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Extraverted Intuition with Feeling

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Presentation on theme: "Extraverted Intuition with Feeling"— Presentation transcript:

1 Extraverted Intuition with Feeling
ENFPs are enthusiastic, insightful, versatile, and tireless in pursuit of new possibilities. They enjoy working on teams to bring about change related to making things better for people. ENFP

2 General Strengths Initiate and promote ideas for people’s and potential Are tireless in the pursuit of novel opportunities Are resourceful and innovative in efforts to accomplish the nearly impossible Like to celebrate and appreciate others ENFP


4 Brief Description of ENFP
Creative Curious Energetic Enthusiastic Expressive Friendly Imaginative Independent Original Restless Spontaneous Versatile

5 ENFP THE INSPIRER Enthusiastic Innovator Champion Journalist
Pied Piper Discoverer Advocate

6 People are the product You can never be too close ENFPs give life an extra squeeze ENFP

7 Personality Portraits
ENFP Personality Portraits

8 POTENTIAL STRENGTHS New ideas and possibilities Enthusiasm and energy
People skills Adaptability Creativity ENFP

9 ENFP Warmly enthusiastic and imaginative. See life as full of possibilities. Make connections between events and information very quickly, and confidently proceed based on the patterns they see. Want a lot of affirmation from others, and readily give appreciations and support, spontaneous and flexible, often rely on their verbal fluency.

10 ENFP Alert to all the possibilities
Original, individual, independent, but also extremely perceptive of the views of others Strong in initiative and creative impulse, but not so strong in completing projects Life likely to be a succession of projects Stimulated by difficulties and most ingenious in solving them Operate by impulsive energy rather than concentrated will power 27 Tireless at what interests them, but find it hard to get other things done. ENFP

11 Hate routine Value inspiration above everything else and follow it confidently into all manner of opportunities, enterprises, ventures and adventures, explorations, researches, mechanical inventions, promotions and projects Versatile, often startlingly clever, enthusiastic, easy with people, and full of ideas about everything under the sun. At their best, gifted with insight amounting to wisdom and with the power to inspire. ENFP

12 Force That Animates-----
Is a Perceptive Energy---An Intuitive Vision of some possibility in the External World They feel charged with a mission to realize that possibility The possibility has an irresistible PULL It become their master and in service they may forget to eat or sleep They cannot rest until they get the genie out of the bottle How ever once the genie is out -- it does not interest them any more, as genie is no longer a possibility, it is a mere FACT ENFP

13 Motivation Spark of Energy
Making a difference through insightful and creative ideas that encourage human development ENFP

14 Type Dynamics Solve a problem by N F S ENFPs T
Looking at larger picture F S ENFPs Looking at facts Considering people Solve a problem by T Applying logic


16 CAREER TRENDS The most attractive occupations for ENFPs are primarily oriented toward counseling and related professions, including teaching and religiously oriented positions. Also represented are occupations in the arts. ENFPs are attracted to careers where they can communicate with, and help foster the growth of others ENFP

Counselor Psychologist Teacher: Arts, Health, Research Assistant Trainer Human Resources Marketing Specialist Writer or Editor Musician or Composer Social Scientist ENFP

Designer Artist/Actor Religiously Oriented Occupations Special Education Nurse Computer Professional Public Relations, Publicity Administrator: Education ENFP

19 Occupations where the ENFP's dominant function (Ne) is used most
Occupations where the ENFP's auxiliary function (Fi) is used most Counsellor Trainer Assistant Secretary Senior Manager Researcher Accountant/auditor/banker/economist Designer Homemaker Entrepreneur/self-employed Writer/editor Psychologist Careers/occupational advice/therapy Human Resources Project manager Nurse Technical specialist Lawyer/attorney Designer Engineer Professor/academic/lecturer Artist/actor Manager Writer/editor Forces Trainer Clergy/church worker Counsellor

20 The jobs/occupations in both lists are
Counselor Trainer Designer Writer/editor ENFP

21 ENFPs are stubbornly loyal to their guiding principle ----
The Inspiring Possibility ENFP

22 ENFPs (Intuitives) Lives Tend to be a ……….
Series of Projects ENFP

23 If ENFP’s pursuit of authentic inspirations is completely blocked, they will feel imprisoned, bored and desperately discontent………. They will almost always find a way out ENFP

24 Two Serious Internal Dangers
They must not Squander their energies in a world full of possible projects, they must pick those that have potential value (CHOOSING) Having Started, they must not Quit (PERSEVERANCE) ENFP


26 ENFP Franz Joseph Haydn, Samuel Clemens (Mark Twain) Will Rogers Buster Keaton Theodor "Dr." Seuss Geisel Mickey Roone James Dobson Andy Rooney Carol Burnett Paul Harvey Elizabeth Montgomery Bill Cosby Dom Delouise Dave Thomas Lewis Grizzard I. King Jordan Martin Short Meg Ryan Robin Williams Sandra Bullock Robert Downey Alicia Silverstone

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