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Dear 3rd grade Chinese learners,

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Presentation on theme: "Dear 3rd grade Chinese learners,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Dear 3rd grade Chinese learners,
Please go over the stroke order for each character. Forget how to say that character? Click on the speaker to get help! Practice on each character couple times on a piece of paper. Need more information on each character? Click on the link! YOU WILL DO GREAT! HAVE FUN!

2 http://www. archchinese. com/chinese_english_dictionary. html

3 http://www. archchinese. com/chinese_english_dictionary. html

4 http://www. archchinese. com/chinese_english_dictionary. html

5 http://www. archchinese. com/chinese_english_dictionary. html

6 http://www. archchinese. com/chinese_english_dictionary. html

7 http://www. archchinese. com/chinese_english_dictionary. html

8 It’s time to test yourself!
Click on the speaker and listen to the character first. Then write down the character on a piece of paper on your own without looking. Check your character and make sure it’s correct before move to the next one! GOOD LUCK!!


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