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Warmwater Streams Chapter 19

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1 Warmwater Streams Chapter 19

2 Warmwater Streams Coolwater, warmwater
Water temperatures high enough to prevent salmonids from remaining throughout the year, reproducing- >24°C Coolwater, warmwater

3 Warmwater Streams Many different game fish Multi-species assemblages

4 Warmwater Streams Classification of warmwater streams
Based on physical, biological factors

5 Longitudinal Zonation River Continuum Concept

6 Longitudinal Zonation River Continuum Concept

7 Longitudinal Zonation River Continuum Concept

8 Longitudinal Zonation River Continuum Concept
Headwater - tolerant, good recolonizers, small Midreach - greater diversity (habitat, species) Biological regulation becomes more important Mainstem - greater diversity, body size

9 Major Historical Problems
Sedimentation Water table alteration

10 Management Differences from coldwater streams:
More affected by humans - habitat, water quality Multi-species recreational fishery Lack of ecological data on fish, other biota

11 Species Management Approach
What’s good for top carnivores should be good for entire stream

12 Community Management Approach
Stresses balance of taxonomic or ecological groups What’s good for community should be good for sport fish

13 Habitat Many considerations: Depth Structure Riparian vegetation
Sedimentation Hydraulic stability

14 Habitat Depth: Cover Low-water or winter refuge
Habitat for forage fish

15 Habitat Structure: Woody snags Channel diversity Cover
Invertebrate habitat

16 Habitat Riparian vegetation: Buffer strips

17 Habitat Sedimentation: Watershed vs. streambed, banks (50%)

18 Habitat Hydraulic stability: Discharge patterns Channel stability

19 Habitat Major goals: 1) maintain, restore hydraulic stability
2) improve diversity of depth, structure

20 Stocking Warmwater Streams
Not a general policy No perceived need Unnecessary

21 Stocking Warmwater Streams
May help in some situations Deal with inconsistent reproductive success Expand fishing opportunities in western warmwater streams (too warm for salmonids)

22 Regulations Usually no special regulations
Usually identical to lake regulations Only 4 states or provinces with extensive warmwater stream regulations Others with special regs for only few streams

23 Regulations General failure to acknowledge warmwater streams as deserving of habitat-specific management for recreational fisheries

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