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Korea and Vietnam.

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Presentation on theme: "Korea and Vietnam."— Presentation transcript:

1 Korea and Vietnam

2 Korean War Communist North comes across 38th parallel to attack democratic South U.S. sends troops to defend South Back and forth; Chinese and United Nations assist War ends in stalemate


4 Vietnam war Communist Ho Chi Minh drives out French Vietnam divided
North-Communist South-Led by Diem; Democratic U.S. backed; hated by his people Vietcong-southern Communist rebellion group

5 Vietnam war and Beyond U.S. gets involved sending over 500,000 troops
No winning; U.S. withdraws Communists take all of Vietnam in 1975 Khmer Rouge led by Pol Pot take Cambodia

6 Cold war Thaws Eastern European countries begin to revolt U.S. uses Détente SALT signed after Nixon visits China and Russia

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