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Evolution and Community Ecology
5 CHAPTER Placeholder opening page, but maybe we can duplicate the look of the SE chapter opener page by using the same fonts and colors (and maybe that Ch 14 icon?)
Black and White, and Spread All Over
Zebra mussels and quagga mussels were accidentally introduced into Lake St. Clair in the late 1980s. They have since spread throughout the Great Lakes system and connecting rivers. The invasive mussels have a high economic and ecological cost. Talk About It The Great Lakes are home to more than 20 native mussel species. Why are the zebra and quagga mussels so much more destructive than the lakes’ native mussels?
Lesson 5.1 Evolution Scientists have identified and described over 2 million species. Millions more have yet to be discovered.
Evolution and Natural Selection
Lesson 5.1 Evolution Evolution and Natural Selection EVOLUTION _______________ - Change over Time More specifically, ________________ evolution refers to a change in a population’s _________________ over time. BIOLOGICAL GENE POOL
Evolution and Natural Selection
Lesson 5.1 Evolution Evolution and Natural Selection GENE __________: A sequence of DNA that codes for a particular trait ____________________: All the genes present in a population GENE POOL A starting population of fish. Genes control the color and pattern of the fish’s scales.
Mechanisms of Biological Evolution
Lesson 5.1 Evolution Mechanisms of Biological Evolution ____________________: Accidental change in DNA that can give rise to variation among individuals MUTATION
Mechanisms of Biological Evolution
Lesson 5.1 Evolution Mechanisms of Biological Evolution _____________________: Movement of individuals into (immigration) or out of (emigration) a population AKA _______________ MIGRATION GENE FLOW
Mechanisms of Biological Evolution
Lesson 5.1 Evolution Mechanisms of Biological Evolution __________________________: Evolution that occurs by chance Ex. 1)_________________ 2) _________________ GENETIC DRIFT Natural Disaster Being Captured
Mechanisms of Biological Evolution
Lesson 5.1 Evolution Mechanisms of Biological Evolution ___________________ _____________________: Process by which traits useful for _____________________ are passed on more frequently than those that are not Ex. 1)______________________ 2) _____________________ NATURAL SELECTION Survival & Reproduction Being More Attractive to Mates Being Better Able to Avoid Predators
Conditions of Natural Selection
Lesson 5.1 Evolution Conditions of Natural Selection There are three conditions of natural selection. #1. Organisms produce ________ offspring than can survive. __________________ place restrictions on population size MORE Limiting Factors Image - (Creative Commons licensed) Geyser info source - National Park Service:
Conditions of Natural Selection
Lesson 5.1 Evolution Conditions of Natural Selection There are three conditions of natural selection. #2. Individuals of a species vary in their ___________________. Ex. _______, ________ & _________________. CHARACTERISTICS SIZE SPEED Image - (Creative Commons licensed) Geyser info source - National Park Service: APPEARANCE
Conditions of Natural Selection
Lesson 5.1 Evolution Conditions of Natural Selection There are three conditions of natural selection. #3. Individuals vary in their __________. Fitness – How reproductively ___________ an organism is in its environment FITNESS Image - (Creative Commons licensed) Geyser info source - National Park Service: successful
Conditions of Natural Selection
Lesson 5.1 Evolution Conditions of Natural Selection A heritable trait that increases an individuals fitness is an ______________. ADAPTATION Image - (Creative Commons licensed) Geyser info source - National Park Service:
Survival of the Fittest
Lesson 5.1 Evolution Survival of the Fittest An individual with ______ fitness will produce ________ offspring and pass on its genetic information more frequently than an individual with _______ fitness. HIGH MORE Image - (Creative Commons licensed) Geyser info source - National Park Service: LOW
Survival of the Fittest
Lesson 5.1 Evolution Survival of the Fittest Therefore, organisms __________ in ways that maximize their success in a given ________________. EVOLVE ENVIRONMENT Image - (Creative Commons licensed) Geyser info source - National Park Service:
Artificial Selection HUMAN BENEFICIAL
Lesson 5.1 Evolution Artificial Selection Artificial Selection - Selection under __________ direction Throughout history, humans have chosen and bred animals and plants with _______________ traits. HUMAN Image - (Creative Commons licensed) Geyser info source - National Park Service: BENEFICIAL
Lesson 5.1 Evolution Artificial Selection Great Dane – Bred for boar hunting & guarding estates Saint Bernard – Bred for rescuing lost travelers and guarding estates. Chihuahua – bred for companionship Image - (Creative Commons licensed) Geyser info source - National Park Service:
Meet Lucy Artificial Selection Newfoundland – bred for fishing
Lesson 5.1 Evolution Artificial Selection Meet Lucy Newfoundland – bred for fishing Great Pyrenees – bred to protect livestock Image - (Creative Commons licensed) Geyser info source - National Park Service:
Artificial Selection vs. Natural Selection
Lesson 5.1 Evolution Artificial Selection vs. Natural Selection What is the difference between natural selection and artificial selection? Natural selection – traits that increase fitness in an organism’s ENVIRONMENT are selected for. Artificial selection – humans select desirable traits. Image - (Creative Commons licensed) Geyser info source - National Park Service:
Lesson 5.1 Evolution Speciation SPECIES Speciation - Process by which new ___________ are generated Evolutionists believe that it has resulted in ___________ form of life on Earth— today and in the past Can occur in a number of different ways; the most important way is called ___________________ speciation EVERY Image - (Creative Commons licensed) Geyser info source - National Park Service: ALLOPRATRIC
Allopatric Speciation
Lesson 5.1 Evolution Allopatric Speciation #1 – Individuals in a population can mate and ________ genetic information #2 – If these individuals are somehow separated, individuals from one population can no longer ________ with individuals in the other population SHARE Image - (Creative Commons licensed) Geyser info source - National Park Service: MATE
Allopatric Speciation
Lesson 5.1 Evolution Allopatric Speciation How can populations become separated? ________________________________ Glacial Ice Sheets May Form Half of a pond might dry up Rivers May Change Course Image - (Creative Commons licensed) Geyser info source - National Park Service:
Allopatric Speciation
Lesson 5.1 Evolution Allopatric Speciation #3 – Each population evolves and passes on traits that are best suited for that _________________ and the populations become so different that they become separate species #4 – Even if the two populations come back together, they can no longer __________ and produce fertile offspring. ENVIRONMENT Image - (Creative Commons licensed) Geyser info source - National Park Service: MATE
Background Extinction
Lesson 5.1 Evolution Extinction DISAPPEARANCE The _____________________ of species from Earth Generally occurs gradually, one species at a time, when environmental conditions change more rapidly than the species can adapt The rate at which this type of extinction occurs is called the __________________________ ______________ Image - (Creative Commons licensed) Geyser info source - National Park Service: Trilobites Marine arthropods that went extinct at the end of the Permian period. Background Extinction Rate
Lesson 5.1 Evolution Extinction FIVE There are _______ known mass extinction events, each of which wiped out a large proportion of Earth’s species. Image - (Creative Commons licensed) Geyser info source - National Park Service:
Microevolution vs. Macroevolution
Microevolution occurrence of small inherited changes within a population/species/kind Recombination of genetic information Ex. Darwin’s Finches Ex. Wolves and Dogs Macroevolution major evolutionary transition from one type of organism to another occurring at the level of the species and higher taxa Ex. Monkeys to Humans Ex. Bacteria to Fish
Lesson 5.2 Species Interactions
The zebra mussel has completely displaced 20 native mussel species in Lake St. Clair.
Reproduction (How and When) Interactions with other organisms
Lesson 5.2 Species Interactions The Niche RESOURCES Describes an organism’s use of _________________ and functional __________ in a community Includes: _________________ Ex. A big part of a spider’s niche is to prey on food caught in its web. ROLE Habitat Food Eaten Reproduction (How and When) Interactions with other organisms
Lesson 5.2 Species Interactions The Niche Affected by an organism’s _________________—its ability to survive and reproduce under changing environmental conditions ___________________ - very restricted tolerance range Ex. Giant Panda ___________________ - wide tolerance range, can live in a wide variety of places with a wide variety of resources Ex. Rat TOLERANCE SPECIALIST GENERALIST
Lesson 5.2 Species Interactions The Niche Organisms with similar roles in the environment compete when they seek the same _____________ resource. ____________________________ - In rare cases, one species can entirely exclude another from using resources. LIMITED COMPETITIVE EXCLUSION
Lesson 5.2 Species Interactions The Niche FUNDAMENTAL NICHE ____________________________ - when a species fulfills all its roles and uses all of the resources possible. ______________________ - resources and roles fulfilled by a species competing with other species (adjusted) REALIZED NICHE
Resource Partitioning
Lesson 5.2 Species Interactions The Niche __________________ - when species partition or divide the resource they use in common by specializing in different ways. Ex. One may eat in the morning and one at night. Resource Partitioning Resource Partitioning
Species Interactions COMPETITION
Lesson 5.2 Species Interactions Species Interactions _______________ – when organisms of the same or different species attempt to use a resource in the same place at the same time (i.e. food, water, shelter, mate) COMPETITION Ram Fight
Lesson 5.2 Species Interactions Species Interactions ____________ – one organism (the _______________) captures and feeds on another organism (the _______) PREDATION PREDATOR PREY
Species Interactions CYCLES
Lesson 5.2 Species Interactions Species Interactions CYCLES Predation causes ____________ in predatory and prey population sizes
Species Interactions Predation & Evolution
Lesson 5.2 Species Interactions Species Interactions Predation & Evolution Likewise, individuals predators that are better at hunting will likely be more successful than less skilled hunters so natural selection leads to evolution of characteristics that enable predators to be better hunters Prey that are better at defending themselves will be more successful and pass these traits onto their offspring.
Species Interactions SYMBIOSIS
Lesson 5.2 Species Interactions Species Interactions ____________ – A close relationship between two different species Three Types: 1) Parasitism 2) Mutualism 3) Commensalism SYMBIOSIS
Lesson 5.2 Species Interactions
Parasitism - One organism __________ at the expense of another (the other is _________ ) Ex. _________________ BENEFITS HARMED Human & Mosquito
Sea Anemone & Clown Fish
Lesson 5.2 Species Interactions Species Interactions Mutualism – Both organisms __________ Ex. ________________________ BENEFIT Sea Anemone & Clown Fish
Lesson 5.2 Species Interactions
Commensalism – One organism _________ & the other is neither harmed nor benefited Ex. ___________________ BENEFITS Sea Turtle & Barnacles
Lesson 5.3 Ecological Communities
The sun provides the energy for almost all of the ecological communities and species interactions on Earth.
ENERGY ENERGY All life requires _________.
Lesson 5.3 Ecological Communities ENERGY All life requires _________. Organisms are grouped based on how they obtain energy. ENERGY
Primary Producers (Autotrophs)
Lesson 5.3 Ecological Communities Primary Producers (Autotrophs) Capture energy from the sun or from chemicals and store it in the bonds of __________, making it available to the rest of the community Energy from the _____ is captured by plants, algae, or bacteria through ____________________. ENERGY SUN PHOTOSYNTHESIS
Primary Producers (Autotrophs)
Lesson 5.3 Ecological Communities Primary Producers (Autotrophs) CHEMICALS Energy from ______________ is captured by some bacteria through ______________________. CHEMOSYNTHESIS Did You Know? Deep-sea vents, far from sunlight, support entire communities of fish, clams, and other sea animals, which depend on energy converted through chemosynthesis.
Consumers (Heterotrophs)
Lesson 5.3 Ecological Communities Consumers (Heterotrophs) ENERGY Rely on other organisms for ____________ and nutrients _____________: plant-eaters _____________: meat-eaters _____________: combination-eaters _____________________________: recycle nutrients within the ecosystem by breaking down nonliving organic matter Use ____________ to break bonds in sugar and release its energy through cellular respiration (primary producers do this, too) Herbivores Carnivores Omnivores Decomposers & Detritivores OXYGEN
Energy in Communities CONSERVED HEAT 100% TROPHIC LEVEL
Lesson 5.3 Ecological Communities Energy in Communities CONSERVED Even though overall energy is ________________ in a system, it is often lost as _______ during conversion from one thing to another. So, no process involving energy conversion is ________ efficient. This limits how many trophic levels there can be in a community. _____________________ - a rank in the feeding hierarchy. HEAT 100% TROPHIC LEVEL
Energy in Communities PRIMARY PRODUCER Trophic Levels:
Lesson 5.3 Ecological Communities Energy in Communities Trophic Levels: Always Starts with a _________________________. Followed by __________________________ PRIMARY PRODUCER PRIMARY CONSUMER (1ST LEVEL) SECONDARY CONSUMER (2ND LEVEL) TERTIARY CONSUMER (3RD LEVEL) QUATERNARY CONSUMER (4TH LEVEL)
Energy in Communities 10%
Lesson 5.3 Ecological Communities Energy in Communities Ten Percent Rule: In general, only about ______ of the energy available at any trophic level is passed to the next; most of the rest is lost to the environment as heat. 10% Pyramid of Energy
Lesson 5.3 Ecological Communities
Ex. A total of 15,000 Calories of energy exists at the producer level in a community. How much energy will be available for the organisms at each of the following levels? Producer = 15,000 Calories Primary Consumer = ________________________ Calories Secondary Consumer = ________________________ Calories Tertiary Consumer = ________________________ Calories If the tertiary consumers in a given community have 500 calories of energy available to them, how much energy was available at the secondary consumer level? 1,500 150 15 5,000
Numbers and Biomass in Communities
Lesson 5.3 Ecological Communities Numbers and Biomass in Communities A trophic level’s _____________ is the mass of living tissue it contains. In general, there are _________organisms and greater biomass at __________ trophic levels than at higher ones. BIOMASS MORE LOWER
Lesson 5.3 Ecological Communities Food Chains and Webs LINEAR Food chain: ____________ series of feeding relationships Not very realistic because ___________________________________ MOST ORGANISMS EAT MORE THAN ONE THING
Food Chains and Webs OVERLAPPING
Lesson 5.3 Ecological Communities Food Chains and Webs Food web: Shows the _______________ and interconnected food chains present in a community OVERLAPPING
Owl, Wild Cat, Jackal, Snake, Lion & Kite Rabbit
In this food web, who is/are . . . Herbivores? _______________________________________________________ Carnivores? _______________________________________________________ Omnivores? ______________________________________________________ Identify the food chain in which the lion is a tertiary consumer. ________________________________________________________ Mouse & Goat Owl, Wild Cat, Jackal, Snake, Lion & Kite Rabbit Green Plant, Rabbit, Wild Cat, Lion Green Plant, Rabbit, Jackal, Lion
Keystone Species REMOVAL
Lesson 5.3 Ecological Communities Keystone Species Species that have strong and/or wide-reaching effects on a community ______________ of a keystone species can significantly alter the structure of a community. REMOVAL
Lesson 5.3 Ecological Communities
Keystone Species When orcas ate large numbers of sea otters off the coast of Alaska in the 1990s, the urchin population increased and caused the kelp to be overgrazed.
Lesson 5.4 Community Stability
A 2010 report on invasive species suggests that they cost the U.S. $120 billion a year in environmental losses and damages. Invasive kudzu
Ecological Disturbances
Lesson 5.4 Community Stability Ecological Disturbances A community in _______________ is generally stable and balanced, with most populations at or around ____________________. Disturbances or changes in the environment can throw a community into disequilibrium. ____________ disturbances can cause permanent changes to a community and initiate a predictable series of changes called ___________________. EQUILIBRIUM CARRYING CAPACITY SEVERE SUCCESSION
Lava Spreads Across the Land
Lesson 5.4 Community Stability Primary Succession NO TRACES Occurs when there are ______________ of the original community remaining, including ______________ & _____ This may happen when: ___________________, _______________ or ______________________________. Species that colonize newly exposed land are called ____________________. VEGETATION SOIL Glaciers Retreat Lakes Dry Up Lava Spreads Across the Land PIONEER SPECIES
Primary Succession LICHENS SOIL
Lesson 5.4 Community Stability Primary Succession LICHENS ___________ are a very successful pioneer species (this can take more than 15 years). They break down the rock into ______. The environment changes as new species move in, adding nutrients and generating habitat. SOIL
Lesson 5.4 Community Stability Secondary Succession Occurs when a disturbance dramatically alters a community but does ____________________________. Common after disturbances such as _________, ____________, or ______________. At least _______ is left from the previous ecosystem. NOT COMPLETELY DESTROY IT FIRE LOGGING FARMING SOIL
Secondary Succession HERBS GRASSES FASTER
Lesson 5.4 Community Stability Secondary Succession GRASSES HERBS ___________ & ________ colonize a few years after the disturbance has occurred. Occurs significantly ______________ than primary succession FASTER
Lesson 5.4 Community Stability Succession in Water PRIMARY __________ aquatic succession occurs when an area fills with water for the _______ time. This can happen when ____________ retreat and leave a depression in the ground. FIRST GLACIERS
Lesson 5.4 Community Stability Succession in Water Disturbances such as floods or excess nutrient runoff can lead to _______________ aquatic succession. As the aquatic community fills with algae, microbes and plants, it may eventually fill up and become a ____________________ environment. SECONDARY TERRESTRIAL
Lesson 5.4 Community Stability Climax Communities Ecologists once thought succession leads to stable _______________ communities. Today, ecologists see communities as ______________, ever-changing associations of species. Communities are influenced by ____________________and constant disturbances. CLIMAX TEMPORARY Beech-maple forest, a classic “climax community” MANY FACTORS
Lesson 5.4 Community Stability Invasive Species EXOTIC Invasive Species – Nonnative (__________) organisms that spread widely in a community Not all exotic species are invasive A lack of ______________________ such as predators, parasites, or competitors enables their population to grow ______________ (exponentially). LIMITING FACTORS UNCHECKED
Invasive Species Example #1: ____________________
Lesson 5.4 Community Stability Invasive Species Invasive Species Example #1: ____________________ Native to Western Asia and Eastern Europe Zebra Mussels came to the Great Lakes attached to ships Kills animals like turtles and native clams by attaching to their shells Millions of dollars of damage is caused by because they clog up pipes and ruin boats, docks and fishing gear. Removal by hand, Applying chemicals, introducing predators, and stressing them with heat, sound, electricity and UV light have all been tried to no avail. THE ZEBRA MUSSEL
Invasive Species Example #1: ____________________
Lesson 5.4 Community Stability Invasive Species Invasive Species Example #1: ____________________ THE ZEBRA MUSSEL
Invasive Species Example #2: ____________________
Lesson 5.4 Community Stability Invasive Species Invasive Species Example #2: ____________________ Native to Central & South America Brought to Australia ON PURPOSE to help sugar farms get rid of the cane beetle The toads did not eat the beetles but instead took over Without their native predators (black rat & water monitor) they have grown exponentially. Their poison kills most native species that try to eat them. THE CANE TOAD
Invasive Species Example #2: ____________________
Lesson 5.4 Community Stability Invasive Species Invasive Species Example #2: ____________________ THE CANE TOAD
Invasive Species Example #3: ____________________
Lesson 5.4 Community Stability Invasive Species Invasive Species Example #3: ____________________ Native to Japan Was used in the Southeast US to prevent soil erosion It now covers the US from Texas to New Jersey. KUDZU
Invasive Species Example #3: ____________________
Lesson 5.4 Community Stability Invasive Species Invasive Species Example #3: ____________________ KUDZU
Invasive Species Example #4: ____________________
Lesson 5.4 Community Stability Invasive Species Invasive Species Example #4: ____________________ Native to Europe Came to North America with the colonists and became invasive Very beneficial – pollinate more than half of America’s commercial crops. THE HONEYBEE
Invasive Species Example #4: ____________________
Lesson 5.4 Community Stability Invasive Species Invasive Species Example #4: ____________________ THE HONEYBEE
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