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Presentation on theme: "SCOTT M. SMOUSE, EGCFE CHAIR Senior Advisor and"— Presentation transcript:

SCOTT M. SMOUSE, EGCFE CHAIR Senior Advisor and Acting Director, International and External Partnerships Division Office of Clean Coal and Carbon Management Office of Fossil Energy U.S. Department of Energy

2 General Administrative/Governance
Vice Chair: Mr. Masaomi KOYAMA (Director, Overseas Energy Infrastructure Office, ANRE, METI, Japan) TOR updated with sunset clause Website ( revamp continues Pending Secretariat Changes JCOAL (Japan Coal Energy Center) served as EGCFE Secretariat Unusual (?) that Secretariat is from different economy than Chair Also, with additional O&G priorities, this needs reassessed Chair creating team to support/serve as Secretariat Ayaka Jones, USDOE Ian Torrens, LTI Chris Babel, LTI Energetics Two meetings (coal and O&G focused)

3 Updated EGCFE TOR

4 EGCFE Website 4

5 EGCFE Collaboration with IEA Clean Coal Centre
Reports Global coal power fleet efficiency improvement Modular systems for clean coal Economic and strategic value of coal Understanding coal’s role in the energy trilemma Update on financing coal-fired power plants HELE in South East Asia Events Multi-pollutant emissions from coal workshop, Poland Cofiring biomass with coal workshop, Denmark 2019 CCT conference, TBD

6 EGCFE Coal Meeting Tokyo, Japan; 8 September 2017
Held following Japan’s 2017 International Clean Coal Symposium 8 Economies: Australia, Chinese Taipei, Indonesia, Japan, Malaysia, Thailand, and United States, Viet Nam + Lead Shepherd + APERC Agenda Governance TOR Chair and Vice Chair Secretariat Projects Completed projects (~40 over past ~15 years) Ongoing projects Concept notes APERC Coal Market Study Cooperation with other EGs, TFs, and Centers and IEA CCC Updated website ( Contractor support

7 EGCFE Oil & Gas Meeting Tokyo, Japan; 9 March 2018
Held following 4th O&G Security Network Forum 12 Economies: Canada; Chile; P.R. China; Hong Kong, China; Japan; Malaysia; Mexico; Papua New Guinea; Chinese Taipei; Thailand; United States; and Viet Nam Lead Shepherd APERC IEA

8 EGCFE Oil & Gas Meeting Agenda
EGCFE management-related issues - TOR revision - Vice Chair Projects - Completed Oil and Gas Projects - Ongoing Oil and Gas Projects Status - Concept Notes for New Oil and Gas Projects APERC Presentation - APERC’s role - Oil and Gas Security Initiative (OGSI) - Oil and Gas Security Studies (OGSS) - Oil Market Study - Gas Market Study - EGEDA Data on Oil and Gas IEA Oil and Gas Market Outlook Notable Developments on Oil and Gas in APEC Economies

9 EGCFE Projects Estimated funding: $6+M total with ~$3.4M from APEC
Related to production and clean, efficient use of fossil fuels (mostly coal, but also natural and unconv. gas and LNG) Covering technologies, markets, regulations, public education, and capacity building 33 of 40 projects approved Workshops and Seminars Historical seminars 6 Coal Flow Seminars (Japan) 7 Technical Seminars (United States) 4 TILF Seminars (Australia) Clean Fossil Energy Technical and Policy Seminars 12 seminars to date Focused workshops on technologies, best practices, capacity building, policy/regulations, and markets 9

10 Completed EGCFE Projects
Water Energy Nexus Workshop (EWG A)

11 Ongoing EGCFE Projects
Best Practices for Coal Bed Methane in Developing Economies (EWG A) $100,000 APEC funding Overseer: China Coal Information Institute 171-page “Best Practice Guidance of Effective CBM Recovery Technologies for APEC Developing Economies” Workshop May 2018 in Beijing, PRC PREP: Peer Review in Efficient Power (EWG A) $125K APEC funding + $25K self funded by USA + Japan self-funded experts Overseer: USDOE Conceptually modeled after EGEEC’s PREE Initiative 2 volunteer developing APEC economies RFP closed 30 April 2018 4 proposals (1 from P.R. China and 3 from USA) under review

12 Ongoing EGCFE Projects
International Seminar for Development of Natural Gas Market   $70,000 APEC funding Overseer: Mexico 3-day Seminar to: Share experiences, discuss implementation of best practices, and recommend models and public policies Establish international benchmark to explore different options for natural gas supply Discuss potential entry barriers for international commerce

13 EGCFE Concept Notes Oil & Gas
Mexico´s Oil Products Industry Forum (Mexico)* Orphan Oil, Gas Wells and Facilities in Mexico: A chance to identify, innovate and resolve (Mexico)* APEC Study on Small-Scale Shallow Draft LNG Carriers and Floating Storage Regasification Units (USA) Coal High-Efficiency, Low-Emission (HELE) Coal-Fired Power Generation Workshop (USA)* HELE Coal-Fired Power Generation and Cogeneration – Case Studies (USA)** Regional Expert Workshop on Coal Power Generation Efficiency (USA)** *submitted but not approved **self funded

14 Potential New EGCFE Concept Notes
PREP2: Peer Review in Efficient Power Water Energy Nexus – Power Generation Support Tool Furthering Expertise in Low-Carbon Fossil Power Generation: CCS Capacity Building Development of Unconventional Gas Census: Testing design and methodology for several economies

15 Next EGCFE Meeting(s) Options Joint coal and O&G meeting
Separate meetings again Timing (with relevant technical events)

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