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New Hanover County Schools Board of Education Presentation November 5, 2013.

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1 New Hanover County Schools Board of Education Presentation November 5, 2013

2 The Superintendent shall select twenty-five percent (25%) of teachers that meet specific criteria to recommend to the Board of Education. Theoretically, the selected teachers should represent the top 25% highest performing teachers in the school system. All four-year contract offers must be made and accepted no later than June 30, 2014 and will run from July 1, 2014 --- June 30, 2018.

3 1.The Superintendent shall recommend 25% of selected teachers from the eligible list to the Board of Education for approval. 2.The Board shall review the selected teachers recommended by the Superintendent and may accept each recommended teacher or choose an alternative teacher. 3.The total number of teachers approved by the Board and offered four-year contracts must equal 25% of all teachers employed by the school system for the past three years. 4.Teachers refusing to accept an offered four-year contract will retain tenure until June 30, 2018.

4 The opinion of the State Attorney General is that the definition of teachers includes: All regular education classroom teachers including itinerant and Special Education resource teachers All instructional support personnel including guidance counselors, social workers, school psychologists, media coordinators, instructional coaches and career/technical education teachers The local school system defines the teachers from this pool who are eligible to be included in the 25% decision.

5 1.Teachers who provide direct instruction to students for at least fifty percent (50%) of their work day. 2.Teachers having been employed by NHCS for three consecutive years prior to the beginning of this school year (September 1, 2013), including probationary teachers. 3.Teachers having worked at least 120 days during each of the three preceding school years. 4.Teachers who are deemed effective as demonstrated by obtaining a proficient rating on Standards 1 through 5 on the teacher evaluation instrument. 5.Nothing in the statute precludes the Superintendent or the Board from adding criteria to the selection process.

6 The selection from the eligible teacher list will be based on a rubric indicating the 25% highest performing teachers at each individual school as measured by: - 2012/2013 Individual Teacher Evaluations - National Board Certification - EVAAS (Educator Value-Added Assessment System) - Advanced Degree

7 Each teacher selected from the eligible list of candidates will be offered: 1.A four-year contract 2.$500 annual pay raise for each year of the contract the teacher continues to work for New Hanover County Schools. 3.Distinction as one of the top highest performing teachers in our school system. 4.Any teacher who accepts a four-year contract voluntarily relinquishes career status or any claim of career status and become subject to the new teacher employment provisions.

8 Any career status teachers who are not offered a four-year contract or rejects a four-year contract will retain career status under the existing law until 2018. Non-career status teachers who did not attain career status prior to 2013/14 and are not chosen for a four-year contract are only eligible to receive one-year contracts until July 1, 2018 and are subject to the new teacher employment provisions.

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