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Happy Intersex Awareness Day!

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Presentation on theme: "Happy Intersex Awareness Day!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Happy Intersex Awareness Day!

2 So what does it mean to be intersex?
Being intersex means to be born with ambiguous characteristics that do not fit with a doctor’s notions of “female” or ”male”. Ambiguous Characteristics of the: Chromosomes Hormones Internal Organs Genitalia It is as common as being born with red hair.

3 NO! Let’s explore, shall we? Is this a new thing?
This has been around all throughout the history of humans! Let’s explore, shall we?

4 Ancient Greece and the story of the Soulmate
Males: Children of the Sun Females: Children of the Earth Androgynous: Children of the Moon (which is derived from the Sun and Earth) Considered too powerful by the Gods Too powerful to be human

5 The child of Aphrodite and Hermes He is one of the Erotes
Hermaphroditus (Hermaphrodite) The child of Aphrodite and Hermes He is one of the Erotes Associated with sex and love Considered the ideal of beauty

6 “The Best of Both Worlds”
Not Human Godly “The Best of Both Worlds” Highly Sexualized Too Powerful

7 The 6 Genders of the Old Testament
זָכָר: pointy sword, phallus; “male” נְקֵבָה: crevice, vaginal opening; “female”

8 Oh yeah, and these ones too
אַנְדְּרוֹגִינוֹס: both; intersex טֻומְטוּם: ambiguity; intersex too איילונית: “female” to“male”; Infertility סריס: ”male” to female”; natural or intervention (“More Than Just Male and Female: The Six Genders in Classical Judaism.” SOJOURN, 1 June 2015,

9 New Testament “God created man in His own image; in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them” (Genesis 1:27)

10 In Christianity's-Version-of-God We Trust

11 American freak shows

12 Recognizes Intersex as a valid, human gender.
The Shift The New Testament Adopts Christianity as a leading/default religion. Often bases opinions, laws, and education on Christian ideals. Ancient Greece Western Medicine Believes intersex to be too powerful and Godly as a form. Recognizes Intersex as a valid, human gender. Recognizes only binary female and male. Is often interpreted as denouncing gender fluidity. Views Intersex as a medical condition that needs to be fixed. Early USA The Old Testament

13 Intersex Today Considered a defect that needs correction.

14 Fetishized… it’s a Porn Category for crying out loud!
Intersex today Fetishized… it’s a Porn Category for crying out loud! Afraid of not being able to put a definition to something Afraid of ambiguity Afraid of our own sexuality


16 Thank you for gaining intersex awareness on intersex awareness day with me!
If you’d like one, grab a laptop sticker in the back to help continue to spread intersex awareness! Thanks again!

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