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Preparing for the water apocalypse

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1 Preparing for the water apocalypse
June 27, 2018 Water: Advocating for Protection Chicago, Illinois Preparing for the water apocalypse Lightning talk by LWV of Kansas City (Mo.) Jackson, Clay, Platte Counties Cheryl Barnes Water Study Co-Chair / Board member

2 What are those engineers thinking?
Yellow arrows point to Great Bend as a point of reference on all three maps. Blue star is Kansas City, divided by the Missouri River, which also separates the states. Above left: Green line is proposed route for aqueduct. Above right: Ogallala Aquifer Left: highway map for state reference What were those engineers thinking? Two threats – the aqueduct plan and the Keystone Pipeline. Aqueduct plan Pump water from the Missouri River 360 mi. uphill Cost $18 billion (est.) Help preserve Ogallala Aquifer – municipal wells, farms Water for crops not suited for Western Kansas plains Missouri River water could help preserve the Ogallala Aquifer – but at what cost to endangered species, Kansas City and communities down river?

3 What are they thinking in Western Kansas?
Dark green areas are irrigated with a pivot irrigation system, similar to the one shown in the lower corner What are those engineers thinking? Keystone Pipeline – from Canada to Houston refineries to overseas markets Inherent contamination danger to the Ogallala Aquifer Could affect 25 percent of U.S. cropland Could affect municipal and private wells Inherent danger to the Platte River Would affect Omaha and Lincoln, others downstream Project benefits multinational corporations, endangers U.S. citizens Minimal employment gain once the pipeline is built

4 What is Keystone, now Canada, thinking?
What are those engineers thinking? Keystone Pipeline – from Canada to Houston refineries to overseas markets Inherent contamination danger to the Ogallala Aquifer Could affect 25 percent of U.S. cropland Could affect municipal and private wells Inherent danger to the Platte River Would affect Omaha and Lincoln, others downstream Project benefits multinational corporations, endangers U.S. citizens Minimal employment gain once the pipeline is built

5 We were busy, and in addition, we thought-
What were we thinking? We were busy, and in addition, we thought- No one would pump water uphill for unsuitable crops No one would intentionally draw down more water than a vital and threatened aquifer could recharge No one would waste water with careless farming practices and No one would jeopardize such an important resource as the Ogallala Aquifer with a pipeline carrying thick tar sand oils We were wrong. Way wrong. We were busy, and in addition, we thought- No one would pump water uphill for unsuitable crops No one would intentionally draw down more water than a vital and threatened aquifer could recharge No one would waste water with careless farming practices and No one would jeopardize such an important resource as the Ogallala Aquifer with a pipeline carrying thick tar sand oils We were wrong. Way wrong.

6 The League springs into…dismay
We couldn’t take action as our position wasn’t relevant, and hadn’t been updated for decades. Decades. We wanted to work with the Kansas LWVs, as it is an issue that crossed state lines, but our Kansas City hands were tied. We couldn’t make it a state issue as it hadn’t been approved at the Missouri state conference / convention. We couldn’t take action as our position wasn’t relevant, and hadn’t been updated for decades. Decades. We wanted to work with the Kansas LWVs, as it is an issue that crossed state lines, but our Kansas City hands were tied. We couldn’t make it a state issue as it hadn’t been approved at the Missouri state conference / convention.

7 The League springs into…dismay
We hurriedly put together a study group We reviewed our old position After a few months of reviewing current material, we shared the completed study with the membership. The Kansas City League approved a minor change, adding the word “metropolitan” so we could cross the state line and work with neighboring Kansas Leagues. We hurriedly put together a study group We reviewed our old position After a few months of reviewing current material, we shared the completed study with the membership. The Kansas City League approved a minor change, adding the word “metropolitan” so we could cross the state line and work with neighboring Kansas Leagues.

8 We must be proactive: the sky is falling
What is the worst case scenario? What are opposing think tanks, organizations, industries considering? What do our positions say? What does their proposed template legislation say, do? How current, how relevant are our positions? How fast can we take action? Who knew we’d have an EPA administrator who sued the agency 27 times before being appointed to dismantle it – the only thing that stands between citizens and unscrupulous corporations. What is the worst case scenario? What are opposing think tanks, organizations, industries considering? What do our positions say? What does their proposed template legislation say, do? How current, how relevant are our positions? How fast can we take action? Who knew we’d have an EPA administrator who sued the agency 27 times before being appointed to dismantle it – the only thing that stands between citizens and unscrupulous corporations.

9 Have at it, sisters. – Cheryl Barnes
Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has. – Margaret Mead Have at it, sisters. – Cheryl Barnes

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