

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1 To Kill a Mockingbird Chapters 26-31

2 Chapter 26 Fall in Maycomb

3 A New School Year School starts; They now attend different schools
Jem is in the seventh grade Scout is in third They now attend different schools Jem tries out for football He becomes the water boy

4 The Knot Hole The tree is swelling around the cement in the knot hole
The patch is turning yellow Indicates that the tree is not dying as Nathan Radley had said it was

5 Thinking About Boo Scout feels badly that they tried to make Boo Radley come out She still wants one good look at him Atticus lets on he knew what was going on during the summer vacations.

6 Comparison Miss Gates—the third grade teacher teaches the students current events She cannot see the parallel between Hitler’s persecution of the Jews and the whites persecution of the Negroes in Maycomb She feels sorry for the Jews, but not the Negroes No one even talks about Tom Robinson anymore

7 Chapter 27 Bob’s Revenge

8 Bob Ewell It is now October Bob Ewell got a job with the WPA
He was fired for laziness He blames Atticus Ruth Jones (welfare lady) warns Atticus of Bob’s threats

9 Harassment There was a trespasser at Judge Taylor’s
Bob Ewell harasses Helen Robinson as she walks to work Link Deas protects her Tells Bob to leave her alone

10 Atticus’s Thoughts Aunt Alexandra is worried for Atticus
Atticus says that Bob knows inside that not many people believed he and Mayella’s story Bob thought he’d be a hero He is still nothing The town worked on the premise: ‘we’ll convict this Negro, but get back to your dump.”

11 Scout the Ham Scout is to be a ham in the Halloween pageant
Jem takes Scout to the pageant

12 Chapter 28 The Long Walk Home

13 On the Way Home Mrs. Merriweather is in charge of the pageant
She is long winded Scout falls asleep and misses her cue Scout can’t find her clothes or shoes after the pageant She wears her costume home

14 Footsteps in the Woods Jem hears something as they are walking
When they stop; the sound stops. Scout believes it is Cecil Jacobs trying to scare her again The footsteps get nearer; The children run

15 Attacked in the Woods They are attacked Scout falls
Jem is attacked and knocked out There is now another person Four people total

16 Climax Scout gets knocked aside A struggle ensues between two men
Scout witnesses the fight

17 Jem is Rescued Scout sees a man carrying Jem
Jem’s arm is dangling as if it was broken The man carries Jem to the house

18 The Aftermath Calls are made to the sheriff Scout thinks Jem is dead
She has to be assured that he is still alive Who brought Jem home?

19 Two Knives Sheriff Tate arrives at the house with Scout’s costume
(it has knife cuts in it) He informs them that Bob Ewell is dead He has a kitchen knife stuck under his ribs Sheriff Tate is holding a switchblade (two knives were at the scene)

20 Someone Saved Our Lives Tonight
Chapter 29 Someone Saved Our Lives Tonight

21 Scout Relates What Happened
She and Jem started for home Jem thought someone was following them They heard footsteps They were attacked Jem knocked out and her costume was smashed

22 Who Saved the Kids? Jem and Bob fought Jem was tossed aside
Then Bob attacked Scout Scout hears panting Someone fought Bob That person brought Jem home

23 Description of Arthur Radley
Sand-stained khaki pants Torn denim shirt Thin frame White face Thin hollow cheeks Wide mouth Gray eyes Dead hair feathery on top

24 Chapter 30 What Really Happened?

25 Scout Meets Boo Radley Scout finally gets to meet Boo Radley
She treats Boo with respect Calls him Mr. Arthur Sits with him on the swing

26 Sheriff Tate Atticus believes at this point that Jem killed Bob Ewell
Heck Tate says that Bob Ewell fell on his knife Why is Sheriff Tate willing to conceal evidence?

27 Who Killed Bob? What really happened?
Boo killed Bob with the kitchen knife to save Scout and Jem’s lives Kitchen knife was Boo’s Switchblade was Bob’s The sheriff deliberately conceals evidence (the switchblade)

28 “Let the Dead Bury the Dead”
He tells Atticus to let the dead bury the dead Sheriff Tate says, “I’ve never heard tell that it’s against the law for a citizen to do his utmost to prevent a crime from being committed.” (276) Scout understands what Sheriff Tate is doing even though Atticus does not

29 Theme She compares the situation to killing a mockingbird
Boo is a mockingbird; He didn’t do anything wrong Sheriff Tate believes if the truth was told, the town ladies would make Boo into a hero and He could not handle the attention since he is a recluse Atticus thanks Boo for saving his children

30 Chapter 31 Resolution

31 Boo Speaks Boo goes with Scout to say goodnight to Jem
He is still unconscious Boo pets Jem’s hair He whispers to Scout, “Will you take me home?”

32 Looking from Boo’s Shoes
Scout escorts Boo home She never sees him again She stands on the Radley porch She looks at the world from Boo’s perspective Theme: standing in someone’s skin/shoes

33 Keeping Watch Atticus is keeping watch over Jem
Scout returns home to find him reading The Grey Ghost How does the title apply to the situation Atticus reads to Scout and stays by Jem’s bedside all night

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