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ELA, Math, & Science NYS Assessment Data Grades 3 - 8

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Presentation on theme: "ELA, Math, & Science NYS Assessment Data Grades 3 - 8"— Presentation transcript:

1 ELA, Math, & Science NYS Assessment Data Grades 3 - 8
Presented by Melanie Ward Compiled by Jeff Cimmerer

2 Standards Leaders and Teachers
Data Processes State Scores received from NYSED site in August Administrators Building aggregate data reviewed Individual student data reviewed Standards Leaders and Teachers Aggregate data reviewed for program implications Individual student data reviewed for instructional implications

3 NYS Assessment Data 2015 Key Findings
High levels of student performance Pittsford students met AYP in all categories ELA and Math Scores were again among the highest in Monroe County Robust Science Assessment results Did we make AYP in math 8 as well with only 39% profieicient?

4 2015 Highlights 65% of Pittsford students in grades 3-8 met or exceeded ELA proficiency standard 74% of Pittsford students in grades 3-8 met or exceeded MATH proficiency standard 98% proficiency on the Science 4 assessment 91% proficiency on the Science 8 assessment Overall math proficiency actually went up 5% from 2014

5 Reminders as we view the data…
Third year of Common Core standards aligned state assessments. NYS exemption for students in Regents 8 Math. Impact of percent of opt-outs on overall scores


7 Level 3 Level 2


9 Level 3 Level 2 Level 4



12 2015 Grade 4 Science Percent Proficiency Results
98% All schools – 99%) 2015 Grade 4 Science Percent Proficiency Results

13 2015 Grade 8 Science Percent Proficiency Results
91% 2015 Grade 8 Science Percent Proficiency Results

14 2015 Monroe County ELA Percent Proficiency Results Grades 3-5
62% 64% 69% District ELA 3 ELA 4 ELA 5 Pittsford 62% Penfield 64% 69% Brighton 54% 63% West Irondequoit East Rochester 53% 60% 52% 48% Fairport 51% Webster HFL 49% 46% 43% Rush-Henrietta 41% 45% 37% 38% 32% East Irondequoit 24% 28%

15 2015 Monroe County ELA Mean Scaled Score Results Grades 3-5
324 325 331 Districts ELA 3 ELA 4 ELA 5 Pittsford 324 325 331 Brighton 320 Penfield 323 319 316 West Irondequoit Fairport 315 314 East Rochester Webster 310 HFL 313 309 312 306 307 Rush-Henrietta 303 E Irond. 287 290 296

16 2015 Monroe County ELA Percent Proficiency Results Grades 6-8
67% 63% 68% District ELA 6 ELA 7 ELA 8 Brighton 68% Pittsford 63% 69% 67% 62% HFL West Irondequoit 57% East Rochester Penfield 56% 65% 54% Fairport 50% 49% Rush-Henrietta 53% Webster 44% 48% 43% 40% 38% 34% East Irondequoit 26% 28% 25%

17 2015 Monroe County ELA Mean Scaled Score Results Grades 6-8
328 322 325

18 2015 Monroe County Math Percent Proficiency Results Grades 3-5
75% 80% 83% District Math 3 Math 4 Math 5 Pittsford 75% Penfield 88% 87% 74% 80% 83% Brighton East Rochester 73% 72% HFL 67% West Irondequoit 70% 63% 68% Webster Rush-Henrietta 62% 58% Fairport 65% 69% 56% 64% 54% E Irond. 28% 39% 44%

19 2015 Monroe County Math Mean Scaled Score Results Grades 3-5
334 333 334

20 2015 Monroe County Math Percent Proficiency Results Grades 6-8
75% 68% 40% District Math 6 Math 7 Math 8 Pittsford 75% HFL 78% Penfield 44% 70% 74% East Rochester 43% West Irondequoit 66% Fairport 68% 41% Webster 62% 40% Rush-Henrietta 60% 61% Brighton 33% 59% 31% 52% 51% 29% 50% 48% 12% E Irond. 28% 1%

21 2015 Monroe County Math Mean Scaled Score Results Grades 6-8
338 331 310

22 Outcomes in place and in process…next steps
Review performance of NCLB subgroups at district level Work with teams to make use of gap-to-BOCES reports for each grade in each subject area Provide targeted professional development Refine roles and responsibilities relative to dissemination and analysis of data Arrange visitations to selected districts to explore and compare math instruction and support models I have to think about this one some more – many of these things would continue to be next steps, but we have the reality of the questionable impact of the opt outs that influence the usefulness of some of the data…

23 Questions, Comments or Topics for Further Discussion

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