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PSYCHOLOGY 40S C. McMurray Vincent Massey Collegiate

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1 PSYCHOLOGY 40S C. McMurray Vincent Massey Collegiate
Psychology 7e in Modules

2 Topic One: Introduction to Psychology
Psychology 7e in Modules

3 Psychologist vs. Scientist
Write down 5 adjectives that describe a typical scientist. Write down 5 adjectives that describe a typical psychologist.

4 We define psychology today as:
the scientific study of behavior (what we do) and mental processes (inner thoughts and feelings). Behaviour is anything an organism DOES. Any action we can observe and record. Mental Processes are the internal, subjective experiences we infer from behaviour. Sensations, perceptions, dreams, thoughts, beliefs, and feelings.

5 The Case of Andrea Yates
On June 20th,2001, after her husband had left for work, Andrea Yates, a Houston mother, drowned her five children in the family bathtub. She told police that she drowned the children to save them from burning in hell. What do you believe to be the causes of Andrea Yates’ murder of her children? Pair-share

6 Psychology’s Three Main Levels of Analysis:
Psychology’s Three Main Levels of Analysis: The Biopsychosocial Approach Biopsychosocial Approach - an approach to describe and explain how biological, psychological and social factors influence behaviour and mental processes. OBJECTIVE 6| Identify the three main levels of analysis in the biopsychosocial approach, and explain why psychology’s varied perspectives are complementary. Biopsychosocial approach considers the influence of biological, psychological, and socio-cultural factors on behavior. Each approach provides an incomplete explanation of behaviors. Psychology 7e in Modules

7 Activity: Write 5 characteristics of each influence in the Biopsychosocial Approach.
Biological Psychological Behaviour or Mental Process Social-Cultural

8 Causes? Did we find the cause in her mental disorder or illness that may have a biological basis? (Biological) Mood disorders run in families and Andrea’s was no exception. A sister and two brothers were also on antidepressants. Research indicates that brain chemistry plays a role in psychological disorder. The neurotransmitter serotonin appears scarce in depression. Diagnosed as suffering from postpartum depression with psychosis, she had been taken off her antipsychotic medication about a month before the children’s deaths. Andrea’s husband, Russell, claimed he had been pleading with doctors to again prescribe Haldol, used in treating people who hear voices or have delusional thoughts.

9 Causes? Did we find the cause in her private mental functioning? (Psychological) Clearly Andrea experienced low self- esteem. At the time she killed her children, she believed she was possessed and that the sign of Satan (666) was marked on her scalp. She told the police that her children “weren’t developing correctly” and that drowning them was the only way to save them.

10 Causes? Did we find the cause in her social environment? (Social-Cultural) Why did her doctor take her off her antipsychotic medication? More importantly, was this really a family affair? Andrea’s in-laws report that her husband was not socially supportive. He claimed he had never changed a diaper. How could he leave her alone with the five children when she could barely care for herself? Why, after doctors had strongly recommended no more children, did he impregnate her a fifth time? And where was her extended family when she needed help so desperately? The individualism of North American society plays a critical role in its accelerating rate of depression.

11 Activity: Think of a Behaviour or Mental Process and apply the 3 main influences:
Biological Psychological Behaviour or Mental Process Social-Cultural

12 Psychology’s Perspectives
There are many factors that shape human behaviour. Psychology looks at human behavior and thinking from a variety of perspectives. (What is a perspective?)

13 perspectives

14 The 7 Major Perspectives
Every topic in psychology can be viewed in different ways:

15 The Biopsychosocial Approach and the Psychology’s Perspectives
The biopsychosocial approach combines and interacts with the seven major perspectives. Each perspective is a specific point of view. No single perspective is better than another.

16 Psychology’s Current Perspectives
Every topic in psychology can be viewed in different ways: 1. Neuroscience (biological) Looks at how physical and biological makeup (body, chemicals, brain) affect behavior. 2. Evolutionary Focuses on survival and reproduction, how we have evolved as a species. 3. Humanistic Suggests that all individuals are driven by personal growth.

17 4. Psychodynamic Emphasizes the role of the unconscious mind, early childhood experiences, unconscious conflicts and drives that we have little awareness of. 5. Behavioural Focuses on learned behaviours (rewards and punishments), what we observe. 6. Cognitive Focuses on mental process…feeling, believing, thinking, decision making, memories. 7. Social-Cultural Focuses on the big environment, culture, religion, community, peers…

18 Outrageous Celebrity Assignment 5 marks
Outrageous Celebrity Assignment marks Choose the most outrageous celebrity you can think of, past or present. You should provide a short list of some of the outrageous behaviours this person has exhibited. Then, attempt to explain ONE behaviour from the point of view of each major psychology perspective. Your reasoning can be as ridiculous as the behaviour itself, as long as it falls in line with the perspective. They don’t have to be true!   Celebrity: ______ Well known for the following behaviour: ________ 1.Neuroscience: 2.Evolutionary: 3.Humanistic: 4.Psychodynamic: 5.Behavioural: 6.Cognitive: 7.Social Cultural:

19 Two Fields of Psychology
Research Pure science Researches topics in Psychology Applied Working with people “Applies” research that has been done already

20 Psychology’s Subfields: Research
Psychologist What she does Biological Explore the links between brain and mind. Developmental Study changing abilities from womb to tomb. Cognitive Study how we perceive, think, and solve problems. Personality Investigate our persistent traits. Social Explore how we view and affect one another. OBJECTIVE 7| Identify some of the psychology’s subfields, and explain the difference between clinical psychology and psychiatry. Psychology 7e in Modules

21 Psychology’s Subfields: Applied
Psychologist What she does Clinical Studies, assesses, and treats people with psychological disorders Counseling Helps people cope with academic, vocational, and marital challenges. Educational Studies and helps individuals in school and educational settings Industrial/ Organizational Studies and advises on behavior in the workplace. Psychology 7e in Modules

22 Counseling and Clinical Psychology vs. Psychiatry
Counseling psychologist Helps people cope with academic, vocational, and marital challenges. A clinical psychologist (Ph.D.) studies, assesses, and treats troubled people with psychotherapy. Psychiatrists on the other hand are medical professionals (M.D.) who use treatments like drugs and psychotherapy to treat people with psychological disorders.

23 Reflections Journal Entry #1: Introduction to Psychology Reflect on the past few of days in Psychology. Comment on what you have learned, your thoughts about psychology and your wonderings. Try to add a personal connection to your entry.

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