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Faculty Senate Meeting

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1 Faculty Senate Meeting
October 18, 2018

2 Agenda Call to Order and Roll Call S. Sedigh Sarvestani for S. Raper, Secretary

3 Agenda Approval of Minutes A. September 13, 2018.

4 Agenda III. Campus Reports A. Staff Council J. Cook

5 Staff Council Campus Listening Session – October 16
Staff Fall Appreciation Day – October 31 Staff Council Open Forum – November 7 Grace Donation Drive - November

6 Agenda III. Campus Reports B. Student Council, M. Moore -NO REPORT

7 Agenda III. Campus Reports C. Council of Graduate Students
A. Melnyczuk

8 Agenda IV. President’s Report M. Bruening

9 President’s Report Dr. Michael Bruening, Faculty Senate President

10 Resolution Whereas Professor Sahra Sedigh Sarvestani has served the Faculty Senate of the Missouri University of Science and Technology as Parliamentarian ( ) and President-Elect ( ); and Whereas Professor Sedigh Sarvestani has served as the first ever female Faculty Senate President of the Missouri University of Science and Technology ( ); and Whereas, as an Officer of the Faculty Senate, Professor Sedigh Sarvestani has demonstrated passionate, dedicated, and thoughtful hard work in defense of faculty rights and interests; and Whereas, Professor Sedigh Sarvestani’s leadership skills helped to guide the university through a time of transition involving a new Interim Chancellor and a new University of Missouri System President, Therefore, Be it resolved that the Faculty Senate of the Missouri University of Science and Technology does hereby sincerely thank Professor Sedigh Sarvestani for every job well done and wish her continued success in her future endeavors. Adopted this 18th day of October, 2018, at the meeting of the Faculty Senate of Missouri University of Science and Technology.

11 Recent Events Plus/Minus Grading, Student Petitions
No current motion; referral is with AF&S and will not be discussed today Graduate Student Tuition Waivers/Policy II-26 II-26 has been temporarily suspended until the end of the calendar year Committee to look at II-26 and Graduate Student Tuition Waivers 1 graduate student: Adriane Melnyczuk (CGS president) 3 from administration: Rainer Glaser (Chemistry chair), Kamal Khayat (CArE, center director), Angela Lueking (CEC Associate Dean) 3 from faculty senate (to be voted on during New Business), proposed slate: Mariesa Crow (ECE, former VPR), Richard Dawes (Chemistry), Greg Hilmas (MSE chair)

12 Intercampus Faculty Council (IFC)
Last IFC meeting, October 9 MyVita problems: feedback to me Mid-Career Faculty Task Force Looking mostly at problems related to associate professors Our campus representatives: Larry Gragg and 1 TBD (volunteers?) HR Update TRAC recommendation: for NEW employees, move to entirely defined contribution program with 8% university match

13 IFC Update Discussion with President Choi
Grants and graduate student tuition waivers: leaving it to 4 universities System-wide online classes: need to avoid duplication Centralization issues: IT already reporting to System, HR/Finance likely to begin; otherwise, “I’d like to leave the campuses alone” if things are working well

14 Faculty Senate Referrals Update
Bylaws Revision (ad hoc) Tom Schuman (chair) in process of breaking down existing bylaws Policy on Department Creation and Realignment (ad hoc) Initial draft of procedure being revised NTT Promotion (Personnel committee) Status to be presented during committee report today

15 Chancellor Search Update
Search Website: Faculty open forum was Thursday, Oct. 4 Search committee met Tuesday, Oct. 16 Putting final touches on position announcement and position profile Nominate candidates at the website

16 Agenda V. Reports of Standing Committees A. Curricula Committee T. Schuman

17 Total Committee Activity
CCC Meetings 3 October 31 October (upcoming) Total Committee Activity 4 Degree change request (DC forms) 19 Course change requests (CC forms) 6 Experimental course requests (EC forms)

18 Degree Changes (DC) Requested
File: BUS&MS-BS: Business and Mgmt Systems BS File: CH ENG-BS: Chemical Engineering BS File: CP ENG-BS: Computer Engineering BS File: PSY LEA-MI: Psychol of Leadership – Minor

19 Course Changes (CC) Requested
File: CER ENG 3240: Applied Glass Forming File: CHEM ENG 5241: Intermediate Process Safety in the Chemical and Biochemical Industries File: 4557 ELEC ENG 6370: Adaptive Control File: ENG MGT 6101: Advanced Research Methodology in Engineering Management File: ENG MGT 6412: Mathematical Programming File: ERP 5410: Use of Business Intelligence File: 4563 EXP ENG 6767: Special Explosive Applications File: IS&T 3131: Computing Internals and Operating Systems File: IS&T 3333: Data Networks and Information Security File: IS&T 3420: Introduction to Data Science and Management

20 Course Changes (CC) Requested
File: IS&T 3423: Database Management File: IS&T 3553: Modular Software Systems in Java File: IS&T 5520: Data Science and Machine Learning with Python File: IS&T 5535: Machine Learning Algorithms and Applications File: IS&T 5652: Advanced Web Development File: 4553 MECH ENG 5543: Energy Efficiency of Vehicles File: 4560 PET ENG 6211: Advanced Directional Drilling and MWD File: 4561 PET ENG 6811: Advanced Petroleum Offshore Technology File: PHYSICS 6311: Statistical Mechanics

21 Curriculum committee moves for FS to approve the DC and CC form actions
Discussion: Questions or comments?

22 For Informational Purposes; No Senate Approval Required
Experimental Course (EC) Requests File: 4550 BIO SCI : Ecophysiology File: 4568 COMP SCI : Introduction to Cyber Security Offense File: 4559 HISTORY : Folk Technology and Material Culture File: 4564 MS&E Advanced Materials Communication File: 4556 NUC ENG : Nuclear Data Processing File: 4567 THEATRE : Story Structure: From Stage to Video Games

23 For Informational Purposes
Discussion of changes to Certificates approval process Certificates are currently approved by administration only Potentially have certificate curricula approved by Faculty Senate Senate preference for approval of certificates Senate approval by voice vote (like DC or CC forms) FYI in report (reviewed and approved by CCC, like EC forms)

24 Agenda V. Reports of Standing Committees B. Budgetary Affairs M. Fitch

25 Budgetary Affairs Committee
October 18, 2018 Referrals/issues status: Capital plan: classroom expansion = this report 24/7 Library costs = this report Voluntary Separation program = this report Renovation of CSF for Marketing and Communications PhD tuition waivers = ongoing Distribution of raises given to administrators, faculty, and staff = still awaiting data from F&O Continuing: Report on the “big picture balance sheet”, with tracking of changes in each item Current and next FY budget = this report

26 Classroom expansion Had been planned in Schenk expansion, more immediate need (leaves Schrenk expansion est. at $44.6 million) Build onto Computer Science Bldg 300-seat auditorium Four 100-seat classrooms $7.6M cost estimate Source of $ $2M from “inactive quasi-loan fund” $1M from maintenance and repair (= maintenance and repair on Comp Sci bldg.) $1M fundraising $1M from last year’s enrollment contingency fund $0.8M from Deans Remainder ($1.8M) from unrestricted reserves (= leftover funds in accounts)

27 24/7 Library $29,357 on card swipe access and cameras
~$50K annual operating (two CSOs, $9.50/hr or less) Card swipe outside normal hours 24/7 during regular semesters, not intersession nor holidays Centennial now locks at 8 pm

28 Usage: averages, Sep 11 – Oct 17

29 Very few people stayed after midnight

30 Voluntary Separation Program
Based on draft of program: Eligible = Tenured, vested, age ≥ 62 years on 1 August 2019 Incentive = 1.5 x benefits basis salary (not clear if summer included), maximum $200k Severance on 31 August 2019 (retired on 1 Sept 2019) Packets provided in February, enrollment by 25 March 2019 Retired are eligible to work up to 70% FTE Funding = open lines, 1.3 years salary, positions likely remain open two years to fund buyout and accumulate startup

31 Campus Support Facility
Less than $300k, source = administrative savings Gave Marketing and Communications one office, newish employees had been scattered Space empty, had been phonathon, furniture gone or insufficient Two-thirds of cost was furniture and equipment, movable Demolition of CSF not in next 5 years

32 Expenditures and revenues (millions of $)
Values unchanged from June report Revenue Costs Net State Tuition & Fees Other GRA Transfers to GRA [Cost dollars?] Two years ago (FY 17) 51.4 81.2 12.5 145.1 146.3 (5.8) 4.5 Last year (FY 18) 49.4 85.1 10.2 144.7 147.3 (2.8) 0.2 This year (FY 19) 86.5* 10.2? 146.1 141.0 (5.8)? 8.0? State: Oops, federal deduction not calculated correctly Cash flow issues possible *1% tuition rate + enrollment increase budgeted Tuition & Fees is net = scholarships from general operating funds deducted New costs: $400k OSP (VCR&G, compliance hire); CEC $212k faculty line; $20k E&E for CDiversityO; $50K for sesquicentennial celebration

33 Anticipated Changes for FY 20 (Cuts)
-1.2% = State, -3.5% = -1.5 M (not collection error) -0.36% = Tuition, -0.5 M -1.4% = 2% merit raise pool, -2 M -0.7% = 1% equity pool, -1 M -0.18% = P&T and PTR, M = Insurance, utilities, licenses, mandatory maintenance =?M Proposed initiatives -0.15% = Waive admission fee, -0.3 M -1.7% = “16 to finish” free course, -2.4 M estimated -5.7% = Net ~$8 M less

34 Agenda V. Reports of Standing Committees C. Administrative Review
I. Ferguson

35 Administrative Review
Loss of corporate memory year to year so set up google drive to better track this. This year’s review focuses on the major administrative roles in the university leadership structure. Positons considered and suggestion for review Chancellor – do not review Provost – review Vice Chancellor Finance & Administration – do not review Chief Diversity Officer – do not review Vice Provost and Dean of College of Arts, Sciences, and Business - review Vice Provost and Dean of the College of Engineering and Computing – review

36 Administrative Review
Not considered because new to the position, interim or recently reviewed Vice Chancellor Global & Strategic Partnerships Vice Chancellor HREI Vice Chancellor Student Affairs Vice Chancellor University Advancement Associate Provost for Administration Associate Provost for Faculty Affairs Assistant Vice Provost Institutional Research and Assessment Chief Information Officer Vice Provost and Dean Enrollment Management Vice Provost Academic Support Vice Provost Global Learning Vice Chancellor of Research and Graduate Studies

37 Administrative Review
Proposed timeline based on previous years and Faculty Senate approval:

38 Agenda V. Reports of Standing Committees D. Personnel Committee
D. Westenberg

39 Personnel Committee Report

40 NTT Promotion Policy Issues to be addressed The Deans are not included
The opportunities for appeal are not in line with the new guidelines for appeal in the tenure/promotion process Some people consider the composition of the campus committee too heavily weighted with tenured professors.

41 Addition to be consistent with CRRs
General Guidelines for all policies and procedures affecting recommendations for promotion of non-tenure-track (NTT) faculty shall fall within the principles, policies, and procedures set forth in University of Missouri Collected Rule and Regulation , Non-Tenure Track Faculty, and Missouri S&T Campus Policy Memorandum II-13, Non-Tenure Track Faculty as it exists on date. Any additional University of Missouri and/or campus-wide guidelines not covered in I.A., such as this procedures document, shall be made available to the faculty at the beginning of each academic year. The decision on a promotion application of a NTT academic appointment should not carry automatic rewards (apart from change in title) or penalties from the department.

42 Addition to clarify focal point for evaluation.
Evaluation of the candidate’s application for promotion should focus on the specific area of appointment – teaching or research – as well as service and professional activities related to that primary responsibility. The total contribution of the faculty member to the mission of the department over a sustained period of time should be taken into consideration.

43 Modification to address representation and role of department representatives
Campus Level There shall be a campus review committee consisting of faculty from the tenured and tenure-track campus promotion and/or tenure committee and elected NTT faculty representatives. The representatives from the tenured and tenure-track promotion and/or tenure committee that serve on the NTT campus promotion committee shall include the two chairs of the college tenure and promotion committees. Because CRR calls for representation of non-tenure track faculty members on this committee, the Provost will provide a list of eligible NTT faculty to serve on thecommittee. Representatives will be elected from this list by NTT faculty members on campus so that the NTT promotion committee is constituted of three representatives from research professors and three representatives from teaching professors. Each candidate will be represented by the chair (or chair designate) of the department promotion committee. These department representatives will not serve as voting members on the committee.

44 Addition to address insufficient NTT professors
Elected faculty members shall serve for a two-year period with terms of service staggered so that approximately one-half of the committee is replaced annually. Eligible NTT faculty members are defined as those of rank equal to or higher than those of the rank of the candidates under consideration for promotion with principal responsibility in the same area (e.g., teaching or research). If there are insufficient NTT faculty members to fully populate the committee, only those eligible NTT faculty members may serve and it is understood that the balance between tenured and NTT faculty will be affected. In the case of insufficient numbers of qualified representatives, Curators’ Distinguished Professors or Curators’ Distinguished Teaching Professors may be invited to serve.

45 Addition to include the role of Deans
The campus review committee shall submit its promotion recommendations to the Dean of the respective college. The Dean shall then review all data received, including the recommendation of the campus promotion committee. After reaching his/her recommendation, whether favorable or unfavorable, the Dean shall advise in writing each candidate of the recommendation of the campus promotion committee and of the action taken with respect to their candidacy. In the event of a negative recommendation by the campus promotion committee, by the Dean or both, the candidate shall have the option of preparing a rebuttal as described in Section III of this document. All recommendations by the Dean along with all documentation and attachments shall be forwarded to the Provost.

46 Agenda V. Reports of Standing Committees E. Public Occasions
S. Sedigh Sarvestani

47 Public Occasions Committee Report
Charge to committee: To investigate the possibility of adding a fall break before Thanksgiving. Findings: That adding a fall break would necessitate extending the end of the semester by a week. That is ill-advised, as it would leave inadequate time for administrative “rollover” between the two semesters and would reverse a change enacted in Spring 2013. Presented to Faculty Senate on October 18, 2018.

48 Governing Policy CRR 20.140 Academic Calendar:
The academic calendar will conform to the following timetable: The fall semester will begin the first Monday after August 18. The spring semester will begin on the Tuesday after Martin Luther King Day for UM-Columbia, UM-Kansas City,  UM-St. Louis and Missouri University of Science and Technology. There will be no classes during the week of Thanksgiving. Spring break will be the week containing the last Wednesday in March. (continued on the next slide)

49 Governing Policy CRR 20.140 Academic Calendar:
(continued from previous slide) The last day of class, study day schedules, and final exam schedules will be set by each campus. Each campus should set the last day of class to allow for at least 43 Monday, Wednesday, and Friday classes for each class scheduled to meet on those days of the week, and 29 Tuesday and Thursday classes for classes scheduled to meet on those days. The campus will set the dates for commencement, the schedules for intersession, the various schedules for the summer semester, the dates for any off-schedule course meetings, and the schedules for professional schools. Any variations to the above academic calendar must be recommended by the faculty and Chancellor of the campus, recommended by the President, and approved by the Board of Curators.

50 Current Number of Class Sessions (Excluding Final Exams)
Semester M T W TH F S Total MWF Total TR Fall 2018 14 15 44 30 Spring 2019 43 29 Summer 2019 8 7 Semester M T W TH F S Total MWF Total TR Fall 2019 14 15 44 30 Spring 2020 43 29 Summer 2020 8 7 Requirement: Total MWF ≥ 43, Total TR ≥ 29

51 Conclusions If we add a fall break, remaining in compliance with CRR would necessitate postponing the end of the semester. This would shorten the interval between the fall and spring semesters and would reverse a recent change. As of Spring 2013, the spring semester has begun on the day after Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. day. This is one week later than it was up to 2012. The change was made in part to allow more time for administrative tasks that need to take place during winter break, e.g., Registar records, major maintenance.

52 Entities Consulted Office of the Registrar
Rules, Procedure, and Agenda (RP&A) committee Student Affairs committee Student Council Graduate Student Council

53 Input from the Registrar
Reminder about CRR Historical information: Up to AY , Thanksgiving break began on Wednesday. The requirement for a full week of Thanksgiving break took effect in AY As a result: Student Council Free Day (October 6, 2006) was eliminated. Thanksgiving break was extended to one week. Reminder that we had to give up a one-day break to have a full week off for Thanksgiving and remain in compliance with CRR

54 Input from RP&A and Student Affairs
Both committees effectively deferred to the Office of the Registrar, by citing the same concerns about compliance with CRR. One dissenting opinion was that we could cut one MWF and one TR class from the fall semester while maintaining the number of class sessions required.

55 Input from Student Council
Student Council is in favor of adding a fall break, but not in exchange for a three-day Thanksgiving break. If a second fall break is to be added, it should coincide with the Career Fair (Tuesday and Wednesday).

56 Input from Graduate Student Council
Graduate students who responded to the poll were in favor of adding a break, but would oppose this addition if it required taking time away from any other break. This information was provided with a caveat about the low response rate, indicating that the poll response may not reflect the opinions of the entire graduate student body.

57 Agenda VI. Administrative Reports A. Chancellor’s Report















72 Agenda VI. Administrative Reports B. Provost’s Report R. Marley

73 Faculty Senate Dr. Robert J. Marley October 18, 2018
Provost and Executive Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs

74 UPDATES 2018 HLC Site Visit last week
Special recognition and thanks to the Accreditation Committee: Mark Fitch, ALO Caprice Moore Jeff Cawlfield Rachel Morris Kate Drowne John Myers Venkat Allada Nancy Stone Bruce McMillan

75 LEADERSHIP UPDATES National searches initiated: Dean of the Library
Vice Provost for Enrollment Management

76 LEADERSHIP UPDATES Searches pending: Vice Provost for Global Learning
Assistant Chair of Center for Advancing Faculty Excellence (CAFE) Internal

$52,000 towards inflationary increase in Library journal subscriptions Mitigating larger reductions in subscriptions Chancellor’s Memorandum II-26 Temporary suspension through December Review committee to recommend possible updates to Policy Committee Ultimately to Chancellor

Faculty Salary Incentive Policy Previously “on-hold” (per President) but extended this year New revisions to be reviewed and approval sought System-wide Distance and On-line Steering Committee Replacing single official initially identified Marley and Erickson to represent S&T MyVITA requirement for annual reviews

Significant strategic goals to elevate research and creative work, student success, and other goals New facilities Enhanced facilities Faculty start-up Extraordinary opportunity to access $260 Million in matching funds from System

80 LEVERAGING RESOURCES Various cash return policies to be examined:
Fixed-Price Contract Residuals F&A returns Distance education returns “carryover” of GRA $54.4 Million in various support accounts in FY18 $9.7 Million encumbered for faculty start-up

81 LEVERAGING RESOURCES Workload assignments Curricular requirements
Move to be in full compliance with CRR and campus policy Curricular requirements Research Office: Center funding support F&A, Fixed Price contract distributions (mentioned above)

Some drafts circulating Others drafts to be released to cognizant committees in near future Goal to update and implement by FY20


84 Agenda VII. New Business

85 Graduate Tuition/Policy II-26 Committee Election
Proposed slate: Mariesa Crow (ECE) Richard Dawes (Chemistry) Greg Hilmas (MSE)

86 Agenda VIII. Adjourn 86

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