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The Roman Empire.

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1 The Roman Empire

2 Rome’s Beginnings Pages 262 - 267
The Origins of Rome Italy is long narrow peninsula Middle of Mediterranean Strategic for trade Apennine Mtns, Easier to cross than Greece NOT isolated and independent Fertile plains Better crops than Greece 1500 – 1000 B.C. settled by Latins Plain of Latium

3 Where was Rome Located? 15 Miles up Tiber river
Close enough o Mediterranean for trade Far enough from Med. for protection 7 hills Easier to defend attak Narrow point on Tiber R. Easily crossed Good for trade b/n N and S Italy

4 How Did Rome begin? Two Legends (FICTION) Romulus and Remus
Abandoned babies near Tiber Rescued by she wolf Raised by a shepherd Romulus Kills Remus & founds Rome Aeneid Written by Roman poet Virgil Trojan hero Aeneas and sailors land at Tiber River Aeneas marries Latin king’s daughter Aeneas becomes “father” of Rome Reality Latins move into plain of Latium around 1000 B.C. Around 800 B.C. they band their villages together to form city of Rome

5 Early Influences Greeks Came from Greece in 600s B.C.
Grow olives & grapes Alphabet Architecture Sculpture Literature Etruscans Ruled Latium for over 100 years Metalworking Wood & brick buildings Streets around a central square Dress – togas Military strategy/style

6 The Birth of a Republic Etruscan Rule Roughly 600 – 500 B.C
Made Rome wealthy & powerful. Tarquins were ruling family Cruel Romans Rebelled Roman Republic Leader not a king/queen Elected representative of the people Rome still small city 267 B.C. Rome conquers all Italy

7 Why Was Rome so strong Strong Army
All land-owning male citizens served Well trained/harsh discipline Problem Solvers – trained to think in battle Organized into legions 6000 troops Carried short sword called gladius & spear called pilum Raised battle standards to stay organized Senatus Populus Que Romana The Senate and People of Rome

8 Shrewd Rulers Planning
Built military settlements in conquered territories Built roads b/n towns “All roads lead to Rome” Roman Confederation Roman citizenship Conquered allies paid taxes Provided soldiers Some could become citizens Rebellion put down quickly

9 Plebeians Artisans, Shopkeepers, farmers Citizens Could not hold pubic office (in beginning) Couldn’t marry a patrician Paid taxes & served in army Threatened a strike Formed council of Plebs Council elected Tribunes Won right to veto Eventually could become consuls Pass laws for roman citizens

10 patricians Wealth landowners Held a lot of political power over plebeians

11 Roman government Executive Consuls – 2 consuls
1 year terms, headed army ran government, had veto power Judicial Praetors – interpret law, act as judges Legislative Senate – 300 patrician members served for life – only advised at 1st, later proposed laws, held debates and approved building programs. Assembly of Centuries – elected officials: praetors and consuls Council of Plebs – formed after Plebian strikes, in beginning brought concerns to govt. attention and had right to veto; later could pass laws for all Roman citizens ******even as the Plebians grow in power and representations, a few wealthy Patricians still held most of the power; women had no voice in govt.

12 Roman Dictators of the republic: Cincinnatus
Farmer who was named dictator of Rome during a crisis. Dictators were not a negative position then Dictators came to power during an emergency and then returned to their normal lives Cincinnatus resigned and returned to his farm when the crisis was over.

13 ROMAN LAW Roman law U.S. legal system used it as a model
451. B.C. Twelve Tables 1st time laws were written down in Rome Everyone can now see them Carved in bronze tablets Established principle that citizens are = under law Applied only to Roman citizens Law of Nations Applied to non-citizens living in empire Innocent until proven guilty Right to see a judge All people treated = under law is “rule of law”

14 The Punic Wars Mare Nostrum= our sea “Punic” = Phoenician
Rome and Carthage want control of trade in the Mediterranean Sea.

15 The First Punic War 264 B.C. Rome and Carthage want Sicily.
Carthage already has colonies on Sicily. Rome must build navy to fight Carthage. War lasted 20 years 241 B.C. – Rome crushes Carthaginian navy and takes control of Sicily Forces Carthage to pay huge fine

16 Second Punic War 218 B.C. To make up for Sicily, Carthage expands in southern Spain. Rome helps Spain rebel against Carthage Carthage send greatest general, Hannibal to attack Rome directly Hannibal’s Army: 46,000 ,men, 37 elephants Landed army in Spain – had to cross Alps to reach Rome Lost ½ of soldiers and most of elephants before reaching Rome Still powerful and raided much of Italy Beat Romans at Cannae in 216 B.C. Roman General Scipio invades Carthage in 202 B.C. - Hannibal forced to return home to defend Carthage Scipio defeats Hannibal at battle of Zama Carthage gives up Spain to Rome, turn over navy, and pay huge fine.

17 3rd Punic War 146 B.C. Carthage, no longer a military power, maintained its trade Rome invades Carthage Burns city, enslaves 50,000 men women and children, salts the earth Carthage becomes Roman province

18 Trouble in the rEpublic
Rome’s Poor A . Most plebeians = small farmers B. Farms in ruin b/c fighting Rome’s wars C. Patricians buying land & forming Latifundias 1. Large farming estates, used slave labor D. Poor move to cities for work 1. job’s scarce E. Fearing riots – patricians/govt. provide “bread and circuses” 1. Cheap food and entertainment to pacify masses F. Gracchus Brothers (Tiberius and Gaius) 1. Roman officials - attempted reform a. . ask Senate to give back land 3. Both brothers killed by senators G. Rome under powerful generals who made themselves dictators 1. paid armies for loyalty, not Rome 2. promised to get land for soldiers

19 Julius Caesar Military leader – wealthy
Created triumvirate with Crassus (Syria) and Pompey (Spain), Caesar (Gaul – France) Crassus killed battle, Senate makes Pompey ruler Caesar takes army, crosses Rubicon, starts civil war. Destroyed Pompey’s army in Greece – 48 B.C. Declares himself dictator for life Stacked senate w/loyalists and decreased its power His glory at expense of republic Punished those who wanted to uphold the republic Reformer Granted citizenship to people in territories outside Italy Colonies to provide land for landless Encourage the hire of free workers, less slave labor Created new calendar 12/365 Treated defeated enemies well (Brutus) Killed by Senators Brutus and Cassius – Et tu, Brute “And you, Brutus” B.C.

20 Octavian 2nd Triumvirate with Lepidus and Antony
Lepidus forced to retire Antony takes east, Octavian (Caesar’s grand-nephew) takes west Antony loves Cleopatra of Egypt who will help him defeat Octavian 31 B.C. battle of Actium in Greece Octavian crushes Antony and Cleopatra (commit suicide) Support of Octavian Cicero, a political leader, argued against dictators and for the Republic. Supported Octavian however because he thought Oct would restore republic A New Emperor Octavian gives some power to Senate but declares himself imporator Changes name to Augustus “revered or magic one” Republic is now dead, Rome is an Empire

21 Emperor Augustus Accomplishments Began Pax Romana “Roman Peace”
Built permanent professional army 150,000 Created Praetorian Guard to guard emperor Conquered new territories (Spain, Gaul, Austria, Hungary, Romania) Built fancy palaces, fountains, and public buildings “I found Rome a city of Brick, and left it a city of marble.” Imported grain from Africa to feed poor. Appointed proconsul or governor for each of Rome’s provinces. Made tax collectors permanent government workers (decreased corruption) Passed laws for non-citizens in all provinces.

22 Julio-Claudian Emperors
Descended from Julius Caesar’s family. Tiberius great military leader regulated business to prevent fraud Caligula abolished sales tax allowed exiles to return mentally unstable - made favorite horse a Consul wasted money killed by own Praetorian Guard Claudius Built new harbor at Ostia to improve trade conquered most of Britain

23 Julio-Claudian Emperors Part 2
Nero killed mother and two wives “fiddled while Rome burned” in 64 A.D. committed suicide Vespasian Nero’s consul restored order after Nero put down rebellions destroyed Jewish temple in 70 A.D. constructed coliseum

24 The Good Emperors 96A.D. – 180 A.D.
Nerva Revised taxes, reformed land laws for poor Trajan gave money to poor educated children empire at its largest Hadrian made Roman law easier to understand pulled back boundaries of empire (out of Mesopotamia) set northern border and Danube and Rhine Rivers built Hadrian’s wall Antonius Pius – passed laws to help orphans Emperors overshadow Senate more than ever All of the Good Emperors built arches, monuments, bridges, roads, and aqueducts.

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