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Rohingya Crisis Response, Cox Bazar, Bangladesh

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1 Rohingya Crisis Response, Cox Bazar, Bangladesh

2 Oxfam community structures
Joining up the dots: Updating and sharing community profiles (understanding of capacity, vulnerability, needs & priorities etc.); Broadening community engagement process > stakeholder; Capacity building for our teams: communication & facilitation; Women groups Protection collectives Market management committee Solar light beneficiary group Water User Groups CBVs protections CBVs WaSH Listening Groups Latrine User groups

3 Listening Group (LG) Focused on population which is harder to communicate ; consist of a small number of people (around 8 to 10) who share a common characteristic, place, gender and/or age group. Increased access to information about Oxfam programmes and plans and other services available which are important for crisis affected people to make choices; Building trust between Oxfam and the community.

4 Listening group meeting
Adolescent girls Adolescent boys Elderly men and women Disable men Women Traditional birth attender (TBA)

5 Spidergram Rohingya response at Cox bazar , Bangladesh
WASH / Oxfam Items distributed Rohingya response at Cox bazar , Bangladesh Water Supply 2.8 2.6 Information and Communication 3.24 4.3 Latrine/ bathing cubicle 3.7 4.6 Listening and adapting 3.7 Ownership Hygiene Promotion

Background: Rohingya camps pose many challenges for infrastructure: dense, steep, self-settled, rapidly formed Feedback from women and girls indicated issues with safety, privacy, access, space to gather and talk Rapid scale up resulted in lack of consultation with users; gendered aspects of the response team may have contributed to some biases Developed a research concept to bring in architects – specialising in social and feminist architecture – to support in identifying better design and use of space

7 Community participation
Formative research with women and adolescent girls around WASH facility access and use Visit by Architects to work with women on designs Validation meeting with same group of women with updated design (based on their comment) and site selection. Validation meeting with men. Positives included more initiatives to bring women’s voices to decision making levels

8 Findings from interviews
Challenges: Space in the camp is a concern. Men might not allow their women to use the facility if its far. Accountability to women and girls was acknowledged as weak. Lack of understanding of gendered issues during approvals process. Capacity within WASH ‘it’s seen as a separate thing, not a cross cutting issue. Sex-segregation was flagged as an issue.

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