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The Raw Materials of Biotechnology The Molecules of Cells

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1 The Raw Materials of Biotechnology The Molecules of Cells
Biomolecules The Raw Materials of Biotechnology The Molecules of Cells

2 CARBON --The main event
Forms a bond with 4 other atoms in which electrons are shared forming a covalent compound C

3 CARBON -4 Bonds to other atoms

4 1. Carbohydrates

5 Biomolecule Role in Cell Monomer Distinguishing Features Carbohydrate Energy/Support Monosaccharide (1 sugar) Composed of C,H, and O 1(C) : 2(H) :1(O)

6 Carbohydrates What do they have in common?

7 Carbohydrates-Functional Groups
-OH Several OH (alcohol) groups This group LOVES water Makes sugars solids and water soluble C=O C with a double bond to an oxygen Aldehyde or ketone

8 Comparing Two Different Sugars
aldehyde aldehyde alcohol Open Chain Cyclic

9 Polysaccharides Starch...bonds between glucose can be digested
Amylose=plant Glycogen =animal Cellulose…bonds between glucose cannot be digested by mammals

10 To Test for Carbohydrate
Benedict's …Chemical test for reducing sugars To test for the presence of monosaccharides and reducing disaccharide sugars in food, the food sample is dissolved in water, and a small amount of Benedict's reagent is added. During heating in a water bath, which is usually 4-10 minutes, the solution should progress in the colors of blue (with no glucose present), green, yellow, orange, red, and then brick red or brown (with high glucose present). Lugol’s …Chemical test for starch An indicator test for the presence of starches Reacts by turning a dark-blue/black. Stain starches due to iodine's interaction with the coil structure of the polysaccharide

11 2. Proteins

12 Bio molecule Role in Cell Monomer Distinguishing Features Test Protein Regulation/ support Amino Acid Remember COHNS -Carbon -Oxygen -Hydrogen -Nitrogen -Sulfur Biuret Reagent OR Ninhydrin

13 Proteins Proteins (also known as polypeptides) are organic compounds made of amino acids. Polypeptide because of the many peptide bonds that hold proteins together Proteins participate in virtually every process within cells. Functional Groups Carboxyl amino/amine thiol

14 Protein Function………..!! WOW!!
Structural…. Bones,skin, nails, hooves, hair Enzymatic… Digest sugar, makes DNA, makes fatty acids Transport… Carries oxygen and fats in blood, Ca2+/Cl- Contractile.. Muscles for movement, move chromosomes Hormone…. regulate blood sugar, increase heart rate Immunity... Antibodies fight foreign substance Pigment….. Pigment in skin, eyes Recognition. On cell surfaces—Other molecules (receptors) Toxins…… Stops nerve transmission, effects movement of ions, enzymes that destroy red blood cells

15 Protein Structure:Polypeptide
Polymer of many amino acids Amino Acid H O H N C C OH H R Central Carbon R group

16 3. Lipids

17 Bio molecule Role in Cell Monomer Distinguishing Features Test Lipids Energy Support Signaling Fatty acid Mostly C-H Insoluble in water Grease spot test Remember CHO -Carbon -Hydrogen -Oxygen

18 Functional Groups Phosphate Carboxyl Ester

19 Remember …mostly carbon and hydrogen!
Three general groups Triglycerides Phospholipids Steroids Remember …mostly carbon and hydrogen!

20 Triglycerides Animal fat and plant oils Energy storage molecules
Composed of glycerol and fatty acids Carboxyl Ester

21 Phospholipids Found primarily in cell membranes
Similar to triglycerides except…these have a phosphate group Makes the molecule capable of interactions with water phosphate Phosphate = polar head

22 4. Nucleic Acid

23 Bio molecule Role in Cell Monomer Distinguishing Features Test Nucleic Acids Hereditary and protein information Energy, Signaling Nucleotide Sugar Phosphate Cyclic N-Base

24 Nucleic Acids A nucleic acid is a polymer composed of chains of nucleotides. The most common nucleic acids are deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) and ribonucleic acid (RNA). Nucleic acids are universal in living things, as they are found in all cells and viruses Named for their role in the cell nucleus

25 Functional Groups Phosphate Amino Aldehyde Ketone Alcohol

26 Nucleic Acid - Structure

27 Nucleotides: Each nucleotide consists of three components:
Phosphate Each nucleotide consists of three components: A carbon to carbon ringed structure with nitrogen Called a nitrogenous base Either a purine or a pyrimidine A 5-carbon sugar and A phosphate group.

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