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The 4 Most Disobeyed Christian Commands

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2 The 4 Most Disobeyed Christian Commands

3 The 4 Most Disobeyed Christian Commands
2 Peter 3:18… 1 Peter 3:15… 2 Thessalonians 3:14… 1 Corinthians 1:10...

4 The 4 Most Disobeyed Christian Commands
2 Peter 3:18… Initial problem of Bible Authority…. Suggestion and not command… Advise… Others reasons why spiritual growth is rejected… Walk according to their own lust (2 Pet 3:3). Mocking God’s promise (2 Pet 3:4). They are willfully forgetful (2 Pet 3:5). They twist the Scriptures (2 Pet 3:16). We must be diligent (2 Pet 3:17 Cf 1:2-10; * Jas 1:19-27).

5 The 4 Most Disobeyed Christian Commands
1 Peter 3:15… Courage during adversity…. Why is this command not obeyed?... Carnality (1 Cor 3:1-3 Cf Rom 12:1-2). Spiritual immaturity (Heb 5:12-14). Fear of consequences (Acts 4:7-14). Relativism & Universalism...

6 The 4 Most Disobeyed Christian Commands
2 Thess 3:14… Not kept by those who are apathetic to God’s word. What about those who are “trying”... Hesitancy in the name of “patience.” The Thessalonians… The Corinthians… Many believe church discipline is a matter of personnel choice or decision (1 Cor 5:3-5; 2 Thess 3:6; *Matt 18:15-20). Personnel fallibility… Self exaltation (1 Cor 5:2, 6-7).

7 The 4 Most Disobeyed Christian Commands
1 Cor 1:10… The is a true established standard of unity (Jn 17: Cf Vs. 17). Why were the Corinthians so divided? The Corinthians were carnal & worldly... Preacher preference (1 Cor 1:11-13; 3:3-5). Worldly wisdom and their preference for it (1 Cor 1:20-23)... Paul presents love as the answer (1 Cor 13:1- 13)… Love that encourages and demands Christians to be “spiritually minded (1 Pet 1:13-2:3).

8 Matthew 28:18-20


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