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Quarterly Workshop #2 Pittsburgh Veteran Employer Coalition

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Presentation on theme: "Quarterly Workshop #2 Pittsburgh Veteran Employer Coalition"— Presentation transcript:

1 Quarterly Workshop #2 Pittsburgh Veteran Employer Coalition
December 18, 2017

2 Welcome: Megan Andros, Program Officer, The Heinz Endowments Introductions: Jim McDonough, Managing Director, IVMF Objective, Focus & Goal: Jim McDonough, Managing Director, IVMF Society of Human Resource Management Roundtable: Stacy Bayton, Sr. Vice President, CASY and Anthony Cosby, Director, Employer Outreach, IVMF Break Education Plank: Jim McDonough, Managing Director, IVMF and Nick Armstrong, Senior Director for Research, IVMF PVEC Quarterly Workshop #3 Preview: Jim McDonough, Managing Director, IVMF Agenda

3 Welcome Megan Andros, Program Officer, The Heinz Endowments

4 Introductions Jim McDonough, Managing Director, IVMF

5 Objective, Focus and Goal

6 Pittsburgh: A new model for innovative veteran hiring best practices
Formalized Coalition – Today’s session is focused on increasing competency of those who recruit, hire and support Best Practices Toolkit Development – A SitRep Sustainability Plan and Transition to Local Champions – Some Early Progress! Thoughts for Jim (Megan’s)- I think here we’d like to socialize the steps (rather than list “deliverables and expectations,” which may push too far right off the bat) we might take as a coalition to improve company specific processes that will benefit the companies and therefore the population. Company specific best practices toolkit: finding veterans, the HR process for military veterans, company specific resource groups, retaining military veterans Collective communications plan to the military and veteran population about the work we’ll be doing in the coalition. There is an expectation that the group will commit to something and agree to be transparent on some level. (Jim, you’re going to have to work your magic to figure out what those things are. If you feel comfortable mentioning that now, go for it.) Why transparency is required… Jim, would it be helpful to mention the level of distrust in the veteran community of the corporate sector and feeling like they’ve been told over and over there are opportunities in the sector to not see evidence of it and then see commercials tying companies to the military for good PR? (If no, fine by me. Also, there’s obviously a softer way to say that.)

7 Pittsburgh Human Resources Association Membership Roundtable
Discussion on how to Best Position Your Company’s Military Connected Recruiting, Hiring & Retention Efforts Stacy Bayton, Sr. Vice President, CASY & Anthony Cosby, Director Employer Outreach, IVMF

8 Hiring Concerns that Affect Veteran Placement Decisions
Thoughts for Jim (Megan’s)- I think here we’d like to socialize the steps (rather than list “deliverables and expectations,” which may push too far right off the bat) we might take as a coalition to improve company specific processes that will benefit the companies and therefore the population. Company specific best practices toolkit: finding veterans, the HR process for military veterans, company specific resource groups, retaining military veterans Collective communications plan to the military and veteran population about the work we’ll be doing in the coalition. There is an expectation that the group will commit to something and agree to be transparent on some level. (Jim, you’re going to have to work your magic to figure out what those things are. If you feel comfortable mentioning that now, go for it.) Why transparency is required… Jim, would it be helpful to mention the level of distrust in the veteran community of the corporate sector and feeling like they’ve been told over and over there are opportunities in the sector to not see evidence of it and then see commercials tying companies to the military for good PR? (If no, fine by me. Also, there’s obviously a softer way to say that.)

9 Facts On Military Skills & Qualifications
Thoughts for Jim (Megan’s)- I think here we’d like to socialize the steps (rather than list “deliverables and expectations,” which may push too far right off the bat) we might take as a coalition to improve company specific processes that will benefit the companies and therefore the population. Company specific best practices toolkit: finding veterans, the HR process for military veterans, company specific resource groups, retaining military veterans Collective communications plan to the military and veteran population about the work we’ll be doing in the coalition. There is an expectation that the group will commit to something and agree to be transparent on some level. (Jim, you’re going to have to work your magic to figure out what those things are. If you feel comfortable mentioning that now, go for it.) Why transparency is required… Jim, would it be helpful to mention the level of distrust in the veteran community of the corporate sector and feeling like they’ve been told over and over there are opportunities in the sector to not see evidence of it and then see commercials tying companies to the military for good PR? (If no, fine by me. Also, there’s obviously a softer way to say that.)

10 Beyond the MOS – Military Gain Additional Skills
Thoughts for Jim (Megan’s)- I think here we’d like to socialize the steps (rather than list “deliverables and expectations,” which may push too far right off the bat) we might take as a coalition to improve company specific processes that will benefit the companies and therefore the population. Company specific best practices toolkit: finding veterans, the HR process for military veterans, company specific resource groups, retaining military veterans Collective communications plan to the military and veteran population about the work we’ll be doing in the coalition. There is an expectation that the group will commit to something and agree to be transparent on some level. (Jim, you’re going to have to work your magic to figure out what those things are. If you feel comfortable mentioning that now, go for it.) Why transparency is required… Jim, would it be helpful to mention the level of distrust in the veteran community of the corporate sector and feeling like they’ve been told over and over there are opportunities in the sector to not see evidence of it and then see commercials tying companies to the military for good PR? (If no, fine by me. Also, there’s obviously a softer way to say that.)

11 Beyond the MOS – Caution About Generalizing
Thoughts for Jim (Megan’s)- I think here we’d like to socialize the steps (rather than list “deliverables and expectations,” which may push too far right off the bat) we might take as a coalition to improve company specific processes that will benefit the companies and therefore the population. Company specific best practices toolkit: finding veterans, the HR process for military veterans, company specific resource groups, retaining military veterans Collective communications plan to the military and veteran population about the work we’ll be doing in the coalition. There is an expectation that the group will commit to something and agree to be transparent on some level. (Jim, you’re going to have to work your magic to figure out what those things are. If you feel comfortable mentioning that now, go for it.) Why transparency is required… Jim, would it be helpful to mention the level of distrust in the veteran community of the corporate sector and feeling like they’ve been told over and over there are opportunities in the sector to not see evidence of it and then see commercials tying companies to the military for good PR? (If no, fine by me. Also, there’s obviously a softer way to say that.)

12 Beyond the MOS – Advanced Beyond Their Civilian Peers
Thoughts for Jim (Megan’s)- I think here we’d like to socialize the steps (rather than list “deliverables and expectations,” which may push too far right off the bat) we might take as a coalition to improve company specific processes that will benefit the companies and therefore the population. Company specific best practices toolkit: finding veterans, the HR process for military veterans, company specific resource groups, retaining military veterans Collective communications plan to the military and veteran population about the work we’ll be doing in the coalition. There is an expectation that the group will commit to something and agree to be transparent on some level. (Jim, you’re going to have to work your magic to figure out what those things are. If you feel comfortable mentioning that now, go for it.) Why transparency is required… Jim, would it be helpful to mention the level of distrust in the veteran community of the corporate sector and feeling like they’ve been told over and over there are opportunities in the sector to not see evidence of it and then see commercials tying companies to the military for good PR? (If no, fine by me. Also, there’s obviously a softer way to say that.)

13 Beyond the MOS – Integrity
Thoughts for Jim (Megan’s)- I think here we’d like to socialize the steps (rather than list “deliverables and expectations,” which may push too far right off the bat) we might take as a coalition to improve company specific processes that will benefit the companies and therefore the population. Company specific best practices toolkit: finding veterans, the HR process for military veterans, company specific resource groups, retaining military veterans Collective communications plan to the military and veteran population about the work we’ll be doing in the coalition. There is an expectation that the group will commit to something and agree to be transparent on some level. (Jim, you’re going to have to work your magic to figure out what those things are. If you feel comfortable mentioning that now, go for it.) Why transparency is required… Jim, would it be helpful to mention the level of distrust in the veteran community of the corporate sector and feeling like they’ve been told over and over there are opportunities in the sector to not see evidence of it and then see commercials tying companies to the military for good PR? (If no, fine by me. Also, there’s obviously a softer way to say that.)

14 Beyond the MOS – Handling Work Under Stress
Thoughts for Jim (Megan’s)- I think here we’d like to socialize the steps (rather than list “deliverables and expectations,” which may push too far right off the bat) we might take as a coalition to improve company specific processes that will benefit the companies and therefore the population. Company specific best practices toolkit: finding veterans, the HR process for military veterans, company specific resource groups, retaining military veterans Collective communications plan to the military and veteran population about the work we’ll be doing in the coalition. There is an expectation that the group will commit to something and agree to be transparent on some level. (Jim, you’re going to have to work your magic to figure out what those things are. If you feel comfortable mentioning that now, go for it.) Why transparency is required… Jim, would it be helpful to mention the level of distrust in the veteran community of the corporate sector and feeling like they’ve been told over and over there are opportunities in the sector to not see evidence of it and then see commercials tying companies to the military for good PR? (If no, fine by me. Also, there’s obviously a softer way to say that.)

15 Beyond the MOS – Dependable and Reliable
Thoughts for Jim (Megan’s)- I think here we’d like to socialize the steps (rather than list “deliverables and expectations,” which may push too far right off the bat) we might take as a coalition to improve company specific processes that will benefit the companies and therefore the population. Company specific best practices toolkit: finding veterans, the HR process for military veterans, company specific resource groups, retaining military veterans Collective communications plan to the military and veteran population about the work we’ll be doing in the coalition. There is an expectation that the group will commit to something and agree to be transparent on some level. (Jim, you’re going to have to work your magic to figure out what those things are. If you feel comfortable mentioning that now, go for it.) Why transparency is required… Jim, would it be helpful to mention the level of distrust in the veteran community of the corporate sector and feeling like they’ve been told over and over there are opportunities in the sector to not see evidence of it and then see commercials tying companies to the military for good PR? (If no, fine by me. Also, there’s obviously a softer way to say that.)

16 Beyond the MOS – Conscientiousness and Attention to Detail
Thoughts for Jim (Megan’s)- I think here we’d like to socialize the steps (rather than list “deliverables and expectations,” which may push too far right off the bat) we might take as a coalition to improve company specific processes that will benefit the companies and therefore the population. Company specific best practices toolkit: finding veterans, the HR process for military veterans, company specific resource groups, retaining military veterans Collective communications plan to the military and veteran population about the work we’ll be doing in the coalition. There is an expectation that the group will commit to something and agree to be transparent on some level. (Jim, you’re going to have to work your magic to figure out what those things are. If you feel comfortable mentioning that now, go for it.) Why transparency is required… Jim, would it be helpful to mention the level of distrust in the veteran community of the corporate sector and feeling like they’ve been told over and over there are opportunities in the sector to not see evidence of it and then see commercials tying companies to the military for good PR? (If no, fine by me. Also, there’s obviously a softer way to say that.)

17 Beyond the MOS – Interpersonal Skills
Thoughts for Jim (Megan’s)- I think here we’d like to socialize the steps (rather than list “deliverables and expectations,” which may push too far right off the bat) we might take as a coalition to improve company specific processes that will benefit the companies and therefore the population. Company specific best practices toolkit: finding veterans, the HR process for military veterans, company specific resource groups, retaining military veterans Collective communications plan to the military and veteran population about the work we’ll be doing in the coalition. There is an expectation that the group will commit to something and agree to be transparent on some level. (Jim, you’re going to have to work your magic to figure out what those things are. If you feel comfortable mentioning that now, go for it.) Why transparency is required… Jim, would it be helpful to mention the level of distrust in the veteran community of the corporate sector and feeling like they’ve been told over and over there are opportunities in the sector to not see evidence of it and then see commercials tying companies to the military for good PR? (If no, fine by me. Also, there’s obviously a softer way to say that.)

18 Beyond the MOS – Teamwork and Team-Building
Thoughts for Jim (Megan’s)- I think here we’d like to socialize the steps (rather than list “deliverables and expectations,” which may push too far right off the bat) we might take as a coalition to improve company specific processes that will benefit the companies and therefore the population. Company specific best practices toolkit: finding veterans, the HR process for military veterans, company specific resource groups, retaining military veterans Collective communications plan to the military and veteran population about the work we’ll be doing in the coalition. There is an expectation that the group will commit to something and agree to be transparent on some level. (Jim, you’re going to have to work your magic to figure out what those things are. If you feel comfortable mentioning that now, go for it.) Why transparency is required… Jim, would it be helpful to mention the level of distrust in the veteran community of the corporate sector and feeling like they’ve been told over and over there are opportunities in the sector to not see evidence of it and then see commercials tying companies to the military for good PR? (If no, fine by me. Also, there’s obviously a softer way to say that.)

19 Beyond the MOS – Leading, Motivating and Inspiring Others
Thoughts for Jim (Megan’s)- I think here we’d like to socialize the steps (rather than list “deliverables and expectations,” which may push too far right off the bat) we might take as a coalition to improve company specific processes that will benefit the companies and therefore the population. Company specific best practices toolkit: finding veterans, the HR process for military veterans, company specific resource groups, retaining military veterans Collective communications plan to the military and veteran population about the work we’ll be doing in the coalition. There is an expectation that the group will commit to something and agree to be transparent on some level. (Jim, you’re going to have to work your magic to figure out what those things are. If you feel comfortable mentioning that now, go for it.) Why transparency is required… Jim, would it be helpful to mention the level of distrust in the veteran community of the corporate sector and feeling like they’ve been told over and over there are opportunities in the sector to not see evidence of it and then see commercials tying companies to the military for good PR? (If no, fine by me. Also, there’s obviously a softer way to say that.)

20 Beyond the MOS – Oral Communication
Thoughts for Jim (Megan’s)- I think here we’d like to socialize the steps (rather than list “deliverables and expectations,” which may push too far right off the bat) we might take as a coalition to improve company specific processes that will benefit the companies and therefore the population. Company specific best practices toolkit: finding veterans, the HR process for military veterans, company specific resource groups, retaining military veterans Collective communications plan to the military and veteran population about the work we’ll be doing in the coalition. There is an expectation that the group will commit to something and agree to be transparent on some level. (Jim, you’re going to have to work your magic to figure out what those things are. If you feel comfortable mentioning that now, go for it.) Why transparency is required… Jim, would it be helpful to mention the level of distrust in the veteran community of the corporate sector and feeling like they’ve been told over and over there are opportunities in the sector to not see evidence of it and then see commercials tying companies to the military for good PR? (If no, fine by me. Also, there’s obviously a softer way to say that.)

21 Beyond the MOS – Decision Making/Decisiveness
Thoughts for Jim (Megan’s)- I think here we’d like to socialize the steps (rather than list “deliverables and expectations,” which may push too far right off the bat) we might take as a coalition to improve company specific processes that will benefit the companies and therefore the population. Company specific best practices toolkit: finding veterans, the HR process for military veterans, company specific resource groups, retaining military veterans Collective communications plan to the military and veteran population about the work we’ll be doing in the coalition. There is an expectation that the group will commit to something and agree to be transparent on some level. (Jim, you’re going to have to work your magic to figure out what those things are. If you feel comfortable mentioning that now, go for it.) Why transparency is required… Jim, would it be helpful to mention the level of distrust in the veteran community of the corporate sector and feeling like they’ve been told over and over there are opportunities in the sector to not see evidence of it and then see commercials tying companies to the military for good PR? (If no, fine by me. Also, there’s obviously a softer way to say that.)

22 Beyond the MOS – Training Others
Thoughts for Jim (Megan’s)- I think here we’d like to socialize the steps (rather than list “deliverables and expectations,” which may push too far right off the bat) we might take as a coalition to improve company specific processes that will benefit the companies and therefore the population. Company specific best practices toolkit: finding veterans, the HR process for military veterans, company specific resource groups, retaining military veterans Collective communications plan to the military and veteran population about the work we’ll be doing in the coalition. There is an expectation that the group will commit to something and agree to be transparent on some level. (Jim, you’re going to have to work your magic to figure out what those things are. If you feel comfortable mentioning that now, go for it.) Why transparency is required… Jim, would it be helpful to mention the level of distrust in the veteran community of the corporate sector and feeling like they’ve been told over and over there are opportunities in the sector to not see evidence of it and then see commercials tying companies to the military for good PR? (If no, fine by me. Also, there’s obviously a softer way to say that.)

23 Beyond the MOS – Managing and Supervising the Work of Others
Thoughts for Jim (Megan’s)- I think here we’d like to socialize the steps (rather than list “deliverables and expectations,” which may push too far right off the bat) we might take as a coalition to improve company specific processes that will benefit the companies and therefore the population. Company specific best practices toolkit: finding veterans, the HR process for military veterans, company specific resource groups, retaining military veterans Collective communications plan to the military and veteran population about the work we’ll be doing in the coalition. There is an expectation that the group will commit to something and agree to be transparent on some level. (Jim, you’re going to have to work your magic to figure out what those things are. If you feel comfortable mentioning that now, go for it.) Why transparency is required… Jim, would it be helpful to mention the level of distrust in the veteran community of the corporate sector and feeling like they’ve been told over and over there are opportunities in the sector to not see evidence of it and then see commercials tying companies to the military for good PR? (If no, fine by me. Also, there’s obviously a softer way to say that.)

24 Beyond the MOS – Critical Thinking
Thoughts for Jim (Megan’s)- I think here we’d like to socialize the steps (rather than list “deliverables and expectations,” which may push too far right off the bat) we might take as a coalition to improve company specific processes that will benefit the companies and therefore the population. Company specific best practices toolkit: finding veterans, the HR process for military veterans, company specific resource groups, retaining military veterans Collective communications plan to the military and veteran population about the work we’ll be doing in the coalition. There is an expectation that the group will commit to something and agree to be transparent on some level. (Jim, you’re going to have to work your magic to figure out what those things are. If you feel comfortable mentioning that now, go for it.) Why transparency is required… Jim, would it be helpful to mention the level of distrust in the veteran community of the corporate sector and feeling like they’ve been told over and over there are opportunities in the sector to not see evidence of it and then see commercials tying companies to the military for good PR? (If no, fine by me. Also, there’s obviously a softer way to say that.)

25 Beyond the MOS – Written Communications
Thoughts for Jim (Megan’s)- I think here we’d like to socialize the steps (rather than list “deliverables and expectations,” which may push too far right off the bat) we might take as a coalition to improve company specific processes that will benefit the companies and therefore the population. Company specific best practices toolkit: finding veterans, the HR process for military veterans, company specific resource groups, retaining military veterans Collective communications plan to the military and veteran population about the work we’ll be doing in the coalition. There is an expectation that the group will commit to something and agree to be transparent on some level. (Jim, you’re going to have to work your magic to figure out what those things are. If you feel comfortable mentioning that now, go for it.) Why transparency is required… Jim, would it be helpful to mention the level of distrust in the veteran community of the corporate sector and feeling like they’ve been told over and over there are opportunities in the sector to not see evidence of it and then see commercials tying companies to the military for good PR? (If no, fine by me. Also, there’s obviously a softer way to say that.)

26 Beyond the MOS – Project Planning
Thoughts for Jim (Megan’s)- I think here we’d like to socialize the steps (rather than list “deliverables and expectations,” which may push too far right off the bat) we might take as a coalition to improve company specific processes that will benefit the companies and therefore the population. Company specific best practices toolkit: finding veterans, the HR process for military veterans, company specific resource groups, retaining military veterans Collective communications plan to the military and veteran population about the work we’ll be doing in the coalition. There is an expectation that the group will commit to something and agree to be transparent on some level. (Jim, you’re going to have to work your magic to figure out what those things are. If you feel comfortable mentioning that now, go for it.) Why transparency is required… Jim, would it be helpful to mention the level of distrust in the veteran community of the corporate sector and feeling like they’ve been told over and over there are opportunities in the sector to not see evidence of it and then see commercials tying companies to the military for good PR? (If no, fine by me. Also, there’s obviously a softer way to say that.)

27 Employer Obstacle #1 Identifying & Sourcing Veteran Candidates
Why Is This An Issue? Thoughts for Jim (Megan’s)- I think here we’d like to socialize the steps (rather than list “deliverables and expectations,” which may push too far right off the bat) we might take as a coalition to improve company specific processes that will benefit the companies and therefore the population. Company specific best practices toolkit: finding veterans, the HR process for military veterans, company specific resource groups, retaining military veterans Collective communications plan to the military and veteran population about the work we’ll be doing in the coalition. There is an expectation that the group will commit to something and agree to be transparent on some level. (Jim, you’re going to have to work your magic to figure out what those things are. If you feel comfortable mentioning that now, go for it.) Why transparency is required… Jim, would it be helpful to mention the level of distrust in the veteran community of the corporate sector and feeling like they’ve been told over and over there are opportunities in the sector to not see evidence of it and then see commercials tying companies to the military for good PR? (If no, fine by me. Also, there’s obviously a softer way to say that.)

28 Potential Solutions Thoughts for Jim (Megan’s)-
I think here we’d like to socialize the steps (rather than list “deliverables and expectations,” which may push too far right off the bat) we might take as a coalition to improve company specific processes that will benefit the companies and therefore the population. Company specific best practices toolkit: finding veterans, the HR process for military veterans, company specific resource groups, retaining military veterans Collective communications plan to the military and veteran population about the work we’ll be doing in the coalition. There is an expectation that the group will commit to something and agree to be transparent on some level. (Jim, you’re going to have to work your magic to figure out what those things are. If you feel comfortable mentioning that now, go for it.) Why transparency is required… Jim, would it be helpful to mention the level of distrust in the veteran community of the corporate sector and feeling like they’ve been told over and over there are opportunities in the sector to not see evidence of it and then see commercials tying companies to the military for good PR? (If no, fine by me. Also, there’s obviously a softer way to say that.)

29 Employer Obstacle #2 Assessing How Veteran Skills Relate To Your Jobs
Why Is This An Issue? Thoughts for Jim (Megan’s)- I think here we’d like to socialize the steps (rather than list “deliverables and expectations,” which may push too far right off the bat) we might take as a coalition to improve company specific processes that will benefit the companies and therefore the population. Company specific best practices toolkit: finding veterans, the HR process for military veterans, company specific resource groups, retaining military veterans Collective communications plan to the military and veteran population about the work we’ll be doing in the coalition. There is an expectation that the group will commit to something and agree to be transparent on some level. (Jim, you’re going to have to work your magic to figure out what those things are. If you feel comfortable mentioning that now, go for it.) Why transparency is required… Jim, would it be helpful to mention the level of distrust in the veteran community of the corporate sector and feeling like they’ve been told over and over there are opportunities in the sector to not see evidence of it and then see commercials tying companies to the military for good PR? (If no, fine by me. Also, there’s obviously a softer way to say that.)

30 Potential Solutions Thoughts for Jim (Megan’s)-
I think here we’d like to socialize the steps (rather than list “deliverables and expectations,” which may push too far right off the bat) we might take as a coalition to improve company specific processes that will benefit the companies and therefore the population. Company specific best practices toolkit: finding veterans, the HR process for military veterans, company specific resource groups, retaining military veterans Collective communications plan to the military and veteran population about the work we’ll be doing in the coalition. There is an expectation that the group will commit to something and agree to be transparent on some level. (Jim, you’re going to have to work your magic to figure out what those things are. If you feel comfortable mentioning that now, go for it.) Why transparency is required… Jim, would it be helpful to mention the level of distrust in the veteran community of the corporate sector and feeling like they’ve been told over and over there are opportunities in the sector to not see evidence of it and then see commercials tying companies to the military for good PR? (If no, fine by me. Also, there’s obviously a softer way to say that.)

31 Employer Obstacle #3 – Industry Skills Gap
Why Is This An Issue? Thoughts for Jim (Megan’s)- I think here we’d like to socialize the steps (rather than list “deliverables and expectations,” which may push too far right off the bat) we might take as a coalition to improve company specific processes that will benefit the companies and therefore the population. Company specific best practices toolkit: finding veterans, the HR process for military veterans, company specific resource groups, retaining military veterans Collective communications plan to the military and veteran population about the work we’ll be doing in the coalition. There is an expectation that the group will commit to something and agree to be transparent on some level. (Jim, you’re going to have to work your magic to figure out what those things are. If you feel comfortable mentioning that now, go for it.) Why transparency is required… Jim, would it be helpful to mention the level of distrust in the veteran community of the corporate sector and feeling like they’ve been told over and over there are opportunities in the sector to not see evidence of it and then see commercials tying companies to the military for good PR? (If no, fine by me. Also, there’s obviously a softer way to say that.)

32 Potential Solutions Thoughts for Jim (Megan’s)-
I think here we’d like to socialize the steps (rather than list “deliverables and expectations,” which may push too far right off the bat) we might take as a coalition to improve company specific processes that will benefit the companies and therefore the population. Company specific best practices toolkit: finding veterans, the HR process for military veterans, company specific resource groups, retaining military veterans Collective communications plan to the military and veteran population about the work we’ll be doing in the coalition. There is an expectation that the group will commit to something and agree to be transparent on some level. (Jim, you’re going to have to work your magic to figure out what those things are. If you feel comfortable mentioning that now, go for it.) Why transparency is required… Jim, would it be helpful to mention the level of distrust in the veteran community of the corporate sector and feeling like they’ve been told over and over there are opportunities in the sector to not see evidence of it and then see commercials tying companies to the military for good PR? (If no, fine by me. Also, there’s obviously a softer way to say that.)

33 Additional Strategies For Hiring Veterans
Thoughts for Jim (Megan’s)- I think here we’d like to socialize the steps (rather than list “deliverables and expectations,” which may push too far right off the bat) we might take as a coalition to improve company specific processes that will benefit the companies and therefore the population. Company specific best practices toolkit: finding veterans, the HR process for military veterans, company specific resource groups, retaining military veterans Collective communications plan to the military and veteran population about the work we’ll be doing in the coalition. There is an expectation that the group will commit to something and agree to be transparent on some level. (Jim, you’re going to have to work your magic to figure out what those things are. If you feel comfortable mentioning that now, go for it.) Why transparency is required… Jim, would it be helpful to mention the level of distrust in the veteran community of the corporate sector and feeling like they’ve been told over and over there are opportunities in the sector to not see evidence of it and then see commercials tying companies to the military for good PR? (If no, fine by me. Also, there’s obviously a softer way to say that.)

34 Best Practices To Follow
Thoughts for Jim (Megan’s)- I think here we’d like to socialize the steps (rather than list “deliverables and expectations,” which may push too far right off the bat) we might take as a coalition to improve company specific processes that will benefit the companies and therefore the population. Company specific best practices toolkit: finding veterans, the HR process for military veterans, company specific resource groups, retaining military veterans Collective communications plan to the military and veteran population about the work we’ll be doing in the coalition. There is an expectation that the group will commit to something and agree to be transparent on some level. (Jim, you’re going to have to work your magic to figure out what those things are. If you feel comfortable mentioning that now, go for it.) Why transparency is required… Jim, would it be helpful to mention the level of distrust in the veteran community of the corporate sector and feeling like they’ve been told over and over there are opportunities in the sector to not see evidence of it and then see commercials tying companies to the military for good PR? (If no, fine by me. Also, there’s obviously a softer way to say that.)

35 Pittsburgh Human Resources Association (PHRA) Resources Provided to Support Employers in Veteran Hiring Ronald Kubitz, President, PHRA & Kori Amos, President – Elect, PHRA

36 Pittsburgh Human Resources Association
What is the hiring outlook in our region? What resources can the PHRA provide to support employers in Veteran Hiring? What veterans can do to better position themselves for employment in Western PA? Thoughts for Jim (Megan’s)- I think here we’d like to socialize the steps (rather than list “deliverables and expectations,” which may push too far right off the bat) we might take as a coalition to improve company specific processes that will benefit the companies and therefore the population. Company specific best practices toolkit: finding veterans, the HR process for military veterans, company specific resource groups, retaining military veterans Collective communications plan to the military and veteran population about the work we’ll be doing in the coalition. There is an expectation that the group will commit to something and agree to be transparent on some level. (Jim, you’re going to have to work your magic to figure out what those things are. If you feel comfortable mentioning that now, go for it.) Why transparency is required… Jim, would it be helpful to mention the level of distrust in the veteran community of the corporate sector and feeling like they’ve been told over and over there are opportunities in the sector to not see evidence of it and then see commercials tying companies to the military for good PR? (If no, fine by me. Also, there’s obviously a softer way to say that.)

37 Education Plank Cultivating a Military Connected Talent Pool from within Area Colleges and Universities and Plans to Enhance the Area’s Higher Education Alliance Jim McDonough, Managing Director, IVMF & Nick Armstrong, Senior Director for Research, IVMF

38 The Role of Area Colleges & Universities
Could be ‘Plank 1’ of the PVEC Q1 - How do PHRA and HR professionals view the contribution being made today? Q2 – Could they become an uber destination for area recruiters? Q3 – What would that look like for you? Some efforts pre-exist, how to elevate them and bring them into the mainstream? Sustainability being built upon the idea that in these IHE’s a natural talent pipeline exists, but is not being fully leveraged Thoughts for Jim (Megan’s)- I think here we’d like to socialize the steps (rather than list “deliverables and expectations,” which may push too far right off the bat) we might take as a coalition to improve company specific processes that will benefit the companies and therefore the population. Company specific best practices toolkit: finding veterans, the HR process for military veterans, company specific resource groups, retaining military veterans Collective communications plan to the military and veteran population about the work we’ll be doing in the coalition. There is an expectation that the group will commit to something and agree to be transparent on some level. (Jim, you’re going to have to work your magic to figure out what those things are. If you feel comfortable mentioning that now, go for it.) Why transparency is required… Jim, would it be helpful to mention the level of distrust in the veteran community of the corporate sector and feeling like they’ve been told over and over there are opportunities in the sector to not see evidence of it and then see commercials tying companies to the military for good PR? (If no, fine by me. Also, there’s obviously a softer way to say that.)

39 PVEC Workshop #3 Preview – March 13th, EIC
Half-day Event Featuring Employee Resource Group [ERG] Primer, Local Employer Presentations Sharing Best Practices, Strategies and Insights Jim McDonough, Managing Director, IVMF

40 Thank You

41 12 Month Activity Cadence with Quarterly Meet-Ups
Activity 3 – Quarterly Workshop #3 | March 2018 This half-day event that features an employee resource group primer, local employer presentations sharing best practices, strategies and insights. Activity 4 – Quarterly Workshop #4| June 2018 At this half-day session, we will unveil the draft PVEC employer toolkit, discuss implementation and have local employers present. Activity 5 – Quarterly Workshop #5| September 2018 The fifth meeting will feature a veteran spouse seminar, a PVEC career open house and social segment. Activity 6 – Coalition Azimuth Check – Sustainability | Early December 2018 This meeting will focus on the PVEC future, transfer of responsibility and the way forward with a social hour and mixer. The ‘What’ of the program

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