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Reliability simulation implementation in Cadence - HiCuM/L2 example
Thomas Zimmer * Oskar Holstensson** Bertrand Ardouin** * Université de Bordeaux ** XMOD Technologies Reliability simulation implementation in Cadence - HiCuM/L2 example
OUTLINE Context Introduction Proposed transistor aging model
Why a dynamic ageing model? Proposed transistor aging model VerilogA implementation in HiCuM model Practical implementation in Cadence Virtuoso Conclusion
We are talking here about “dynamic ageing model”
CONTEXT We are talking here about “dynamic ageing model”
Need to integrate stress conditions: degradation = f(Time, Voltage, Temperature, Device geometry) Ageing is a dynamic phenomenon ! It does not depend only on “quiescent” bias point but on the integration of voltage impact over time Degradation occurs dynamically Limit for hot carrier degradation DC operating point is below, predicts no degradation
Why dynamic aging ? Some static models (e.g., Scholten et al, [6]) integrate stress conditions over one or a few circuit periods and then extrapolate degradation / lifetime so why do we still need a dynamic model at all ? Stress conditions can evolve over circuit life cycle negative or positive feedback effect i.e. saturation of degradation, or exponential growth of degradation.
Why dynamic aging ? Dynamic aging model in red
Static aging model in green (constant degradation rate) Degradation (of a FoM) depends on stress time and degradation rate Degradation rate ultimately depends on stress conditions BUT : Stress conditions can be a function of (long term) stress time Stress conditions depend on environment (Circuit architecture) FoM Lifetime FoM limit t0 Stress time t0 Stress time Stress starts at t0
Why dynamic aging ? Example circuit above Q4 is stressed, its VBE drifts during circuit life cycle: Ibias changes IC of Q1 and Q2 change VCE of Q1 and Q2 change (Electric field responsible for HCI voltage change) After a few years, the degradation rate is different compared to t=0. Ibias Degradation rate of Q1/Q2 t0 Stress time Dynamic Aging allows observing degradation effects “LIVE”
EXAMPLE: InP HBT process
Stress the device for ~1000 different stress conditions (P1, P2, … P4) Monitor Gummel characteristic: Plot IC and IB vs stress time For this specific experimental case, the degradation rate is constant vs stress time ∆P(t)=K(Bias,temp) But more complex degradation laws can be (and have also been) used instead such as: ∆P(t)= Pmax 1+ 𝑡 𝐾( 𝑏𝑖𝑎𝑠,𝑡𝑒𝑚𝑝 ) −𝛼
Some model parameters become now function of time Collector current equation: Base current equation IS and IBEIS follow the same linear evolution as traps with stress time IS and IBEIS can be advantageously used as variables of the aging model
Degradation rates are constant vs time and depend on temperature and bias IBEIS and IS are modeled according a generation mechanism The constant increasing rates follow an Arrhenius law new model parameters : EIS, EIBEIS, BIBEIS, BIS [5] C. Mukherjee, B. Ardouin, J-Y Dupuy, V. Nodjiadjim, M.l Riet, T. Zimmer, F. Marc, and Cristell Maneux, “Reliability-Aware Circuit Design Methodology for Beyond-5G Communication Systems”, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON DEVICE AND MATERIALS RELIABILITY, VOL. 17, NO. 3, SEPTEMBER 2017
The new equations are implemented as extra model nodes in HiCuM/L2 Ibeis_out AIBEIS C=1 Is_out AIS C=1 2 new nodes The output voltage at the new nodes provide directly P(t) dynamically
How to use aging models ? STEP 1 STEP 1: Run the initial “stress” simulation to calculate the amount of degradation for each transistor in a circuit Observe degradations “LIVE” -> take countermeasures (transistor sizing, circuit architecture modification, gain compensation loops, etc.) Map transistor degradations in the circuit -> “extract” skewed model parameters @ Age time for subsequent step 2 10 (years)
How to use aging models ? STEP 2 STEP 2 Run simulations with post-stress model cards (one per transistor instance) Circuit Pass / Fail reliability criteria DC, transient, AC, S parameters, harmonic balance, … simulations of stressed circuits Plot FoMs versus circuit life time System architecture validation
EDA FLOW INTEGRATION XMOD’s VintageDFR Plugin in Cadence Virtuoso
Vintage: VerilogA Integration of a Aging DFR: Design For Reliability
EDA FLOW INTEGRATION STEP 1 Open aging settings Run stress simulation
Age of circuit
EDA FLOW INTEGRATION STEP 2 Run post stress simulation
SPECTRE Integration Custom netlisting procedure substitutes aging models to standard foundry models Implemented in SKILL, Virtuoso’s scripting language Aging models used only during stress simulations (step 1) Standard models used for post-stress simulations STEP 1 STEP 2
Aging : Standard Netlist
Default SPECTRE Netlister model PMOSMOD bsim4 VTH= -0.5 U0= 100 … model NMOSMOD bsim U0= 140 … model HBTHS hicum c10 =1e-34 … include "PDK_standard.scs" M1 (OUT A VDD) PMOSMOD W=2u L=0.13n M2 (OUT B GND) NMOSMOD W=1u L=0.13n ...
Aging : Patched Netlist
Selectively substitute device models for aging STEP 1 model PMOSMOD bsim4 VTH= -0.5 U0= 100 … model NMOSMOD bsim U0= 140 … model HBTHS hicum c10 =1e-34 … Patched SPECTRE Netlister include "PDK_standard.scs" M1 (OUT A VDD) PMOSMOD W=2u L=0.13n M2 (OUT B GND) NMOSMOD W=1u L=0.13n ... model PMOSMOD_AGING bsim4_ag VTH= -0.5 … model NMOSMOD_AGING bsim4_ag VTH= 0.5 … model HBT_AGING hicum_ag c10 =1e-34 … include "PDK_aging.scs" M1 (OUT A VDD) PMOSMOD_AGING W=2u L=0.13n M2 (OUT B GND) NMOSMOD_AGING W=1u L=0.13n
Aging : Stress Simulation
include "PDK_aging.scs" M1 (OUT A VDD) PMOSMOD_AGING W=2u L=0.13n M2 (OUT B GND) NMOSMOD_AGING W=1u L=0.13n STEP 1 SPECTRE Simulator Simulate aging with applied stress Aging simulation results
Aging : Results Extraction
STEP 1 Aging simulation results SKILL Result Extractor Extract and store aging data Age file End of step 1
Aging : “Alter” Netlist
Start of step 2 STEP 2 Age file Custom C Code Age of circuit Alt0 ALTER SUB=M1 PARAM=U0 VALUE=... Alt1 ALTER SUB=M1 PARAM=VTH VALUE=... Alt2 ALTER SUB=M2 PARAM=U0 VALUE=... ... Create a netlist altering the parameters of the aged devices
Aging : Aged Simulation
Alt0 ALTER SUB=M1 PARAM=U0 VALUE=... Alt1 ALTER SUB=M1 PARAM=VTH VALUE=... Alt2 ALTER SUB=M2 PARAM=U0 VALUE=... ... STEP 2 Default SPECTRE Netlister SPECTRE Simulator include "PDK_standard.scs" M1 (OUT A VDD) PMOSMOD W=2u L=0.13n M2 (OUT B GND) NMOSMOD W=1u L=0.13n ... Aged circuit simulation results Simulate with the original netlist to obtain aged simulation results End of step 2
Settings : Stress Conditions
Stress duration ATSF= Stress duration Simulation time Choose stress conditions Simulation time
Settings : Device Models
Select models to age
Settings : Calculator Wizard
Use wizard to find appropriate simulation acceleration factors
CONCLUSION Specific Tool developed by XMOD :
VintageDFR Plugin in Cadence Virtuoso Supports customer VerilogA model (researchers can focus on theoretical modeling, professional EDA integration is straightforward ) Support Diodes, Bipolar, MOS and HV-MOS Support Hot Carrier, NBTI (and recovery) verilogA allows virtually any dynamic aging equations Support Self-heating Tightly integrated with Cadence flow
REFERENCES [1] Geoffrey J. Coram, “HOWTO (AND HOW NOT TO) WRITE A COMPACT MODEL IN VERILOG-A”, Proc. BMAS 2004) [2] F. Marc, B. Mongellaz, C. Bestory, H. Levi, Y. Danto. “Improvement of aging simulation of electronic circuits using behavioral modeling”. IEEE Transactions on Device and Materials Reliability, 6 :228–234, 2006 [3] M. Schröter, “High-frequency circuit design oriented compact bipolar transistor modeling with HICUM”, IEICE Transactions on Electronics, Special Issue on Analog Circuit and Device Technologies, Vol. E88-C, No. 6, pp , 2005 [4] B. Ardouin, J.-Y. Dupuy , J. Godin, V. Nodjiadjim, M. Riet, F. Marc, G. A. Koné, S. Ghosh, B. Grandchamp, C. Maneux, “Advancements on Reliability-Aware Analog Circuit Design” (Invited), Proceedings of the ESSDERC Conference, Sep. 2012, pp [5] C. Mukherjee, B. Ardouin, J-Y Dupuy, V. Nodjiadjim, M.l Riet, T. Zimmer, F. Marc, and Cristell Maneux, “Reliability-Aware Circuit Design Methodology for Beyond-5G Communication Systems”, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON DEVICE AND MATERIALS RELIABILITY, VOL. 17, NO. 3, SEPTEMBER 2017 [6] Andries J. Scholten, Daniel Stephens, Geert D.J. Smit, Guido T. Sasse, Member, IEEE, and Jaap Bisschop, “The Relation Between Degradation Under DC and RF Stress Conditions”, 2011, IEEE TED
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