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Cognition (Thinking) Refers to all mental activities associated with thinking, knowing, remembering, & communication.

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Presentation on theme: "Cognition (Thinking) Refers to all mental activities associated with thinking, knowing, remembering, & communication."— Presentation transcript:

1 Cognition (Thinking) Refers to all mental activities associated with thinking, knowing, remembering, & communication

2 Cognitive Psychologists
Studies the logical & illogical ways in which we create concepts, solve problems, make decisions, form judgments

3 Concepts Mental groupings of similar events, objects, ideas, & people

4 Prototype Mental image that incorporates the features we associate with a category Ex: Bird

5 3 Methods to solve a problem
Problem Solving 3 Methods to solve a problem

6 Algorithms A step by step process that guarantees a solution
Usually by using a formula. They work but are sometimes impractical.

7 Heuristics A simple thinking strategy that often allows us to make judgments & solve problems efficiently Usually faster than algorithms But more prone to errors

8 S P L O Y O C H Y G Thinking Unscramble Algorithm Heuristic
all 907,208 combinations Heuristic throw out all YY combinations other heuristics?

9 Insight Sudden, & often, novel realization of a solution to a problem
Sudden flashes of information The information just comes to us Gives us a sense of satisfaction

10 Representativeness Heuristic
Who went to Harvard? Judging a situation based on how similar the aspects are to the prototypes the person holds in their mind. This may lead to ignoring other relevant information Like thinking everyone from Stanton is preppy, or someone with glasses is nerdy, or a blonde is not smart. If I tell you that Sonia Dara is a Sports Illustrated swimsuit model, you would make certain quick judgments (heuristics) about her…like about her interests or intelligence. She is an economics major at Harvard University.

11 Availability Heuristic
Which place would you be more scared of getting mugged or even murdered? Judging a situation based on their availability in memory Vivid examples in the news often cause an availability heuristic. The Bronx, NY The crime rate of Gary, Indiana is MUCH higher than the Bronx. But when you think of crime, which town comes to mind? Gary, Indiana I realize the Bronx picture is misleading.

12 Hurdles to problem solving

13 Confirmation Bias We look for evidence to confirm our beliefs (preconceptions) and ignore evidence that contradicts them. For example, if one believes that all Italians are in shape and go tanning, then they turn on MTV or watch shore such as The Jersey Shore which fit this belief Look…I knew it was true!!! But is it really?

14 Fixation Inability to see a problem from a new /fresh perspective
Impediment to problem solving Ex. Being fixated on a certain solution because it worked before

15 Mental Set tendency to approach a problem in a particular way
especially a way that has been successful in the past but may or may not be helpful in solving a new problem

16 Functional Fixedness The inability to see a new use for an object.

17 Framing 90% of the population will be saved with this medication…..or 10% of the population will die despite this medication. You should drink 8 glasses of water daily….or You should drink 64 ounces of water daily . Less filling vs. Great taste Less fat vs. Rich flavor The way a problem is presented can drastically effect the way we view it.

18 Overconfidence… Tendency to be more confident than correct
Belief Perseverance -maintaining a belief even after it has been proven wrong. Belief Bias- Tendency for one’s pre-existing beliefs to distort logical reasoning People will tend to accept any and all conclusions that fit in with their systems of belief, without challenge or any deep consideration of what they are actually agreeing with.

19 Artificial Intelligence
Designing & programming computer systems to do intelligent things Learning Intuitive reasoning Understanding language Includes practical applications Industrial robots

20 Computer neural networks
Computer circuits that mimic the brain’s interconnected neural cells Teamwork Emotions Performing tasks such as learning to recognize visual patterns and smells.

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