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Washington Takes Office

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1 Washington Takes Office
Chapter 8 Section 1

2 In 1789, Americans had a new Constitution, a new Congress, and their first president. Now what? It was up to President Washington to set the course for the new nation.

3 The First President On April 30, 1789 Washington was inaugurated (took the oath of office) Establish a precedent. Precedent – an action or decision that serves as an example for later generations George Washington established: His cabinet/ executive branch National Bank Judiciary Act of 1789 Created Federal court system with 3 levels

4 Establishing the Government
1st job - create a working govt, but the Constitution only provided an outline Set up 3 departments: Treasury (Hamilton), State (Jefferson), & War (Knox). These leaders met to advise Washington & became known as the Cabinet The Judiciary Act of 1789 set up a federal court system with a Supreme Court. John Jay was appointed as the first Chief Justice.

5 First Economic Crisis Owed $52 million because of the American Revolution. Americans had bought bonds to help the war effort. A bond is a certificate that represents $. The govt sells them, promising to pay it back with interest. People who bought bonds sold them to speculators (people who invest in a risky venture, hoping to make a profit).

6 Hamilton’s Financial Plan
Paying the debt Southerners opposed - many had already paid their debts. They agreed to support the plan in exchange for moving the capital to a city in the South. National Bank to provide a safe place to deposit the govt’s money A high tariff to raise money for the govt Southerners opposed – tariff protected manufacturers (North)

7 Debate Over The Bank Opponents of the bank, like Jefferson, said the bank was unconstitutional. Strict Construction (Jefferson): a view that the Constitution only allows what it specifically says. Loose Construction (Hamilton): a view that Congress could do some things not directly allowed by the Constitution Article 1, Section 8: Congress can make all laws “necessary and proper” to fulfill its job.

8 The Whiskey Rebellion 1794 – tax on all whiskey, hurt farmers
Farmers compared this to the British taxes and those in Pennsylvania rebelled in a violent protest. Washington responded by sending the militia to PA. This showed the strength of the national govt to enforce the laws.

9 Whiskey Rebellion Shays’s Rebellion

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