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Winter Intercession 2018 Lacks

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1 Winter Intercession 2018 Lacks
Self-Awareness Winter Intercession 2018 Lacks

2 Day 1: Mindfulness (self-image & self-esteem)

3 Self-Awareness “Resolve to be thyself, and know that they who find themselves lose their misery.” Matthew Arnold This topic deals with ways to look at how we feel about ourselves, the important of high self-esteem to being effective and successful, and ways to develop positive self-esteem Self-awareness means more than presenting a good image and feeling good about yourself. It means looking honestly at your inner self and learning to deal with your feelings and situations

4 Self-Awareness Esteem means “to appreciate the value of”
Your self-image will determine your sensitivity to the needs of others your ability to solve problems your ability to handle responsibility your judgment in all areas (including your future) The single major factor determining or limiting your success and happiness is your self-image, your self-esteem When you have a positive self-image, you have a lot of self-confidence Self-confidence is built on your experiences from early childhood on; however, growing up confident and self-assured is not an easy or natural thing You can change your own self-image! Some people undermine their own self-confidence and suffer from poor self-concept by dwelling on the negatives of the past rather than the positives

5 Problems of Poor Self-Image
A poor self-image keeps you from learning how to succeed. prevents you from liking and respecting yourself consistently affects your decision-making process When you don’t believe that you can do something you will never allow yourself to learn how, or be comfortable with the way you do it. When you don’t particularly like yourself, you communicate it to those around you and keep yourself from making friends, fitting into groups, developing leadership skills, or even just having fun.

6 Self-Study Write down at least two things you are insecure about.
How do these (or one) affect daily decisions? What does this insecurity stop you from doing? What might you do differently if you weren’t impeded by this insecurity? In what ways do you broadcast this insecurity?

7 Self-Study With a partner, share your insecurities.
What were things others were insecure about? Did you find these insecurities valid?

8 Self-Study Is your insecurity truly valid?
How can you stop broadcasting it? How can you logically overcome this insecurity?

9 Barksdale’s Self Esteem Evaluation

10 Ingredients for a Positive Self-Image

11 Ingredients for Positive Self-Image
There are many areas in which we need competence in order to be positive, self-reliant people. They include: 1. Identification with real role models. What are qualities you look for in a role model?

12 Ingredients for Positive Self-Image
2. Awareness of, and respect for social responsibility. The consequences of your actions affect not only you, but others. Always KNOW YOUR AUDIENCE! (friends, parents, teachers, professors, etc.)

13 Ingredients for Positive Self-Image
3. Confidence in personal resources to solve problems. To become a self-confident person, you must develop the ability and attitude that will allow you to work through problems and believe that they can be solved by applying your own personal resources. Dependent people don’t learn how to do this and believe that solutions are purely chance. They believe nothing can be done about the present or future except to accept it.

14 Self-Study Write down some of your positive attributes.
If your list is limited, ask a friend. How can you use these more effectively? What are some characteristics you’d like to use to describe yourself? What attributes/characteristics would you like to further develop? What can you do to remind yourself to focus on them? Focus on intrapersonal skills – ex. remind yourself to be positive; strive to be more creative; read more to become a better communicator BE HONEST with yourself to yourself.

15 Ingredients for Positive Self-Image
4. Development of intrapersonal skills. You can use intrapersonal skills to communicate with and check yourself. These skills include the ability to recognize and understand your own feelings, self-discipline, self-control, and self-assessment. Understanding situations allows you to handle situations within (ex. Avoid emotional texting and posting) – make yourself wait 10 mins to cool off, calm down – your judgment will be much better. Most of the things that we do that we end up regretting are things done in the heat of the moment or without contemplation.

16 Ingredients for Positive Self-Image
5. Development of interpersonal skills. Interpersonal skills can be as basic as being able to start and carry on a conversation, but also include the ability to share ideas and feelings and be sensitive to the feelings and needs of others, the ability to listen and respond, and the skills to cooperate, negotiate, and share. Again, be HONEST with yourself and with others!!!! Instead of saying that you’re one way, try to be that way and let others notice for themselves. When someone is speaking, don’t sit there and think about what you want to say next. Or, if someone is telling you a story, don’t immediately launch into your own story when they’re finished. Listen, comment appropriately. Then, if your contribution is meaningful, contribute. ALWAYS try to be a person of substance; don’t just comment for the sake of commenting. For example, if you’re about to share a story, or similar situation, think first – would I want to hear this if I were the other person?

17 Self-Study Write down ways in which you are a good communicator.
Do you listen intently to others? Do you try to see from their perspective? Are you a supportive friend? Do you put others before yourself? Write down interpersonal skills that you need to work on. Do you let people finish their thoughts? Do you respect the opinions of those who are older? How can you effectively, and consistently, implement these into your everyday life?

18 Ingredients for Positive Self-Image
6. Situational skills Choices Exercise (drama vs non-drama) Situational skills are those skills that help you determine what kind of a situation you are in and how best to respond to it. When you learn to look at a situation, decide what behavior best fits the situation according to the results you wish, and then adapt to the situation, you are showing your maturity.)

19 Ingredients for Positive Self-Image
7. Judgment skills These skills involve the ability to recognize, understand, and apply good judgment in your environment. In many areas, poor judgment is obvious, such as when you become so obsessed with a sport, activity, or job that it begins to interfere with other activities such as your studies and responsibilities at home. You must learn to judge the consequences of things so that you can choose the most successful path for yourself.

20 Self-Study Write down a situation when you’ve used poor judgment.
What were the reasons you made the decision? What were the repercussions? In hindsight, what would you have done differently?

21 Tips for Building Self-Esteem

22 Tips for Building Self-Esteem
1. Dress and look your best at all times. 2. Take inventory of your reasons for self-esteem regularly. Write down some positives in your life. What do you have to be thankful for? Who is supportive of you? What have you done that you are proud of? No matter what your friends and peers may say, personal grooming provides visible evidence of how you feel about yourself. Write down: what your blessings are, who and what you are thankful for, what you have done that you are proud of, what your goals are.

23 Tips for Building Self-Esteem
3. Set your own internal standards. Write down: In what ways can I be more positive, or less negative, in my life? Learn to accept yourself as you are now, but set your own standards for personal improvement in lifestyle, participation in school, accomplishments, relationships. Associate with winners. Do not associate with people who are negative, or bring you down. In what ways can you be more positive, or less negative, in your life?

24 Tips for Building Self-Esteem
4. Volunteer your name first. 5. Always respond with thank you. Whenever you speak on the phone or meet someone new, giving your name first shows you value your name and yourself as an individual. Whenever anyone pays you a compliment of any kind, accept it graciously without adding anything to make yourself seem unworthy.

25 Tips for Building Self-Esteem
6. Use encouraging, affirmative language. 6. Use encouraging, affirmative language. Whenever you speak about yourself, use positive, constructive descriptions. Remember, everything you say about yourself is subconsciously recorded by yourself and others. 7. Create your own horoscope. Don’t feel trapped into repeating patterns you don’t like. List positive alternatives to habits that you seriously want to change.

26 Tips for Building Self-Esteem
7. Look people in the eyes 8. Look people in the eyes. Direct eye contact is one of the most important non-verbal dictators of self-confidence. (practice)

27 https://career. virginia

28 Tips for Building Self-Esteem
8. Keep an ongoing self-development plan. 8. Keep an ongoing self-development plan. Write down what you’ll have to learn and what behavior you’ll have to change in order to become the person you wish to be.

29 Tips for Building Self-Esteem
9. Be aware of your relaxed face (smile) Everyone responds to a smile. It tells us that this is a person who is happy, caring, and sharing.

30 Be mindful of your resting face.

31 Tips for Building Self-Esteem
10. Create your own horoscope. With of of these things in mind, write your horoscope for Quarter 3 (today - March). Base it on yourself, not the actions of others. 10. Create your own horoscope. Don’t feel trapped into repeating patterns you don’t like. List positive alternatives to habits that you seriously want to change.

32 Moving forward Sometimes, despite all of our efforts to be better each day, we get bogged down by the past… You have to remember: Everyone makes mistakes. Everyone has regrets. People with true balance and self-awareness can not only recognize weaknesses and combat them, but can also admit and take responsibility for mistakes.

33 Exercise Write an apology letter to yourself. Include the bad things you’ve thought about yourself, or have done to yourself. Include the regrets you have, and apologize for the mistakes you’ve made. Promise yourself to let it all go and move forward. Promise to focus on your positives and be more mindful in making future decisions.

34 With these things in mind…
Get to know yourself (complete the shared or printed questionnaire about you)

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