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Joan Burtner BioPoem January 2017

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Presentation on theme: "Joan Burtner BioPoem January 2017"— Presentation transcript:

1 Joan Burtner BioPoem January 2017
About Me - Pictures Professional Personal/Family This photo was taken outside my office at MERC. This is my current LinkedIn photo. This photo was taken two years ago. Note the hat. I believe it is never too soon to encourage my grandchild to think about college.!!! Joan Burtner BioPoem January 2017

2 Joan Burtner BioPoem January 2017
About Me – BioPoem BioPoem: (Complete at least three of the four.) I chose ISE because I like using statistics and Lean Six Sigma to improve processes. I enjoy spending time with my grandchild. I get in trouble when I procrastinate. I have a habit of talking too much. I would like to be remembered as being witty and caring. Joan Burtner BioPoem January 2017

3 Instructions for Homework 1 Due Tuesday January 17 at 8:30 am
Build a PowerPoint presentation to introduce yourself to the rest of the class. Use my presentation as a model. Include at least one photo of yourself. Information and photos of your family are optional. (Maximum 4 photos) Save the file as a PowerPoint 2003 file with the filename ISE288S17_IntroFirstnameLastname eg ISE288S17_IntroJoanBurtner or IDM288S17_IntroFirstnameLastname IDM288S17_IntroJoanBurtner the file to me using ISE/IDM288 Introduction from yourname as the subject. Joan Burtner BioPoem January 2017

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