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War in Southeast Asia Chapter 15.4.

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1 War in Southeast Asia Chapter 15.4

2 Focus Question What were the causes and effects of the war in Southeast Asia, what was the American role in the region?

3 Indochina After World War II
After the war, the French faced guerilla forces in their colony of Vietnam. The Vietnamese victory at the battle of Dienbienphu forced the French to leave. Vietnam was then divided into Communist and noncommunist sections. Guerilla fighters began operating in South Vietnam in the early 1960s.

4 America Enters the War The U.S. first sent supplies and military advisors to the South Vietnamese government. Then it sent hundreds of thousands of troops. The Soviets and Chinese sent aid but no troops to North Vietnam (Russia did assist, but it was kept quite). Guerilla fighters were closely allied with villagers and knew the jungles well.

5 Tet Offensive In Jan.1968, guerrilla forces from North Vietnam attacked cities all across the South Vietnam during Tet, the Vietnamese New Year. The Tet Offensive was a turning point in the U.S. public opinion. Even though the communists were not successful in their campaign, American citizens began to strongly oppose U.S. involvement in the War.

6 The War for America Ends
Opposition to the war grew in the U.S. due to U.S. soldiers being killed in action (KIA), becoming prisoners of war (POW), and missing in action (MIA) The Paris Peace Accord was when the U.S. negotiated a cease- fire and withdrew its troops with the understanding that South Vietnam would be able to determine its own future. Two years later, North Vietnam conquered the South.

7 Southeast Asia After the War
In Cambodia, Communist guerilla fighters known as the Khmer Rouge overthrew the government. Dictator Pol Pot forced everyone to work in the fields and about a third of the population died. Vietnam finally intervened and drove out the Khmer Rouge.

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