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Uploading Training Certificates to PIEE/JAM

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1 Uploading Training Certificates to PIEE/JAM
As part of the JAM role appointment process, you may be required* to upload your training completion certificates: SmartPay®3 (SP3) DoD Mastercard Insights on Demand (IOD) Data Mining training (A/OPCs and A/BOs) CLG 001, DoD Governmentwide Commercial Purchase Card Overview (CPMs, OA/OPCs, A/OPCs, A/BOs, COs, and CHs) CLG 006, Certifying Officer Legislation Training for Purchase Card Payments (A/BOs and COs) * The system will not require you to load your DAU certificates—and instead will feed them automatically—if it finds a match from the interfaces. All GPC Roles PIEE/JAM How do I create the training files to upload? When you have completed each training course, print a copy of your certificate or save it as PDF if a signature is not required. For the SP3 DoD Mastercard IOD course, the certificate is provided at the end of the training slide deck. For DAU courses, the completion certificates are provided in DAU’s Virtual Campus. If you printed the certificate, use a scanner to convert your paper certificates to electronic format PDF is recommended, but PIEE accepts files in any format. Where do I upload the scanned certificates? If you don’t have a PIEE account yet: The system will take you to the Training page as part of your GPC Role registration process. If you have a PIEE account but have not completed your JAM role/appointment: The system will prompt you to upload your certificates when the appointment is initiated. If you already have a PIEE account and a JAM role/ appointment, and you want to update your training records: Log into PIEE, go to “My Account,” select “My Training” under your Profile, and upload your certificates. How will my training be recorded and tracked? The PIEE training capability can be used to inventory all of your GPC training—both mandatory and non-mandatory. You can view your uploaded certificates at any time by logging into PIEE, clicking “My Account,” and selecting “My Training.” Your CPM, OA/OPC, and/or A/OPC can view your uploaded certificates when they view your appointment. PIEE will send you reminders at 60, 30, and 7 days prior to expiration of your training as long the “Frequency” is completed. DoD Cybersecurity Awareness training is also mandatory, but the PIEE system requires only the date of your completion of this training, rather than certificate uploads. You can access the SP3 DoD Mastercard IOD Data Mining training here; and CLG 001 and CLG 006 here. 5 Dec 2018 3OP:010 PIEE DAU DPC/Purchase Card (Can be clicked in Slide Show mode)

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