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What’s the Matter foldable.

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Presentation on theme: "What’s the Matter foldable."— Presentation transcript:

1 What’s the Matter foldable

2 Chemistry Chemistry is the study of matter and the changes matter undergoes.

3 Matter Matter is anything that takes up space and has mass.

4 General Properties mass weight shape volume color density texture

5 Properties of Matter How It Looks (Shiny ,Dull, Color, etc.)
How It Feels (Hard, Soft, Rough , Smooth, etc.) How It Smells (Sweet, Sharp, Terrible, No Smell, etc.) How It Sounds (Loud, Soft, Echo, No Sound, etc.) What It Does (Bounce, Stretch, Tear, Break, Magnetism etc.)


7 Solids Characteristics definite shape definite volume
objects do not pass through easily Examples: paperclip, bones, desk, car, chair, etc…

8 Solids Molecules are very close molecules move very slowly in place.

9 Liquids

10 Liquids Characteristics no definite shape definite volume
takes shape of container has surface tension example: water, soda, glue, oil, etc…

11 Liquids molecules have some space between them.
molecules move around a bit faster.

12 GAS

13 GAS Characteristics no definite shape no definite volume
expands to fill container examples: oxygen, hydrogen, steam, air, carbon dioxide, etc…

14 GAS Molecules have lots of space. molecules very fast.

15 Metals Characteristics Most are solid at room temp. Except Mercury.
Most elements are metals Located to the left of the zigzag line. Shiny, conduct heat & electricity, and Malleable.

16 Non-Metals Located on the right side of the zigzag line.
Characteristics Located on the right side of the zigzag line. More then ½ are gases at room temperature. dull, DO NOT conduct heat or electricity.

17 Metalloids Characteristics Border the zigzag line
Have properties of both metals and non-metals. Called “semi-conductors”.

18 Compound Molecule made of more then one type of atom, chemically combined in a fixed proportion. CAN NOT be separated easily by physical means. Properties of the compound are much different than the elements that make them up.

19 Sodium + Chlorine Na=Cl= NaCl
Compound Example Sodium + Chlorine Na=Cl= NaCl greenish gas Soft shiny metal Salt

20 Mixture Made up of different types of particles, they are NOT chemically combined. tossed salad CAN BE separated easily by physical means. 2 Types of mixtures Homogeneous-the same appearance and composition throughout.

21 Mixtures Heterogeneous-made up of different visible substances. Example oil and vinegar Example; Chocolate chip cookie recipe Recipe ingredients+ baking=cookie

22 Molecules made up of only one type of atom
Element Molecules made up of only one type of atom

23 Solutions Special Mixture where a substance dissolves in another.
particles are not big enough to be seen. Particles spread out evenly Example = H2O

24 Physical Property Characteristic of matter that can be seen through direct observation without changing the identity of the substance.

25 Density: mass/volume. Brittleness: cracks/breaks. Transparency: light passes through. Boiling point: temperature liquid to gas. Freezing point: temp from liquid to solid. Melting Point: temp from solid to liquid. Ductility: bends without breaking. Elasticity: how much it can be stretched.

26 Physical Change Change in which the identity of the substance does not change! Atoms do not rearrange only physical properties change, chemical do not change No energy is produced. Physical changes are generally easy to reverse.

27 Chemical Property Characteristics of a substance indicating that it can change chemically. It changes one substance into another.

28 properties Flammability- ability to burn Combustible- explode
Rust- reacts with oxygen React with Vinegar-produce new substance. Oxidation- produces something new All chemical changes include physical change

29 Chemical Change How the particles of matter react with other kinds of matter and change. color temperature bubble formation can not be reversed ex burning eggs

30 Chemical Change Atoms are rearranged into different molecules Both physical and chemical properties have changed. Energy is often produced (heat) CHANGES ARE NOT REVERSIBLE WITHOUT ANOTHER REACTION!

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