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Chapter 4 The Human World.

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1 Chapter 4 The Human World

2 Population Population- The number of people in a given area
Birthrate- Number of births per 1,000 people Death Rate- Number of Deaths per 1,000 people Natural Increase- Growth rate, the difference between birth and death


4 Movement Migration- Moving
Demography- A particular group of people within a population Demographic Transition- tracking the rise and fall of populations


6 Population Density- Packed like sardines or spread out?
Distribution- Where do we live, how many people live there? Movement- populations go from place to place

7 Analyzing our own Population
Look at the list provided Last year there were 49 people in this grade Now there are 17 Where did they go Let’s imagine they “died” and graph ‘birth’ and ‘death’ rates

8 Culture

9 Culture The way of life for a population or group Elements of Culture
Language Religion Social/Ethnic Groups


11 Social/Ethnic Groups Typically share the same language, history, place of origin, or combination of elements

12 Economy Wealth of Nations?
The Money, trade, all that jazz involving making money

13 Question Think Critically, what are some things that impact culture?

14 “Ahh, pseudo sciences” Mr. Swanson

15 Economics Questions Would ice cream sell well in Alaska in the winter?
Would Mountain Dew sell as well if the price per can went up by $1? If the price of lumber doubled would the same amount of houses be built?

16 Economics Analysis of factors that determine production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services Economics is the analysis of variables and change

17 Scarcity and Resources Labor and Capital GDP= C+I+G+S+(X-M)
Consumption Gross Investment Government Investment Government Spending Exports-Imports

18 Economic issues Inflation Deflation Trade Deficit Budget Deficit
National Debt

19 Economies, Development, and Trade
Developed v. Developing nations Replaces First, Second, and Third World World Trade Tarrif’s- Taxes on trade goods Free Trade- No taxes, meant to encourage trade NAFTA- North America Free Trade Agreement EU- European Union, Free Trade, BREXIT

20 Economic Systems Traditional- Your consumption is not dictated by your wants, but rather what those before you have done. Market- based on free enterprise, what people want drives what people make Command- The government is in control, they drive everything

21 Political Systems

22 Types of Government: Power
Unitary-Central Power resides in the government Federal System- Balance of government between central and regional

23 Types of Government: Control
Autocracy- One person has control Monarchy Dictatorship Oligarchy- Small group has control Aristocracy Theocracy Democracy- Consent of the Governed Republics Athenian Democracy

24 Famous Autocracies Every Monarchy Ever! Famous Dictatorships
Fascist Italy Nazi Germany Stalinist Soviet Union

25 Famous Oligarchies Most communist nations
Communist China, a small group of leaders within the party control everything

26 Famous Democracies USA
A lot of Republic’s around the world are democracies

27 Other Government Sub types
Republic Fascism Anarchy Plutocracy Tyranny Totalitarianism/Tyranny Federation Communism/Socialism

28 Communism Proletariat vs. Bourgeoisie Workers vs. rich
Capitalism creates resentment and competition which creates a loser National pride in it’s purist form says that we all should be equal, as nationalists

29 Communism We have never seen a purely communist state
Communism has no leader Communism as a theory was created by Karl Marx It’s roots in history are much deeper In communism, everyone does their job and exchanges resources equally, no rich, no poor

30 Socialism Diet-Communism
A theory of organization that says that the government controls all major distribution and exchange, still a little private ownership A gateway government to communism

31 Fascism Authoritarian, nationalist right wing system of Government
Vigilance and obedience Cult of Personality Control

32 Anarchy Not punk music “Anarchism stands for the liberation of the human mind from the dominion of religion and liberation of the human body from the coercion of property; liberation from the shackles and restraint of government. It stands for a social order based on the free grouping of individuals…” –Emma Goldman

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