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Presentation on theme: "Cicerone."— Presentation transcript:

1 Cicerone

2 Cicerone

3 Cicerone (n.) A guide, especially one who takes tourists to museums, monuments, or architectural sites and explains what is being seen.

4 Hector

5 Hector

6 Hector (v.) To bully; to intimidate or harass by bluster or personal pressure.

7 Hedonism

8 Hedonism

9 Hedonism (n.) An attitude or way of life based on the idea that pleasure or happiness should be the chief goal.

10 Nestor

11 Nestor

12 (n.) A senior figure or leader in one’s field.
Nestor (n.) A senior figure or leader in one’s field.

13 Spartan

14 Spartan

15 Spartan (adj.) Marked by simplicity and often strict self-discipline or self-denial.

16 Stentorian

17 Stentorian

18 (adj.) Extremely loud, often with especially deep richness of sound.
Stentorian (adj.) Extremely loud, often with especially deep richness of sound.

19 Stoic

20 Stoic

21 (adj.) Seemingly indifferent to pleasure or pain.
Stoic (adj.) Seemingly indifferent to pleasure or pain.

22 Sybaritic

23 Sybaritic

24 (adj.) Marked by a luxurious or sensual way of life.
Sybaritic (adj.) Marked by a luxurious or sensual way of life.

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