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Chapter #6- The US Constitution

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2 Chapter #6- The US Constitution
Essential Question- How is the United States governed?

3 I- Possible Governments
A) The Continental Congress had no legal right to run the new country. 1) The Congress’s power was temporary due to the emergency of the Revolutionary War

4 B) Some suggested that we become a MONARCHY.
1) Monarchy- a government were power and authority is placed in the hands of a King or Queen. 2) Some Americans suggested that George Washington should become our King. 3) Luckily, Washington refused saying, “I did not defeat a King to become one myself!”

5 C) Some suggested a DEMOCRACY.
1) Democracy- when every citizen of a country votes on every issue pending in government. 2) This sounds great but it is almost impossible to do. Can you imagine having to vote on issues 5 or 6 times a day?

6 D) The Founding Fathers decided that the most effective form of government would be a REPUBLIC.
1) Republic-when the citizens elect REPRESENTATIVES from their region to operate the government. 2) To this day, America remains a republic, NOT a democracy.

7 II- Articles of Confederation
A) In order to establish a permanent and legal government, the Congress created a governing document. 1) Governing Document- a document provides a blueprint (or manual) for the government’s functions and its authority 2) The Articles of Confederation is ratified by all 13 states

8 a) Ratify- formal approval and acceptance
3) The Articles only created a Congress at the Federal level of government. 4) The Articles DID NOT create a judicial or executive branch

9 1) The Federal Congress had no power to enforce its legislation
B) The Articles created an unbalanced system where the Federal government had to ask the States to Collect Taxes Enforce Federal laws Raise Troops or Navy Ships 1) The Federal Congress had no power to enforce its legislation

10 Why create a weak Government?
C) The States and the people feared a strong Federal government 1) They said the Revolution was fought against a abuser of Federal power (King of England) 2) The States did not want to live under another Federal Power telling them what to do

11 III- Failure of the Articles
A) The result of the Articles was that the States began to act as 13 independent nations. 1) They argued and worked against one another trying to gain more powerful advantages.

12 B) Financial impact States printed their own money
Different states had different tax rates States cut independent deals with foreign nations Inflation and heavy debt were everywhere

13 C) In 1786, Daniel Shay began an armed revolt in Mass.
1) His group was made up of farmers who had lost their family farms in the economic chaos created by the Articles. 2) Shay attacked an Army post but was chased off after 4 people were killed

14 3) Shay’s rebellion demonstrated the America’s instability due to the weak Articles
4) The Articles of Confederation had to be replaced with a more stable form of government

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