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Everything You Ever Wanted To Know About School Admissions

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1 Everything You Ever Wanted To Know About School Admissions
Office Managers Academy November 4, 2010

2 Today’s Objectives To gain a deeper understanding of rules, guidelines and procedures as they relate to admissions To learn more about special enrollment situations such as Migrant, English Language Learners and Homeless To understand the new race and ethnicity data questionnaire and your role as in Observer Identification To understand your role in custody issues as they relate to enrollment

3 School Board Policy FD (Legal), FD (Regulation)
Who Can You Enroll? Any students who are over five and younger than 21 years of age on September 1 of the current school year. We request many documents during enrollment but the only paperwork required for a student to begin attending class is proof of: Age Residency Required Immunizations School Board Policy FD (Legal), FD (Regulation)

4 Student Attendance Accounting Handbook 2010-11 Pg. 48
Proof of Age Acceptable Documentation: Birth Certificate Driver’s License Passport School ID card, Records or Report Card Military ID Hospital Birth Record Adoption Records Church Baptismal Record, or Any other legal document that establishes identity All documentation requirement for audit purposes and the required retention period . Student Attendance Accounting Handbook Pg. 48

5 If Age Requirement Is Met
You must enroll if the student: And either parent reside in the district, Does not reside in the district but has a parent who does and that parent is a joint or the sole managing conservator or possessory conservator of the student, The student’s guardian or other person having lawful control of the person under a court order reside within the district, Has established a separate residence under the TEC §25.001, Is homeless, Is a foreign exchange student placed with a family that resides in the district by nationally recognized foreign exchange program, Resides in the district and either is 18 years old or older or has had the disabilities of minority removed; or Does not reside in the district but has a grandparent who does and who provides a substantial amount of after-school care for the student. Student Attendance Accounting Handbook Pg 50

6 School Board Policy FD (Legal)and FD (Local)
A 25 Year Old Student?? State law states that districts may admit year olds to complete the requirements for a high school diploma. Local district policy prohibits the enrollment of any student age 21 or over unless required by law. School Board Policy FD (Legal)and FD (Local)

7 Student or Parent Residence
What is a bona fide residence? The domicile which is the student’s fixed which is the student’s fixed, permanent and principal housing for legal reasons. Acceptable Documentation: A recent utility bill (other than a phone bill) with parent/guardian’s name and street address, Home or apartment lease agreement; or An earnest money or purchase contract and a letter from a mortgage company indicating loan approval or proof from the home builder/realtor or cash payment verification A few other things allowed but are not preferred are current Voter Registration, Tax Records , Sworn affidavit of the parent or guardian stating that the parent or guardian and the child seeking admission are bona fide residents of the District: i.e. that they eat, sleep, and maintain clothing and other personal effects at an address within the District’s boundaries shown on the demographic form. Source: Legal Training for School Secretaries—Schwartz and Eichelbaum TEC § (d) The board shall determine whether an applicant for admission is a resident…for purposes of attending the public schools under that subsection and may adopt reasonable guidelines for making a determination as necessary to protect the best interest of students (emphasis added TEC FD (Regulations) Pg 1 and FD (Exhibit B)

8 The Texas Legislature has changed tampering with a enrollment record from a Class A to Class C misdemeanor Scwartz & Eichelbaum P.C. Legal Training for Secretaries

9 Divorced Parents Did you know?
Generally, if the student’s parents are divorced, the student can be enrolled in the district of either parent, regardless of where the student lives. But students cannot be enrolled in two districts at the same time. Key words in the divorced decree: Scwartz & Eichelbaum P.C. Legal Training for Secretaries

10 Minor Living Apart Not living w/parent or legal guardian
Established a separate residence in district Is not for extracurricular participation If within the preceding year Had DAEP or Exclusion; or Is on parole or conditional release Immediately contact your campus administrator, admission may be denied School Board Policy FD (Legal)

11 FD(Regulations) FD (Exhibits E-F) TEA Letter (8-17-2010)
Power of Attorney Adult resident living in the district must accept responsibility for the student in all school-related matters A valid Power of Attorney must be signed by at least one parent and should be notarized (have forms available) Valid for one year, revocable at will The absence of a parent, guardian, or other person with legal control of a child under a court order is not grounds for refusing admission to which the child is not grounds for refusing admission to which a child is entitled under TEC §25.001 Regardless of whether or not a child’s parent, guardian, or other person with legal control of the child under a court order is enrolling a child § as amended in 2001, a district is required to record the name, address, and date of birth of the person enrolled. Certain close relatives who are not a child’s legal guardian may have express authority to enroll a child in school pursuant to an authorization agreement under Chapter 34, Family Code. The form required for this purpose is available on the Department of Family and Protective Services website at FD(Regulations) FD (Exhibits E-F) TEA Letter ( )

12 Immunizations A student is required to be fully immunized against certain diseases in order to enroll in school However a student may be provisionally admitted if the student has begun the immunizations and continues to received the necessary immunizations as rapidly as medically feasible. A student who is not fully immunized and has not begun the required immunization may not attend school. TEA Letter dated TEA Letter dated /17/2010

13 Extras Homeless Cheat Sheet Home Language Survey Cheat Sheet
Migrant Cheat Sheet Race and Ethnicity Questionnaire Requirements

14 School Board Policy FD (Legal)
Resources TEA Letter Dated August Board Policy FD Legal, Local and Regulations Student Attendance Accounting Handbook Legal Issues for School Secretaries— $85.00 School Board Policy FD (Legal)


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