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IT Support for TTR Pilots

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1 IT Support for TTR Pilots
PCS-TTR Day 2018, Vienna

2 Tell us the #reasons why we should create TTR?
Check out the #scope tweeted by project members! T.T. Planner @planner Timetable process is outdated Robert Parish @RP Market orientation and different deadlines for path requests Timetable Redesign @TTR Ann Customer @customer Missing the market orientation Claire Annex @annex7 Improvement of reliability planning and execution of possessions Public @sector Lack of harmonization and cooperation Europe Luc Egalisson @legal Commitment to the TT process by everyone George Atlas @GA Increasing national constraints Hristian Ram @HR Avoid double planning/work Ron Uscer @RU Problem of coordination of works Joined April 2016 Optimus Prime @optimal Best use of existing capacity

3 Where are the pilots?


5 From 2019

6 From 2019 From 2020

7 Electric Capacity Model Tool (ECMT)

8 Add your infrastructure data
Define your own colours Filter by time, days or validity period Select the type of line as you like

9 Line (from/to OP, arr/dep): catalogue paths, paths, trains
Toolkit Line (from/to OP, arr/dep): catalogue paths, paths, trains Rectangular (from OP/from time, to OP/to time): TCRs Freeform (from/to OP, from/to time): capacity published, capacity constructed time space

10 Capacity Model of Rotterdam - Antwerp

11 ECMT timeline Offline version is available
Access Database for storing the data Excel for showing the results Online version Specification is ongoing Mock-up to be expected for Q1 2019 Longterm plan Specification and tendering will be done according to TTR IT Landscape

12 Rolling Planning and multi-annual aspect

13 Rolling Planning Phases
The usual PCS phases. Process is available anytime for any TTP for RUs from September 2019 Preparation of the request by the RUs, possible for 36 months Open and Harmonization As usual IMs will send first a Draft Offer and after the post-processing based on RUs’ remark, a Final Offer Offers (Draft and Final) 01 04 Between 4 and 1 months before the train the request should be submitted. Request (Path or Capacity) After the Draft Offer, same as today, RUs have the chance to analyse the offer and consult that with the IMs Observations/Consultations 02 05 Depending the timetable period, IMs shall prepare an offer. The difference is only the accuracy of the offer Elaboration (Path or Capacity) After Final Offer RUs have the chance still to decide if they take the offer, then the path/capacity will be allocated Acceptance and Allocation 03 06

14 TTP0 Start TTP1 TTP2 End Request for 36 months TTP1: Path allocation
TTP2: Capacity allocation TTP3: Capacity allocation Start M-4 – M-1 5 days days 5 days Request Draft Offer Final Offer Acceptance TTP1 TTP2: Path allocation TTP3: Capacity allocation X-1.5 X-2 X-4 X-5 Allocation Final Offer Draft Offer Early confirmation TTP2 End X-5 X-4 X-2 X-1.5 Early confirmation Draft Offer Final Offer Allocation TTP3: Path allocation

15 Dep. Dep. Dep. Dep. Capacity products 3 Published buffer with the indication of earliest/latest times Arr. Dep. Arr.

16 Dep. Capacity products 3 Published buffer with the indication of earliest/latest times Arr. Dep. Dep. = Dep. = Dep. Arr. # flexibility slot slot # first-come-first-served slot # corridor business Slots are connected with Capacity ID # publication procedure

17 Thank you for your attention!
Got a question? You can find me. Máté Bak @matebak

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