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Discussion Questions   5/16/16

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Presentation on theme: "Discussion Questions   5/16/16"— Presentation transcript:

1 Discussion Questions   5/16/16 Using your textbook, journal, handouts, or smart phone please complete the following: 1. Please describe the unique properties of water 2. Please compare and contrast solutions and suspensions 3. Describe the pH scale 4. Please describe each of the following and give examples: acids, bases, buffers

2 Reminders There will be a chemistry test…it is already copied and
ready on You received your review last week

3 Chemistry Unit Day 1 Periodic Table ppt finish Atoms and Elements ppt

4 Puzzle Lab- With your lab group you are to predict the patterns on your group’s missing card. You must be able to tell me the color of the card and everything that is on the card. When you think that your team has the correct answer come share your information with me. For every time I tell you that you are wrong, five points will be taken off. On a separate sheet of paper list all of the patterns your group found.

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