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Welcome to Parent Orientation

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1 Welcome to Parent Orientation
Third Grade Address:

2 A little about me… I am your neighbor! I’ve lived in South Woodland Hills for almost 15 years. I have 2 children (both WHE alumni). Both my children are freshman. My son is a college freshman, and my daughter is a high school freshman. This is my 18th year of teaching.

3 ARRIVAL AND DISMISSAL Students may arrive to school as early as 7:30 a.m. Students will be dismissed to classrooms at 7:45 a.m. The instructional school day begins at 7:55 a.m. The tardy bell rings at 8:00 a.m. Excessive tardies and/or absences will be addressed by WHE administration. Please have your child here on time as learning starts as our instructional day begins as soon as we walk in the classroom. If your child is absent, please call the attendance as soon as possible to report the absence. The attendance line is available 24/7. You should also send a parent and/or doctor note when your child returns to school. Students are dismissed at 3:20 p.m. Car riders will sit in grade level lines in the cafeteria Parent walk ups will be picked up by the Plum Valley playground towards the side of the school. Bikers and all walkers will be brought to the bike rack area. Bus and daycare riders leave from the side of the school. YMCA students meet by the science lab. Please make sure you send a note or call the office when there is a change in the way your child is getting home.

4 RED BINDER Students should bring their Red Binder back and forth from school every day. Please check for papers in the “Stay at Home” folder and take them out of the binder. Any notes or papers you need to send to school should go in the “Back and Forth” folder. Reading Logs should be kept in the Red Binder. Please check your child’s conduct folder and sign it weekly!

5 Daily Schedule Time Subject 7:45 – 8:10 Morning Routines 8:10 – 9:45
Math 9:45 – 11:00 Reading Workshop interactive read aloud, guided reading groups, independent reading 11:00 – 11:45 Science/Social Studies 11:45 – 12:35 Specials 12:35 – 1:35 Lunch & Recess 1:35 – 3:00 Literacy Workshop: word study, handwriting, grammar/editing, writing 3:00 – 3:15 Afternoon Routines 3:20 Dismissal *Tuesday schedules are different. See Tuesday Schedule in your child’s Red Binder.

6 Specials: P.E., Library, art, technology, music
Your child’s specials schedule is located in their Red Binder so they may plan accordingly. P.E. days are on the same days of the week – Mondays & Thursdays. Water bottles are encouraged at P.E. Times: Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday: 11:45 a.m. – 12:35 p.m. Tuesday 2:00 p.m. – 3:20 p.m.

E Excellent S Satisfactory N Needs Improvement U Unsatisfactory P.E., Art, and Music Grades Conduct Effort and Participation Art: Students will receive grades during the 2nd and 4th 9 weeks.

8 Special “Specials” Dates for 3rd grade:
Veterans Day Program: Monday, 8:30 a.m. Jump Rope for Heart: Friday, February 15th during Specials Time Woody’s Fun Day: Thursday, April 18th Book Fair: November 12th - 16th Humble ISD Fine Arts Festival: April 27th

9 Reading Homework 20 minutes of Reading each night
Reading activities may include: reading school library book(s) reading book(s) from home Your child will keep their reading log in his/her Red Binder. It will be due on Friday of each week. In the Spring Semester, reading homework will change to reading passages with comprehension questions.


11 Math Homework For now, math homework will be assigned on an “as needed” basis. Math homework may be sent home if your child would benefit from additional practice and/or support on a specific skill at home.

12 Information from Nurse Cook
Please make sure your child has an extra pair of clothes in their backpack at all times. Accidents happen, whether it be at lunch, recess, nose bleeds or bathroom. If you have extra clothes and are wanting to donate them to the nurse, please bring them to the front office.

13 Birthdays Due to food allergies, Nurse Cook must approve birthday cupcakes 48 hours in advance. If you’d like to send something to celebrate your child’s birthday that all your child’s classmates can enjoy, feel free to send pencils, erasers, small trinkets, etc.

14 Students may bring one snack to eat and water in a CLOSED container to drink in the classroom.
We do not have a designated time where we stop and eat a snack. Rather, your child’s snack should be something they can easily consume while still working/learning. Please, no items requiring spoons as those tend to get messy. “Brain Fuel” snacks for the classroom Sorry, not permitted for classroom snacks Fruits or vegetables Crackers or Pretzels Cheese Chips Cookies Candy Cakes or Cupcakes

15 Visiting WHE Please press the white button located on the intercom system to speak to our front office staff about the nature of your visit to WHE. Please have your identification ready to place in front of the camera, in the intercom system. Identification could be the following: Driver’s license State Identification Card Passport The district has updated our Raptor Visitor security software. This means ALL VISITORS to our campus will have to have their identification re-scanned and inputted in to our system again. Thank you for your patience and know safety is the utmost concern of Humble ISD.

16 Lunch at WHE Please drop off any lunches off in the front foyer and label them with your child's FIRST & LAST NAME and their grade level by their scheduled lunch time. Students will pick up their lunch at lunch time. If you are planning to eat lunch with your child, please check in with the front office and obtain a visitor’s badge. Please enjoy lunch with your child at the Visitor’s Table. Please do not accompany your child to recess after lunch.

17 Grades & Tutoring Your child will be graded on a 100 point scale this year. This corresponds to: 90 – 100 A 80 – 89 B 70 – 79 C 0 – 69 Failing Tutoring is offered in reading and math, and it is generally reserved for students who have a 75 average or below on their report card. Tutoring will begin 2nd nine weeks.

18 Assessments Benchmark Reading Assessments – End-of-Second Grade reading benchmark was Level M. End of year benchmark for 3rd grade is Level P. Students will be formally assessed on their reading levels in September, January, and April. Results from the September reading assessment will be shared at your child’s Fall Conference. Math – we take assessments at the end of every math unit. We will also take a mid-year cumulative assessment and an end-of-year cumulative assessment. Your child will have a State of Texas Assessment of Academic Readiness (STAAR) assessment in reading and math in May.

19 Additional Information…
Scholastic Orders. Check or Online orders only. Friday is Spirit Day!!! Have your child wear their school shirt! Every Wednesday is College Coolness Day!! Have your child wear a college shirt to promote education!

20 Stay Informed of WHE Happenings!
Electronic newsletter every Friday-Woody’s Wrap-Up. Weekly Mass … every Friday Check out the marquee out front Check the website at Follow us on Facebook Twitter

21 YES! 67587 Download the App today! If you are new to Humble
If you opted in, and are currently receiving texts from Humble ISD, you are in the system! If you are new to Humble And did NOT OPT in yet Text YES to 67587!

22 Thank you for sharing your child with me this year!

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