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Caveats All ranking metrics must be taken with a grain of salt

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1 Columbia SEAS Ranking: 2001-2011 Shree Nayar, Rocco Servedio, Michael Collins January 27, 2012

2 Caveats All ranking metrics must be taken with a grain of salt
Specific numbers used to compute ranking can be imprecise Despite caveats, one can assume there is a correlation between a school’s ranking and its actual quality.

3 Ranking Metrics Used By US News and World Report
Peer Assessment GRE Scores and Acceptance Rate Phd Students per Faculty Number of Faculty in National Academy of Engineering Total Research Expenditure Research Expenditure per Faculty Phds Granted And, a few more…

4 Progress Over the Past Decade: SEAS and University
Despite severe space/growth constraints, SEAS has steadily improved in ranking with strong emphasis on faculty and student quality.

5 Engineering School Ranking Gains: 2001 - 2011
MIT 1 Stanford 2 Berkeley 3 GA Tech 4 UIUC 5 6 -1 CMU 8 +2 Caltech 7 UT Austin 9 +1 U Michigan -5 Cornell 10 School 2011 Ranking 2001 Ranking Gain Purdue 11 9 -2 USC 12 +1 Texas A&M 13 UCLA 14 21 +7 UCSD 15 Columbia 16 31 +15 UW Madison Princeton 18 Harvard 25 Northwestern 20 19 -1 SEAS had the most dramatic gain in ranking among the top 20 engineering schools in the country.

6 Engineering Faculty Size Versus Ranking (2011 Data)
SEAS has fewer faculty than every top 15 school (except for Caltech, which focuses all its resources on science and engineering). All other top 10 schools have over 200 faculty.

7 Engineering PhD Production Versus Ranking (2010 Data)
PhD Graduates Columbia Engineering needs a 120% increase in PhD production to catch up to the average of the top 15 schools.

8 Columbia Engineering vs. Cornell Engineering

9 SEAS Ranking vs. Faculty Size
2011 Faculty Size 2001 Ranking SEAS ranking has improved almost linearly with faculty size, but further ranking improvement will require careful (quality) growth.

10 New (Since 2004) Engineering Buildings at Top 10 Schools
Stanford MIT Berkeley U. Michigan Cornell GaTech UT Austin CMU Caltech UIUC

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