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1. What was Germany’s world view in 1914?

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Presentation on theme: "1. What was Germany’s world view in 1914?"— Presentation transcript:

1 1. What was Germany’s world view in 1914?
Newly united = respected

2 2. What was France's world view in 1914?
Revenge against Germany

3 3. What was Britain concerned about in 1914?
Germany’s power

4 4. What was Austria-Hungary’s world view?
Keep empire

5 5. What was France, GB, and Russia concerned about which caused them to form a military alliance in 1907? Growing German power

6 6. What 2 bitter enemies became friends as a result of the Moroccan crises, when Germany opposed French colonization of Morocco? France and Britain

7 7. Who did Germany have secret alliances with in 1914 and would go to war on their behalf?

8 8. Who did France have secret alliances with in 1914 and would go to war if they went to war?

9 9. What was a major problem with these secret (and not so secret) alliances?
Small dispute escalate to world war

10 9a. Why did countries form military alliances before WWI?
Discourage attacks

11 10. Why did European powers stockpile weapons prior to WWI which caused an arms race?
Stay equal to others

12 11. In addition to wanting more weapons and colonies, how else did extreme nationalism contribute to WWI? More secret treaties

13 12. What was Belgium neutrality?
Anyone invaded, others defend it

14 13. What was the goal of the Serbian terrorist organization, the Black Hand?
Free Bosnia from Austrian control

15 14. Who was coming to visit Bosnia that would initiate events that would lead to WWI?
Archduke Ferdinand and wife

16 15. Who was Archduke Ferdinand of Austria-Hungary?
Prince, future King

17 16. What was the first assassination attempt during the royal couple’s visit to Bosnia?
Bomb thrown at open car

18 17. What did Ferdinand ask after the first assassination attempt?
Visit the wounded officer

19 18. What did Gavrilo Princip do to the royal couple on their way to the hospital?
Killed them



22 19. What did Austria demand from Serbia?
Punish murderers

23 20. Although Serbia accepted Austrian demands, what did Austria do anyway?
Declare war.

24 21. Why did Russia mobilize, or begin preparing for war?
Aid fellow Serbs

25 22. Why did Germany declare war on Russia?
Because Russia mobilized

26 23. Why did Germany also declare war on France?
It would aid Russia (per treaty)

27 24. To avoid a 2 front war against Russia and France simultaneously, what plan did Germany devise?
The Schlieffen Plan

28 25. What was Germany’s goal in the Schlieffen Plan?
Knock out France, attack Russia

29 26. How did Britain get involved in this war on the side of France and Russia?
Germany attacked France through Belgium

30 27. Who were the Allies? Britain, France, Russia

31 28. Who were the Central Powers?
Germany, Austria, Ottomans (Turks)

32 29. Who fought on the Western Front?
Britain / France vs. Germany

33 30. Who fought on the Eastern Front?
Russia vs. Austria / Germany / Ottomans.

34 31. Why was this war so devastating to human life, killing and wounding over 30 million people?
Modern killing machines

35 32. In addition to poison gas, tanks and u-boats, what other modern weapon was used during WWI?
Machine guns






41 33. Why were U-boats such an effective weapon in the German military arsenal?
Sink ships without warning


43 34. What type of warfare developed on the western front during WWI?
Trench Warfare

44 35. Explain Trench Warfare
Troops live in dug out holes

45 36. What were troops on the western front trying to accomplish to win?
Move trench line toward enemy

46 37. What was no man’s land? Area between fighting troops

47 38. Why was there a stalemate (draw) on the Western Front?
Both sides equal in power

48 39. What were characteristics of total war in World War I
Conscription or “The Draft” – required all young men to be ready for military service Raised taxes Rationed food and other products like gasoline Factories repurposed to make war goods Women went to work in military and industry

49 40. Why was it later called a “world war?”
The Ottoman Empire, which covered parts of Middle East, joined Central Powers in 1914 (later became Turkey) Some fighting took place in African and Asian colonies African and Asian soldiers fought in Europe as well

50 41. How did Europe’s overseas colonies affect the war?
Colonial troops recruited to fight

51 End Notes 1

52 42. What event occurred after Russia could no longer feed its army or citizens?
Czar (King) of Russia loses power

53 43. What event occurred in Russia that allowed Germany to move all troops to the western front?
Russians quits war

54 44. Why did Russia stop fighting in WWI?
Couldn’t feed people / supply military.

55 45. What else caused Russians to quit the war?
Lenin / Bolsheviks seize power

56 46. What did the Bolshevik leader Lenin promise the Russians if they would support his communist party? Take Russia out of war

57 47. After the Germans moved their troops to the western front, why didn’t they win the war?
U.S. entered war

58 48. What prompted America to enter WWI on the side of the Allies?
U-boats attack ships

59 49. What prompted America to enter WWI on the side of the Allies? (And)
U-boat sinks Lusitania

60 50. What prompted America to enter WWI on the side of the Allies? (And)
Zimmermann Letter

61 51. What did Germany promise Mexico in the Zimmermann Letter?

62 52. What did the entry of U.S. troops to the western front have on war?
Gave Allies morale boost.

63 53. Why did all nations fighting in WWI censor news about casualties?
Public demand = stop fighting

64 54. How were German troops often portrayed in U.S. propaganda posters?
Human rights abusers

65 55. Why did Germany decide to give up without enemy troops entering their country?
Military mutinied

66 56. Why did Germany decide to give up without enemy troops entering their country?
Wilson = easy peace terms

67 57. In addition to calling for self determination for all nations and ending secret treaties, what else did the U.S President Wilson call for in his Fourteen Points? League of Nations

68 58.What country completely lost its empire after WWI?

69 Europe in 1914

70 Europe in 1919 after Versailles Peace Treaty

71 59. What were the victors trying to achieve in the peace treaty?
Give ethnics own country

72 60. Where all ethnic groups satisfied?

73 61. President Wilson wanted generous peace terms, but what did France and Britain want?
Revenge against Germany

74 62. What did Italy want at the end of the war for joining the fight on the side of the Allies?
Austrian-Hungary land

75 63. What did Germany have to admit in the Treaty of Versailles that ended WWI?
Responsibility for starting war

76 64. What did Germany have to pay for war reparations?
30 billion

77 65. What land did Germany have to give back to France?
Alsace Lorraine

78 66. What was Germany required to disarm as outlined in the Treaty?
Its military

79 67. What new country was to be formed from land that Germany was required to give up?

80 68. What new peace making body was created as part of the Treaty of Versailles?
League of Nations

81 69. What was the responsibility of the League of Nations?
Prevent war

82 70. Why did the U.S. refuse to join the League of Nations?
Didn’t want to be obligated to fight

83 71. What was lost by the Austria-Hungarian Empire after the war?
Most of its territory

84 72. What was the cost of the war in casualties (dead or wounded)?
Over 30 million

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